Thursday, October 31, 2019
Managing People Global Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing People Global Context - Essay Example Two major objective of HRM should be ensuring availability of the competent and developing a willing workforce of the organization (Mondal and Shastri, 2009, p.245). With the rise in competition talent acquisition and retention has become an integral part of the corporate strategy. Organizations now identify human resource as the most valuable asset. This study looks to analyze the Human resource strategy of an organization with respect to some focal points such as workforce, work environment, organizational culture, innovation, and consistency in HR strategy, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Keeping the focal points in mind and after conducting in depth research H & M has been chosen. H & M has been very highly appreciated due its unique and innovative human resource policy. It has also been tagged as a fun place to work and is respected as one of the leading employer brand. This study will focus on the overall HR strategy of H & M with respect to the key focal points mentioned before. H & M is famous for their innovation. Initially they were a single women’s wear store in 1947. Since then they have become a global company providing fashion products for all the family members, and their home, under the variety names of H&M, Monki, COS, Weekday, Cheap Monday, as well as Other Stories and H&M Home. Therefore the employees require having ability to be flexible and adapt to changes probably a lot faster than any other tech. firm. This is where H & M is believed to be different from other firms. H & M doesn’t try to provide any formal learning plan to the employees. Rather they expect the employees to be self- sufficient. Many would be surprised to know that the retail sales force of H & M doesn’t get any formal training on selling. This is certainly unconventional to say the least. For H & M it’s simple. They feel that providing stagnant training can reduce self sufficiency and innovation. On the other hand self owned training and developme nt program
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Marketing Communication Strategy of Standard Chartered Bank Essay
Marketing Communication Strategy of Standard Chartered Bank - Essay Example The revenue of the bank is generated more than 90% from the Middle East, Africa and Asia whereas the bank is United Kingdome based. (About, Standard Chartered Bank) The primary nomination of the Standard Chartered Bank was listed in London Stock Exchange and appears in the FTSE 100 Indexes. Till the 23rd December, 2011, the market capitalization of the Standard Chartered Bank was ?33Â billion. This capitalization was entitled to the 13th Largest Primary Listing among all the listed companies in London Stock Exchange. (FTSE All-Share Index Ranking, 2012) The secondary listing of the Standard Chartered Bank was processed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange and then National Stock Exchange (India). The major stock holder of the firm was owned by the Government of Singapore, owned Temasek Holdings. Background The Standard Chartered Bank named after the merger of two original separate banks which was working before this merger with the name of The Standard Bank, based on British South Africa an d used to be located at The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China as well. The Bank titled Standard Chartered Bank was founded in 1969 after merger of two independent banks. (History, Standard Chartered Bank) History of Standard Bank: The Standard Bank was established in Province of South Africa, Cape in 1862. It was the British bank founded by the Scotsman, John Peterson. The Standard Bank was the identical in financing on development of the Diamond Fields at Kimberley on 1867. The network from north to new town at Johannesburg was extended after the discovery of gold in 1885. (History, Standard Chartered Bank) History of Chartered Bank: The Chartered Bank was founded in 1853 by the Scotsman James Wilson by following the grant of Royal Charter through Queen Victoria. This charter was initiated the very first branch from Mumbai, Shanghai and Kolkata in 1858, subsequently, from the Hong Kong and Singapore after one year. The Chartered Bank start issuing the currency notes of H ong Kong Dollars in 1862 with launching of Suez Canal in 1869 and extended the operations towards China. (History, Standard Chartered Bank) Results of Strategies in shape of Awards Achievement The Standard Chartered Bank achieves many awards every year, which is the market recognition in every region of available market. Winning of the awards is the recognition of ideal and streamlined strategies accomplishment. The designing of the strategies was based on the prior research and development of the each region where the branches of the Standard Chartered exists. In the course of research, the management knows the market trend, requirement of the consumers as well as of the corporate and institutional sector. Furthermore, it relies on the market segmentation and providing the easily availability of the innovative financial products which covered the wide range of customers. The employees of the Standard Chartered Bank are well qualified and experts in industry and well diversified emp loyees. The proper training and development provides to each employee after detailed observation and analysis. There is most influential and diversified environment for workers who face the new challenges every day with new dynamic. The strategy planned by the management of the Standard Chartered Bank for the each origin of the focused market separately by considering the culture, religion, language and norms of the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of environment
Importance of environment The difference between animals and humans is that animals change themselves for the environment, but humans change the environment for themselves. Without neighborhood we are incomplete. All things Life have there surrounding locality (Environments) in the universe. Environment mean neighborhood surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development. Here we discus the environment, commonly known as the natural environment, which always in human interaction between culture and nature in the natural world. I try to highlight the importance of environment, there issues, its effects on our life and nature, with experts suggestions for prevention and protections. Its totally deepen on our understanding of how humans has been affected on natural environment in the past and what results. To learn the relationships between humans and the surrounding world, we must try to understand how the interaction between these two works. In the broadest sense knowledge of environments may be defined as social practices, technological and physical arrangements future to facilitate work in partnership, decision making, inference or discovery, depending on the premises and goals. Various historians had touched on environmental themes throughout history, but it was not recognized as a specific field. The modern environmental history becomes known in the late 1960s and early 1970s in union with the rise of environmentalism as a social movement. Climate is often measured a part of environmental history, and surely shares many areas of study. The period 1962 to 1970 observed slow grinding down in the popularity of the word conservation, as man by himself replaced trees and wildlife as the threatened class. Overpopulation and industrialization trapped mankind in weakening environment. The damage was threatening to the very survival of man. Environmentalism gained strength as a movement dedicated to ending- and if possible-reversing this decline in the human environment. Todays current major environmental issues are climate change, pollution and resource reductions. The protection movement lobbies efforts to protect all sort of danger cause to any ecologically valuable natural areas. In this way environmental science technologies helped humanity to study the interactions among the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment. Environmental Issues in Pakistan. High growing population rate, ignorance, Industrialization, agriculture declining, problems are increasing and covered large size and all aspects of our life, which needs authoritative experts attention to be solved. There are problems like Air Pollution, Drinking water pollution, Global warming, Hazardous Waste, Ozone Depletion and many others, which makes the list endless. As globalization covers its way across the world these problems no longer remain local problems but become international issues. There are many causes of these problems, some of which are created by man and can also be controlled by man. So here we would closed our discuss some of these environmental problems in Pakistan. Uncontrolled high population growths and poor natural resource management over many has a negative impact on Pakistans environment. Agriculture and other sectors will dry up as natural resources exhaust themselves, caused by ongoing deforestation. Like other developing countries Pakistan facing fast growing, wide ranging complex environmental problems include natural hazards and disasters, power and electricity crisis, urban and industrial growth, factory and vehicle emissions have degraded air quality, polluted water supplies, waste disposal and costal marine pollution are some of the few prominent environmental challenges faced by Pakistan. Life is drawing more and more towards misery as the citizens remain deprived of the fundamentals of life. Pertaining to environmental problems we have a large list of never-ending issues, which are effecting the development and economy of the country. Lack of planning, non serious attitude failure of economic policies, continually brought Pakistan to environmental collapse. All over the world countries are facing one or the other problem related to environment, but Pakistan has become a hub all these unfortunately. The struggle to save the global environment is in one way much more difficult than the struggle to vanquish Hitler, for this time the war is with ourselves. We are the enemy, just as we have only ourselves as allies. Efforts in Pakistan Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency is an attached department of the Ministry of Environment and responsible to implement the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 in the country. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency also provides all kind of technical assistance to the Ministry of Environment for formulation of environment policy and programmed. Building on the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1983, the NCSR stipulated three goals for the countrys Pakistan set three goals for the countrys environmental protection efforts: Conservation of natural resources Promotion of sustainable development Improve manage of resources efficiency. In addition, in 1993 Pakistan applied National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) (Revised in 1999) to municipal and liquid industrial effluents and industrial gaseous emissions, motor vehicle exhaust, and noise. But when new revised environmental regulations were implemented in 1999, only 3% of industries were able to pass the test for compliance. A lack of funding is evident in Pakistans environmental protection efforts. The World Banks pilot programs are designed according to the objectives and strategies of Pakistans National Conservation Strategy. However, Pakistans previous environmental record is poor, and the country has not been able to back up its commitment to environmental protection with action. It is clear that Pakistan will need to place greater emphasis on environmental protection in order to stem the countrys environmental degradation and safeguard citizens health. The objective of the event was to develop forest resources through international competition. This activity will achieve the national objective of increasing forest and will also raise awareness among masses besides creating a soft image of the country in the world. World Record of Maximum Plantation in a Single Day In view of global significance of mangrove forests, particularly in the context of the Tsunami of 2005, the GWR event was held in the Mangrove areas on the coastal islands of Sindh, which are presently devoid of vegetation. The specific site of the event was at Katti Bander in Thatta district, some 150 KM in the South East of Karachi. This is in accordance with present Governments resolve to rehabilitate Mangrove forests of Sindh by all means, in partnership with Sindh Forest Department, international and national NGOs and private sector. During this event the Pakistan broke the earlier record of planting 447,874 trees by India in June, 2009. Its a great victory but its dependent on continues regular care of that trees in the future till they becomes on self grown. In an underdeveloped country, dont drink the water; in a developed country, dont breathe the air. I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend? A margin of life is developed by Nature for all living things including man. All life forms obey Natures demands except man, who has found ways of ignoring them.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The House on Mango Street Cisneross Style :: House Mango Street
The House on Mango Street Cisneros's Style Sandra Cisneros's writing style in the novel The House on Mango Street transcends two genres, poetry and the short story. The novel is written in a series of poetic vignettes that make it easy to read. These distinguishing attributes are combined to create the backbone of Cisneros's unique style and structure. The novel has confused many critics and readers because it reads like poetry, yet in actuality it is a narrative. Cisneros admits that many of the vignettes are "lazy poems." This means that they could be poems if she had taken the time to finish them (Olivares 145). At many times throughout the novel the words rhyme and can almost be put to a catchy tune. For example, the chapter "Geraldo No Last Name" reads like a poem with end rhyme and a structured pattern. "Pretty too, and young. Said he worked in a restaurant, but she can't remember which one" (Cisneros 65). At the other end of the spectrum, the novel is a series of vignettes. "I would affirm that, although some of the narratives of Mango Street are 'short stories,' most are vignettes, that is, literary sketches, like small illustrations nonetheless..." says critic Julian Olivares (145). Cisneros has stated that she wants a reader to be able to pick up the novel and understand its meaning from any point within; therefore, the novel is told in a series of vignettes, each of which makes it own point. The vignettes are combined to create a larger story (Olivares 145). "Chanclas" is an example of Cisneros's sound prose vignettes. "Meanwhile that boy who is my cousin... asks me to dance and I can't" (Cisneros 47).This chapter is a literary sketch which illustrates Esperanza's insecurity about being poor. Mango Street isn't necessarily structured in chronological order. There are no drastic nor specific changes in time. The reader understands that the character is growing up, but the existing structure can be rearranged without compromising the reader's understanding. The chapters "Hips" ("They(hips) bloom like roses, I continue because it's obvious I'm the only one who can speak with any authority...") and "The First Job" ("So the next morning I put on the navy blue dress that made me look older.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Filipino Traits
FILIPINOS ARE: 1. clean. 2. jolly. 3. musically-inclined. Filipinos, although regarded by Claire Danes as dirty people, are hygienic. This may be because of the tropical weather we have. We tend to sweat a lot so we bathe as much as we want. Unlike others, especially the French, we do not just shower or drench our bodies in water; we use soap and even pumice stones to thoroughly cleanse our bodies. We also have the unwavering joie-de-vivre in us.Despite the economical and political issues we face, we still have a candle of hope that never ceases to radiate. We laugh and even crack the most ridiculous jokes even amidst excruciating pain.. We have lots of feast days that would give us a long-term break from problems. We have a happy disposition in life. We are musically-inclined. In every town, there are groups of musicians and bands that showcase exceptional talent in music. Filipinos are starting to dominate the international music scene.There are Allan Pineda, member of the Grammy A ward-winning group Black Eyed Peas (Grammy Award-winning group); Nicole Scherzinger, leader of The Pussycat Dolls; Allan Pineda, vocalist of the Journey; and Charice Pempengco, given the title Icon of Tomorrow by an international teen magazine, to name a few. Also, The University of Santo Tomas Singers Choir of the World- Luciano Pavarotti Grand Prize at the 2010 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, in Wales, UK  the oldest and most prestigious choir competition in the world.OPINION: Due to racial discrimination, most of us conceal our Filipino side. Foreigners mock our country, saying that this is a country of domestic helpers. Moreover, our country is know to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. We should not be affected by this because there are so many things to be proud of in being a Filipino, and it is our musical inclination usually highlighted, thanks to our artists. Let us just enhance the good points and eliminate the bad ones. I see that we a re starting to ake a good image of our country. Kaya Pilipinas, umasenso ka! ?Ref: http://books. google. com. ph/books? id=uxEYobbU-D8C&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=filipino+musically-inclined&source=bl&ots=-FXeXu7OpE&sig=qJCIQUR6mk-CkmtBO2jlOEiWBmo&hl=tl&ei=7GnTTNLnB8a3cIeLtd4E&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=filipino%20musically-inclined&f=false http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20071127035508AAEh5ZF http://ph. mg60. mail. yahoo. com/dc/launch?. gx=1&. rand=7thn8lb1eoail Filipino Traits FILIPINOS ARE: 1. clean. 2. jolly. 3. musically-inclined. Filipinos, although regarded by Claire Danes as dirty people, are hygienic. This may be because of the tropical weather we have. We tend to sweat a lot so we bathe as much as we want. Unlike others, especially the French, we do not just shower or drench our bodies in water; we use soap and even pumice stones to thoroughly cleanse our bodies. We also have the unwavering joie-de-vivre in us.Despite the economical and political issues we face, we still have a candle of hope that never ceases to radiate. We laugh and even crack the most ridiculous jokes even amidst excruciating pain.. We have lots of feast days that would give us a long-term break from problems. We have a happy disposition in life. We are musically-inclined. In every town, there are groups of musicians and bands that showcase exceptional talent in music. Filipinos are starting to dominate the international music scene.There are Allan Pineda, member of the Grammy A ward-winning group Black Eyed Peas (Grammy Award-winning group); Nicole Scherzinger, leader of The Pussycat Dolls; Allan Pineda, vocalist of the Journey; and Charice Pempengco, given the title Icon of Tomorrow by an international teen magazine, to name a few. Also, The University of Santo Tomas Singers Choir of the World- Luciano Pavarotti Grand Prize at the 2010 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, in Wales, UK  the oldest and most prestigious choir competition in the world.OPINION: Due to racial discrimination, most of us conceal our Filipino side. Foreigners mock our country, saying that this is a country of domestic helpers. Moreover, our country is know to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. We should not be affected by this because there are so many things to be proud of in being a Filipino, and it is our musical inclination usually highlighted, thanks to our artists. Let us just enhance the good points and eliminate the bad ones. I see that we a re starting to ake a good image of our country. Kaya Pilipinas, umasenso ka! ?Ref: http://books. google. com. ph/books? id=uxEYobbU-D8C&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=filipino+musically-inclined&source=bl&ots=-FXeXu7OpE&sig=qJCIQUR6mk-kmtBO2jlOEiWBmo&hl=tl&ei=7GnTTNLnB8a3cIeLtd4E&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=filipino%20musically-inclined&f=falsehttp://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20071127035508AAEh5ZF
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
HR information system Essay
Human resource Management is a fundamental part of an organization. The use of technology for the advancement of human resource management has risen extensively from the last decade. In today’s organizations technology greatly influences the managerial processes and techniques in the human resources department. Information Technology has proven itself useful in every area of human life. It is become essential for organizations around the world to use advanced technology in departments of development, maintenance recruitment and various others. The large range of applications provided by IT have become indispensable for any operation and have proven themselves a quality improving and time saving necessity for the organizations desiring development and success. In the human resources management, technology is not only responsible for bringing positive changes but it has also brought a number of issues and challenges for organizations. The most major challenge that a company faces in the process of adopting and implementing these technologies is the restructuring of the HR modules. It is important for the effective functioning of the technologies to be aligned with the HR functions. The creation of a correct management atmosphere is important for the existence of successful and authentic organizations. The research encompasses the challenges and issues that come in the path of organizations while implying IT techniques on HR functions. Research Question How does the implementation of IT effect the human resource management and what advantages or disadvantages an organization faces when applying programs such as SAP? Aim The aim of this research is to determine the use of information systems in order to integrate Information Technology in Human Resource functions and also to outline the role of software programs namely SAP in human resource management and how it is effective in accomplishing this merger between technology and various Human Resource areas. Objectives to Achieve the Aim 1. To outline the importance of introducing Information Technology in Human Resources. 2. To discuss how Information Technology affects the progress of human resource management. 3. To describe the role that SAP plays in implementing technology in human Resources. 4. To explain the processes by which SAP software influences the Human Resource functions of an organization. 5. To determine what are the aspects which ensure the success of the implementation of Information Technology techniques in Human Resource Management. 6. To review the benefits and drawbacks that comes with the introduction of information systems in human resources. 7. To determine the functions of Information Technology within an organization. 8. To identify the nature of challenges and problems that can come in consequence of applying Information Technology techniques across Human resource functions. 9. To study how by the help of several techniques and methods Human Resources can evade these issues and challenges . 10. To summarize how effective is a merger between human resource and information technology to an organization’s development. Background of Research The research is based on the fact that how much advanced technology has become an important part of the business world in modern times. It is not possible for organizations to function properly in any department without the assistance of Information Technology and the tools it provides. Manual methods of management processes and transactions in firms are fast dying and being replaced by faster and surer methods of achieving various tasks that are required to be done. The old techniques cannot compete in today’s fast paced world and every institute should be ready to make the reforms and accept the changes that are brought upon their implementations. They need to hire employees who are efficient in technological operations or familiar with the advanced equipment and take assistance from IT related training courses like SAP to make their employees aware of the advancements made in the processes of managing every aspect in a company and making them proficient in bringing those methods in their practice to improve the company’s standards and boost its growth. Organizations which do not take advantage from this wave of technology and do not learn to balance on it are sure to be submerged in the growing rate of the use of technology. The Human Resource department has also not lagged behind in this technological advancement marathon. Most organizations have been using one form or other of Human Resource information system over the last decade. In a research conducted in 2002 it has been found that seventy percent of the organizations in Europe use Internet or Intranet to provide Human Resource services to employees. Surveys done in the United Kingdom alone in 2005 by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development revealed that seventy seven percent of companies use HRIS. In a similar research done by Cranfield School of Management in 2003 it found out an even higher number of companies, at eighty two percent, that use HRIS. A human resource information system is able to give various performances ranging from the simple storage of data and communication of information to the entangled process of transactions. With the advancement of technology the functions provided by HRIS have increased and enhanced. HRIS is designed and improved to be beneficial to the functions of Human Resources, line managers, and the entire organization on the whole. If an overall study is done without bias the use of Information Technology has more advantages than problems. It has brought speed, accuracy, efficiency and fewer chances of downfalls in company processes and most importantly has brought a decrease in HR costs. It has also made possible to make Human Resource information available to managers and employees, enabling them to perform uncomplicated human Resource tasks themselves. The implementation of HRIS in order to cut down the cost rates of a company to lessen the burden of transaction and administration on Human Resource functions can lead to a modification in the constitution of HR and allow the function to also play an strategic part in the company. There can be various reasons due to which a company introduces HRIS to influence its functions such as the need to bring improvement to company processes or reduce cost to bring developments in communication and the growth of customer services. Rationale of the research This research has been done to outline in detail to show how the advancement of technology has affected Human Resources. It has raised standards of recruitment, training, data storage and retrieval and performance management. Before the HR recruiting teams had to rely on the print material, namely newspapers, to post ads about jobs get applicants for positions that need to be filled. More methods like networking were also used but that prevented the human resource recruiters to post jobs on a number of locations and also there was no method to make the ads visible to millions of people. Technology has made the method of recruitment more effectual and makes a much greater impact on HR than the old techniques. Training methods have also improved due to technology. In the past years there was were no ways to come in contact of company information and training programs from far way locations. The training of HR workers in virtual classrooms enables trainers to train larger numbers of people than before. Data storage and retrieval has also had a positive effect by the technological advances. The virtual files are more easily accessible and flexible in matters of changing data according to the wish of the HR professionals. It has become easy to monitor the performance of employees and also to receive feedback from the employees for the progress of the organization. Literature Review Emma Parry (2010) determines in the Benefits of technology in Human Resources Management that the use of technology has grown considerably in the last few years in the Human Resource department. She enhances how the capabilities and performances in the Human resource have gown because of the introduction of HRIM. It leads to take Human resource management to a whole new level. It allows it to emerge with a strategic role after the implementation of HRIM. Johnson and Gueuta (2011) states in Transforming HR through Technology that human resources is becoming a more technology based pr0ofession over the years. In most companies people think of Human Resources department more as a portal than a person. According to the recent researches it has been determined that companies who properly use the technologies provided by Human Resources are far successful and advanced than the ones who don’t. Julie Bulmash (2012) describes Human Resource technology has advanced over the past decade and discusses the importance of technology on the role of human Resource professionals. And how do they make the function of Human Resources much more efficient, smooth and speedy. Methodology: Methodology refers to the methods of collecting data that have been used in the research. Here it will be briefly explained what kind of data collecting methods have been applied and the reason behind choosing that type of method. This research will be using the qualitative research methods for the collection of data. Data collection Methods To employ the qualitative research approach the questionnaire method of data collection has been chosen. A questionnaire has been created in that method in order to collect data by providing the employee with a questionnaire and heshe are asked to answer the questions given. The questions can be multiple choices or open ended questions. They decide how exactly the analysis of job can be done. This approach is quite effective because people would carefully to put anything in writing without thinking. A questionnaire was given to the employees to determine their opinions on various topics such as Information Technology, hospitality, finance, manufacturing, retail, and defense. The feedback gave a clear view on which areas need to be worked on. Based upon it and a theoretical comprehension of the field of Human resources it became easier to point out the problems that should be discussed on the research and which haven’t been brought to light before. Qualitative research This method of research is a primary source of research. It is exploratory and is used in order to achieve comprehension of fundamental reasons, motivations and opinions. It gives insight to assess the nature of the problem or assist in building of ideas or hypothesis for the secondary research process or quantitative research method. Qualitative research is used also for uncovering of inclinations people’s thoughts or opinions and ponder harder to get to the root of a problem by that. The methods for qualitative data collecting vary according to the form of techniques used. Whether they are structured or non structured. Conceptual Framework Human resources technology has evolved from the use of paper work and pencil to computers electronic databases and human resource information systems. Internet based technology has played an important role in enabling HR to decrease transactional activities and focus more on playing a strategic role in organizations. The main areas that HRIS system works on are recruitment, employee administration, pension administration, health and safety, data collecting, saving and organizing, compensation and benefits administration, management of the company, employment equity and payroll interface. The functions of HRIS are to create and organize records of employees, reporting of work performances, Hr planning and forecasting, and management of talent, strategic alignment and development of decision power. The role of HR workers has also changed considerably according to advancement of technology. The acquire proficiency now in Human resource technology and its delivery, personal credibility, and vast business knowledge. Current technology will continue to bring advancements in HR performances and will continue to focus on the value that HR brings to an organization. Conclusion The human resource sector has made numerous advances due to technology in the past era and will continue to do so with the changes that are brought by the constant upheaval in the IT world of making things more effective and fast than before. HRIS has made various areas of HR extremely accessible and successful in accordance to the fast paced world of today. The methods of recruiting employees, managerial organization, data storage, training of professionals and more areas have undergone major changes due to the integration of Information Technology in the world of Human Resources. If these changes haven’t been employed and training programs hadn’t been designed to create technological awareness and familiarity it would’ve been a big setback to organizations. It has risen the standards of professionals working in human resources and the organizations have been able to get productivity, creativity, innovation and progress in finances on a whole new level. HR technology is still going through this evolution of technology as they must use newer and refined methods of generating an organization’s human capital. Human resources would need to continue adopting the latest technological trends in order to keep up with advancements and provide more efficient functions. It will need to use technology to redefine their areas in which they work to derive more productivity. The increment in the usage of portals and intranets and other virtual tools will bring a more great impact on Human resource performance in the near future. Bibliography Storey, J. (Ed.). (2007). Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA. Ulrich, D. (2013). Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2006). Managing human resources. Cengage Learning. Lawler, E. E., & Mohrman, S. A. (2003). HR as a strategic partner: what does it take to make it happen?. Human Resource Planning, 26(3), 15-29. Varian, H. R., & Farrell, J. V. (2004). The economics of information technology: An introduction. Cambridge University Press. Goo, J., Kishore, R., Rao, H. R., & Nam, K. (2009). The Role of Service Level Agreements in Relational Management of Information Technology Outsourcing: An Empirical Study. Mis Quarterly, 33(1).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Profitability And Risk Essays - Non-alcoholic Beverages, Nestea
Profitability And Risk Essays - Non-alcoholic Beverages, Nestea Profitability and Risk Qualitative Criteria and Evaluations Profitability and Risk Alternative one offers the highest profitability. The net income after taxes for alternative two is $104,996,299 compared to $160,658,065 for alternative one. Alternative two also offers a high profitability, but not as much as the first alternative. The risk for alternative one is very high. The risk for the second alternative two is average. Purchasing Nestea is risky because the alternative beverage industry is declining. Coca-Cola?s dissolution of their alliance with Nestea also raises some concerns of risk and profitability. The additional profits received from alternative one are not a large enough amount to consider taking this high of a risk. Competitor?s Reaction Competitor?s reactions were thought to be more prevalent in alternative two. The repackaging and offering the non-tea products in cans would cause an immediate reaction. The expected increase in sales would cut into the competitor?s share of the market. When Snapple refocuses itself in the international market, the other alternative beverage companies will also enter the market. Competitor?s reactions for alternative one are expected to be low. The main competitor left after the purchase of the alternative beverage division of Nestea from Nestle would be Pepsi?s Lipton product. There are no clear strategic actions to counteract this movement from Pepsi Lipton. Society?s Reaction Society?s reactions for both alternatives would be high. Buying Nestea, alternative one, would give Snapple the profits they would receive from loyal Nestea customers. This brand loyalty might also help the image of Snapple?s drinks. The convenience of having Snapple in a can, included in alternative two, should have a positive reaction. The slightly lower price of Snapple, for both alternatives, should create increased sales because consumers always appreciate being able to purchase goods at a lower price. Timing The timing of both alternatives is crucial because of Snapple?s declining market share and the slowing growth of the industry. It may also be a good idea to wait a while to purchase Nestea because of its declining sales, which could lower the purchase price. This is the right time for Snapple to enter the international market due to the industry?s growth decline in the alternative beverage market in the United States. Entering the international market should increase Snapple?s sales in a market that is not yet overcrowded. Feasibility Purchasing the Nestea division of Nestle could be difficult to accomplish. It is unknown if Nestle is willing to sell Nestea. Also, acquiring the amount of capital needed to purchase Nestea would be complex. Alternative two is more feasible. There are some promising prospects for international trade markets. It should be easy to offer Snapple in cans because the costs are lower and the company does not produce its own bottles. However, Snapple would be forced to find companies that produce cans and will be willing to bottle the product in cans. Effectiveness Both of the alternatives address the problem that Snapple is facing. Alternative one solves the problem of Snapple?s declining market share by purchasing the Nestea division of Nestle. Alternative two solves this problem by entering the international market. The key success factor of maintaining and improving the image of the company is included in alternative two. Both suggested methods of cutting costs, that would lower the price to the consumer, would also help to improve Snapple?s image Lowering the amount of flavors offered would make it easier to obtain shelf space for Snapple?s products. Choice Alternative two is the chosen solution. This decision was based on its strong numerical rating as well as its strengths. Alternative two was rated at 3.9 compared to 3.05 for alternative one. Entering the international market will increase the sales at less of a risk than alternative one. Alternative two also requires a considerably lessor amount to invest than the other alternative. Alternative One Description As the sales in the alternative beverage industry have slowed, Snapple has to figure out new ways to survive. Snapple needs to look at cutting prices, varieties, and acquiring other investments. These suggestions lead to an alternative which will help Snapple survive and grow in the industry. Snapple needs to cut their prices to some extent, since they have a profit margin of 42.11% according to 1993 standings. They can cut this to 30 percent and still
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Theme For English B
Theme for English B The instructor said, Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you Then, it will be true. I wonder if it's that simple? I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem. I went to school there, then Durham, then here to this college on the hill above Harlem. I am the only colored student in my class. The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem, through a park, then I cross St. Nicholas, Eighth Avenue, Seventh, and I come to the Y, the Harlem Branch Y, where I take the elevator up to my room, sit down, and write this page: It's not easy to know what is true for you or me at twenty-two, my age. But I guess I'm what I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you: hear you, hear mewe twoyou, me, talk on this page. (I hear New York, too.) Mewho? Well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love. I like to work, read, learn, and understand life. I like a pipe for a Christmas present, or recordsBessie, bop, or Bach. I guess being colored doesn't make me not like the same things other folks like who are other races. So will my page be colored that I write? Being me, it will not be white. But it will be a part of you, instructor. You are white yet a part of me, as I am a part of you. That's American. Sometimes perhaps you don't want to be a part of me. Nor do I often want to be a part of you. But we are, that's true! As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me although you're olderand white and somewhat more free. This is my page for English B. In order to better analyze this poem, it is necessary to know a little about the author because his work is pretty much close to his life and own experiences. James Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was a small child, and his father moved to Mexico. He was raised by his grandmother until he was thirt... Free Essays on Theme For English B Free Essays on Theme For English B Theme for English B The instructor said, Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you Then, it will be true. I wonder if it's that simple? I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem. I went to school there, then Durham, then here to this college on the hill above Harlem. I am the only colored student in my class. The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem, through a park, then I cross St. Nicholas, Eighth Avenue, Seventh, and I come to the Y, the Harlem Branch Y, where I take the elevator up to my room, sit down, and write this page: It's not easy to know what is true for you or me at twenty-two, my age. But I guess I'm what I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you: hear you, hear mewe twoyou, me, talk on this page. (I hear New York, too.) Mewho? Well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love. I like to work, read, learn, and understand life. I like a pipe for a Christmas present, or recordsBessie, bop, or Bach. I guess being colored doesn't make me not like the same things other folks like who are other races. So will my page be colored that I write? Being me, it will not be white. But it will be a part of you, instructor. You are white yet a part of me, as I am a part of you. That's American. Sometimes perhaps you don't want to be a part of me. Nor do I often want to be a part of you. But we are, that's true! As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me although you're olderand white and somewhat more free. This is my page for English B. In order to better analyze this poem, it is necessary to know a little about the author because his work is pretty much close to his life and own experiences. James Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was a small child, and his father moved to Mexico. He was raised by his grandmother until he was thirt... Free Essays on Theme For English B Theme for English B â€Å"Theme for English B†is a poem by Langston Hughes in which a black student in a predominantly white college takes a seemingly simple assignment as an opportunity to inspect the complicated issue of race relations in America. The assignment instructs: Go home and write A page tonight. And let that page come out of you- Then, it will be true. (2-5) In his response to the assignment Hughes points out that we are often reluctant to admit that our similarities are more common and occur more often than our differences. Even though he is black and perhaps feels out of place in a white school, he obviously is very talented or he wouldn’t be in such a prestigious establishment. The poem takes place at his desk in his home and follows his train of thought to the end, where he decides that his brainstorming is as honest an opinion as he was ever going to get. Whereupon he decides to turn in his brainstorm as his response to the assignment. Langston Hughes provides plenty of information about himself in the first half of the poem, for example, that he was â€Å"born in Winston Salem†(7) and his school history first Durham, then Columbia University. He tells us that he was the only â€Å"colored student in my class†, Then he takes us on his journey home where from that prestigious establishment of Columbia he returns to Harlem through a park, crosses St. Nicholas Ave. where he arrives at the Harlem Branch Y takes the elevator and sits in his room. In the second half of the poem he inspects the similarities between himself as a black man and the instructor as a white man. The interesting aspect of this poem is how Hughes perceives and feels about this color difference and reflects on the difficulties in analyzing those differences, â€Å"It is not easy to know what is true for you or me†(16). First what brings these outwardly different people together? What do they have in common? Langston points out that ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Difference Between Primary and Secondary Sources
The Difference Between Primary and Secondary Sources When it comes to finding sources for a written assignment, it is crucial the student in higher education has the ability to differentiate between various sources and can evaluate the credibility of these sources, while understanding how sources can enhance their overall understanding of a subject or topic. In most cases, a student’s research will likely lead them to both Primary and Secondary Sources. PRIMARY SOURCES Primary Sources include historical documents, literary works (poems, novels, short stories, plays, etc.), eyewitness accounts, diaries, field reports, letters and other examples of correspondence between people, like emails, and lab studies. Others examples of Primary Sources are the following: any original research is done through interviews, experiments, and observations, as well as surveys. Primary Sources are useful because they offer subjects for firsthand study. SECONDARY SOURCES Secondary Sources include scholarly books and articles, reviews, biographies, textbooks – as well as other works that interpret and/orss Primary Sources. A Secondary Source helps a student understand and evaluate primary source material. CONSIDER THE SOURCE EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY VS. SECONDARY SOURCES Determining if a work is considered a primary or secondary source often depends on the topic and the purpose of the writer: if a person is analyzing a poem – a Primary Source – a critic’s article interpreting the poem is a Secondary Source. But if the student or scholar is investigating that critic’s article (the interpretation of the poem), that article could be considered a Primary Source for the student’s own study and interpretation. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT TO KNOW? Since most student research papers will include a combination of Primary and Secondary Sources, it is very important to understand the implications of each. A familiarity with the Primary Sources of a topic will allow the student to assess the accuracy and value of a Secondary Source. For example, if a student reads Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter (a Primary Source) for a better understanding of Puritan history and beliefs, that student would be better inclined to discern a fallible, valueless Secondary Source; if that student has not read the novel, though, they may have been convinced that same Secondary Source was indeed a credible one – therefore, earning them a lower grade on the assignment for using a Secondary Source that does not treat the subject matter accurately and respectfully; it would exemplify the use of an insignificant Secondary Source. In short, commentaries and interpretations about people, events, and works of art, statistics, or scientific data are Secondary Sources – ones that should be evaluated on the basis of how well they describe and interpret a Primary Source.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Transparency in Corporate Governance Essay
The Transparency in Corporate Governance - Essay Example Shareholders and investors are being defrauded and deceived on the real status of earning and expenses within the firm through financial statements that are not entirely accurate. Such failures of corporate governance have produced a negative impact on investor confidence and made them question the integrity of information that is provided in the financial statements of a corporate entity.1 The development of corporate governance codes has as its primary objective, the restoration and increase of investor confidence through increased accountability and transparency in corporations2. Effective corporate governance enhances investor confidence, enhances competitiveness and ultimately contributes to economic growth. Transparency in corporate governance implies a lack of opacity or secrecy in financial operations and is thus associated with full disclosure of financial and operational information. Transparency implies that there are no hidden agendas and that clear information is provided, not only on financial and operational aspects but also on the internal processes of management overseeing and control systems. It is on the basis of such complete disclosure of information that a meaningful analysis of the Company can be made and outside investors who put their money into an organization can understand its operations clearly and make good investment decisions. Transparency can therefore mitigate the risks associated with corporate governance and the potential for corporate scandals. In countries such as the USA and the UK, ownership of shares in corporations extends over a widespread shareholder base. This leaves scope for potential conflict, arising between the interests of the stakeholders in the corporation and the Boards of Directors who could allow their own self-interest to influence organizational decision-making.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Book review1 Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Book review1 - Literature review Example The book was published in the year 2007 by Crossway Books publishing ministry of Good News Publishers whose headquarters are in Illinois. Among the several books that J. Piper has published includes God’s Passion for His Glory, The Pleasures of God, Future Grace, A hunger for God and Desiring God among others. Based on the many items on theology, the author has produced a book that provides a basis for today Christian living. The various concepts displayed in the book relate to academic, biblical and psychological understanding of the writer on key items as presented in the bible. John Piper addresses main topics basing his ideas on the works of N.T Wright and citing his works throughout his book which centres on justification and judgment. The scope of the book is wide as the writer outlines his ideas concerning previous works of others, maintaining his thought on various issues and using ideas to base his argument. Among the issues discussed in the book are such as the relationship between law and covenant, dynamics of justification, justification and gospel, and places of Christian works in justification. The author also analyses the concept of justification on the death of Christ being able to cleanse sin. In this, he notes that avoiding sin is essential for the forgiveness of sin but noting with precedence that his death was to ensure human justification. He cites Colossian 2:14, Revelation 1:5, Galatians 2:21 among other books to show that the death of Christ is sufficient to cover human sins. He is opposed to the view of the writers of the New Testament who saw the death of the Messiah as the ultimate end to His life (Piper, 2007, p.43). Piper’s view is that the Lord continually seems to manifest himself in us implying He lives as implored in the story of the resurrection. According to him, the obedience of Christ to die for us
Who would you talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Who would you talk - Essay Example Donald believes that success is always dependent on your personal qualities like having fair dealing, healthy relationships with associated people either customers, employees or competing businessmen and trustworthiness. I have learned a lesson from his principles that one must be passionate to do a certain job regardless of the mishap and troubles in the way to success. Business carries troubles and downfalls along with victory and fame. Only intellect, hard work, careful analysis of present business position and evaluation with planning of possible risks is important to sustain the current pace of business growth. I would love to interact with a person like Donald Trump as he believes that a person can come over all the difficulties in his way to success. His perceptions inspire me as they suggest a person to step forward and not to mourn, even over the most devastating loss. His life illustrates a number of incidents where he faced crisis but did not lose the hope to achieve his g oal. Hence it can be said that willpower plays a vital role in becoming a successful businessman.My personal opinion is that a person can change his views after having conversation with a successful, confident and independent person. For instance, if a person loses his confidence and his hopes he cannot do anything unless or until he sets a new aim and starts his struggle to achieve it. Hence, a successful person may grow the feelings of courage, hope, passion, confidence and competition in others. People may take his personality.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
See Below Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
See Below - Assignment Example The world expected match to end the debate for good. The match broadcasted live from the Astrodome, to as many as thirty-six countries. During the match, King dominated the net, making Riggs run around the baseline. Billie King defeated Bobby Riggs in a stunning 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 straight sets win, in a match lasting two hours and four minutes, to prove that she was the most talented and gifted layer in contemporary tennis. On winning the match, Billie King flung her racquet in the air, and hugged her husband, who lifted her to the crowd’s applause. During her winner’s press conference, she touched on advice receive from Margaret Court, who had earlier lost heavily to Riggs (Roberts 10). Billie Jean King thus became the first woman to win a $100,000 prize in athletics. She paid tribute to her coach, Dennis van de Meer, by touching her tongue. In order to ease herself for her famous press conference, she walked barefoot after taking her blue sneakers off. The tennis match we nt down in history as the battle of the sexes, with credit for women’s equal share of sport money going to Billie Jean King, and her famous
Investments and Assessments Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Investments and Assessments - Research Paper Example responsibility efforts put in by the company yield needed results, the company has its own assessment mechanisms that it uses in measuring the effectiveness of the programs. Commonly, the company would use a qualitative assessment test that compares the corporate social responsibility goals with the larger company business plan to ensure that there is a relation or positive link. Given that the company has set business plans and strategies of becoming a market leader and also expand its profit base, the financial successes and expanded growth experienced by the company in the last five years makes the company conclude that its corporate social responsibility has yielded positive results (Norberg, 2000). From the 2012 sustainability report published by Marriott Company, it can be seen that as many of the company stakeholders that were identified as possible expressed positive sentiments about the impact that the company’s corporate social responsibilities through sustainability is making (Marriott, 2012). This is because the patronizing populace has been identified as people who have become more concerned about the need to trade with sustainability oriented companies and so they have responded to the company’s quest by increasing their patronage of the company’s services and products offered. It can therefore be seen that there exists no differences in the opinions expressed by stakeholders as against the one expressed by the company. Marriott Company. 2011/2012 Sustainability Report. Accessed February 23, 2013 from
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Capstone final project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Capstone final project - Essay Example I find that many teens also have more than one addiction in addition to sexual addiction: they may be smoking, drinking or using drugs. Currently, there are 22.6 million teens who are dealing with some form of addiction and about 35 million families who have children who are at risk for some form of addiction (Christian Broadcasting Network, 2008). This means that teenagers are in trouble and that something must be done to help them. This problem is important for me as a researcher because I understand that there needs to be a social change in order to help teenagers. If this was a problem 30 or so years ago, it did not seem to be as prevalent as it is today. This does not mean that it was not there, it just means that people were not as focused on it as they are today. I also am interested in this topic because so many children are in trouble with the law because their behavior has made them act out in sexual ways that have included rape and violence against women and others. Unfort unately, there is not a sure way to understand when a teen is addicted to porn and there are only a few empirical students that talk about what pornography addiction does to a child; most are about sexual addiction. For this research, I had to concentrate on sexual addiction and bring in the aspects of pornography addiction as I found them. ... By the time children reach puberty, they have been inundated with sex talk by their friends and they may have even seen a few pornographic pictures that their friends showed them. In the old days, before the Internet, the most sexually explicit photos that children saw were in the National Geographic Magazine. Pictures of tribes of people who wore no clothes were seen as exciting because they were naked. However, today, with the ability of the Internet to capture anything, anywhere, and anytime, children are exposed to way more than naked people; they are exposed to some of the most disturbing pornography imaginable. We cannot only blame the Internet, because cable TV has also given children access to hardcore pornography (porn). Children are able to find porn sites using only a few mouse clicks, and if parents have not locked porn sites on cable or satellite services, children can have access to porn 24 hours a day. The effect of porn on children is a gap in the literature for many reasons. Children and teens are often brought up on homes where talking about sex is taboo which makes them reluctant to talk about their sexual thoughts or their habits. Also, empirical studies have not been done because of the ethical and dilemmas in setting up a study where children and teens are shown porn (Haney, 2006). In a Canadian study, Stock (2004) found that pornographic sites and movies that show explicit sex create problems for children (they defined children as anyone under the age of 18). They found that children had a distorted view of sex which caused them to act out sexually in ways that were beyond their years of maturity. As an example, they found that â€Å"12-year-olds who watched
Investments and Assessments Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Investments and Assessments - Research Paper Example responsibility efforts put in by the company yield needed results, the company has its own assessment mechanisms that it uses in measuring the effectiveness of the programs. Commonly, the company would use a qualitative assessment test that compares the corporate social responsibility goals with the larger company business plan to ensure that there is a relation or positive link. Given that the company has set business plans and strategies of becoming a market leader and also expand its profit base, the financial successes and expanded growth experienced by the company in the last five years makes the company conclude that its corporate social responsibility has yielded positive results (Norberg, 2000). From the 2012 sustainability report published by Marriott Company, it can be seen that as many of the company stakeholders that were identified as possible expressed positive sentiments about the impact that the company’s corporate social responsibilities through sustainability is making (Marriott, 2012). This is because the patronizing populace has been identified as people who have become more concerned about the need to trade with sustainability oriented companies and so they have responded to the company’s quest by increasing their patronage of the company’s services and products offered. It can therefore be seen that there exists no differences in the opinions expressed by stakeholders as against the one expressed by the company. Marriott Company. 2011/2012 Sustainability Report. Accessed February 23, 2013 from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Walking Stick with Heart Attack Detection Essay Example for Free
Walking Stick with Heart Attack Detection Essay 1. INTRODUCTION The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute states that â€Å"more than a million persons in the U.S. have a heart attack and about half (515,000) of them die in each year. About one-half of those who die do so within 1 hour of the start of symptoms and before reaching the hospital†. A heart attack happens to a person when the blood flow and oxygen supply to heart muscle is blocked, and it is mostly caused by the Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). CAD occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries) become hardened and narrowed. It often causes irregular heart beat or rhythm by blocking blood stream. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute suggest that â€Å"everyone should know the warning signs of a heart attack and how to get emergency help†. The symptoms of heart attack can be detected by observing electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform. An ECG is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. An electrical impulse initiates muscle contraction, which results in heart beating. The spacing between pulses provides a measure of the heart’s rhythm, whereas the height of the pulses is an indicator of pumping strength. By observing the ECG waveform, the heart condition of the patients can be explained by doctors. The ECG Library shows many samples of abnormal ECG waveform, and they are mostly collected from aged people who are more than 55 years old. The senior citizens are more prone to have heart attack than young people. The Walking Stick with Heart Attack Detection is specially designed to help the senior citizens who need walking aids by walking sticks and have the most possibility of heart attack. The walking stick is used as detection unit and as the medium asking for medical help. 1.1 Overview of Design The ECG circuitry unit on the wrist captures abnormal heart beat signal from the patient. The microcontroller on the stick runs a heart attack algorithm. Warning is given out to the person about his heart condition. The Bluetooth emergency calling system calls for medical help at the moment of heart  attack. This project aims to shorten the time between the moment of heart attack and the arrival of medical personal. The warning before the emergency call will give the patient a chance to avoid heart attack. Figure 1.1 Block Diagram of Walking Stick with Heart Attack Detection Two biosensors worn on the user’s wrists send the real ECG signal to the analog ECG circuitry. The amplified and filtered analog output of the circuitry is converted from analog to digital signal and transmitted to the unit on the walking stick. The ECG circuitry unit, the A/D converter, and the transmitter are worn on one of the user’s wrists. The wireless connection between the unit on the wrist and the main unit on the walking stick gives the user more freedom to move by avoiding wire attachment between the wrist and the stick. The receiver on the stick receives the digital ECG signal, and the microcontroller runs a heart attack algorithm to detect possible heart attack symptoms. If any symptom of heart attack is detected, the risk level rises. When the risk level reaches up to the emergency mode, the Bluetooth module activates the user’s mobile phone to call 911 for medical help. Latest mobile phones include GPS function. Therefore, the GPS unit is eliminated from the previous project as the mobile phone’s GPS can locate the user. 1.2Specifications For the design of the ECG circuitry and the ECG algorithm, the specifications of the previous project â€Å"Wireless Heart Attack Detector with GPS†were used. The frequency range of ECG signal depends on the activity of individual. The typical range is approximately from 50 Hz to 70 Hz. To cover a wide range of frequencies for all scenarios, the band-pass filter of the ECG circuitry is designed to have a lower cutoff frequency of 0.5 Hz and an upper cutoff frequency of 150 Hz. The analog output of the ECG circuitry must be in the range between -2V to 2V so that the A/D conversion operates properly. The overall amplification inside the ECG circuitry should be at least 3000 but no greater than 5000. The minimum sampling rate of A/D converter should be 400 Hz to capture the detailed ECG waveform that changes in millisecond unit. The transmitted data and the received data must be the same. No noise should be added during the transmission. The distance for reliable transmission should be wide enough so that the movement of user is not limited in the near area of the stick. 40 feet is chosen as the user is assumed to be within this distance during all his activities. All the hardware should operate with low power consumption, and the microcontroller must show the least number of error when it runs the heart attack algorithm. High risk and low risk warnings should be as short as possible. 1.3Performance Benchmarks The total delay from the moment the microcontroller output a heart attack signal to the arrival of medical assistance should be shortened as much as possible. This delay is between the output of heart attack signal and the mobile phone calling. The delay time should be less than 45 second. 1.4Subprojects Figure 1.4 Subproject Flow Chart There are three main subprojects: ECG circuit unit, Analysis Algorithm, and Bluetooth Communication. The first unit is worn on the user’s wrist, and the rest two are installed in the stick. The ECG circuit unit captures ECG waveform from the user’s wrists by electrodes. It then amplifies and filters the ECG signal. After that, the signal is digitized by an A/D converter and is transmitted to the stick. In Analysis Algorithm unit, the receiver first captures the digital ECG signal and feeds it to the microcontroller. The microcontroller runs the algorithm to detect heart attack and to raise the risk level. When a heart attack is confirmed, an emergency signal is sent to the Bluetooth Communication unit. In the Bluetooth Communication unit, the Bluetooth module activates the user’s mobile phone to call 911. Objective: Goals of Design: 1.The wireless heart attack detector captures abnormal heart beat signals. 2.The alert system on the walking stick warns the user to realize his health condition. 3.Bluetooth wireless emergency calling system calls for help at the moment of heart attack via mobile phone. Benefits: Electrocardiogram(ECG) signal transmitted wirelessly from the wrist to the main unit on the stick. This avoids the inconvenience of the attachment of the stick to the wrists. Automatic wireless emergency calling system via Bluetooth module warning mode giving the users a chance to avoid the fatal moment actively. 2.DESIGN PROCEDURE 2.1 Biosensors Since the previous project mentioned about the benefits of the Ag-AgCl ECG electrodes, we decided to use the same electrodes as our biosensors. The benefits of the electrodes include good electrical contact with human skin, low motion artifacts and strong adhesive quality to skin. 2.2 Analog ECG Circuitry Based on the â€Å"Wireless Heart Attack Detector with GPS,†we designed the three components, unity-gain buffers, differential amplifier and band-pass filter. The unity-gain buffers are needed for both wrists as impedance transformers. Although skin impedance is high, the input impedance of op-amps is infinity and the op-amps will be able to catch the bio signals out of the two electrodes. Differential amplifier will take the two bio signals and differentiate them with gain to get the desired ECG waveform. Band-pass filter will make sure that noise of frequencies outside 0.5 Hz and 150 Hz is eliminated. For the Calculation of the ECG circuitry design, the same procedure from the â€Å"Wireless Heart Attack Detector with GPS†was used and was quoted as below. The differential amplifier gain should not exceed 33 in order to prevent a 300 mV electrode offset potential from causing the system to saturate. The figure shows a diagram of the differential amplifier component of the circuit. Hence the differential amplifier produces an output that is the difference between the inputs multiplied by a gain factor. The gain is chose to be at 15; R7 and R5 are selected to be 15kÃŽ ©; R6 and R4 are selected to be 1kÃŽ ©. The lower frequency cut-off was desired to be around 0.04Hz, and upper frequency cut-off was desired to be about 150Hz. A gain of around 100 was sought from the band-pass filter. (Overall gain needed to be 1000 to 5000 with the differential amplifier having a gain no greater than 33.) A diagram of the low and high pass portions of the band-pass filter are shown in Figures 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. From eq. (6), it can be seen that the output is amplified by a gain equal to R11/R10. Since the gain is desired to be about 100, eqn. (7) and (8) can be solved. Thus R11 is selected to be 106.2 kÃŽ ©, R10 to be 1 kÃŽ ©, R8 to be 3.9 MÃŽ ©, C1 to be 1 ÃŽ ¼F and C2 to be 0.01 ÃŽ ¼F. The value of R9 is not significant and is selected to be 10 kÃŽ ©. A buffer with unity gain is needed for each input as an impedance transformer, because the skin has much higher impedance compared to the input impedance of the differential amplifier. Figure 2.5 shows a diagram of the buffer components. Figure 2.2.4 Buffer Components Diagram Since no current flows into the input terminals and v+ = v-, by applying KCL The gain is determined by R1/R2 = R3/R2. Desiring a gain of unity, R1, R2, R3, and R4 were chosen to be 10 kÃŽ © each. 2.3 Data Transmission between Wrist and the Walking Stick Our original design was to transmit the analog ECG waveform directly out of the ECG analog circuitry to the walking stick. We would use the analog signal transmission capability of the HP-3 transceiver. We wanted to make this data transmission wireless from the wrist to the stick. This would avoid the inconvenience of the stick attachment to the wrist. User can go into a car and put his stick at the back seats without detaching any wire between his wrist and the stick. He also does not have to switch the device off. When the stick falls down, it won’t drag the user’s wrist to the ground. After we browsed through the data sheet of the HP-3 transceiver, we discovered that the analog bandwidth of the transceiver pair is between 50 Hz and 28000 Hz. As discussed in the previous project, normal ECG waveform has frequency range between 50 Hz and 70 Hz. However, to cover all the possible scenarios like sleeping and fast walking, the lower and the upper cutoff frequencies were decided to be 0.5 Hz and 150 Hz. Since the range from 0.5 Hz and 50 Hz is outside the transmission bandwidth of the HP-3 transceiver, we thought about using mixer and oscillator to raise the lowest frequency of analog signal, which is 0.5 Hz, to 60 Hz. This would ensure correct transmission of the analog signal. When we discussed this idea with our TA, we were introduced to the RS232 capability of PIC. Since RS232 signal is digital, we can use the same transceiver to transmit digital signal. We no longer have to worry about the lowest frequency of the analog signal along with the mixer and the oscillator. 2.4 A/D Conversion of Analog ECG Signal to Digital ECG signal Since we are using a PIC for its RS232 feature, we thought it would be natural to use the A/D conversion feature of the PIC. We then had to decide between using an 8-bit conversion or a 10-bit conversion. 10-bit conversion would give higher resolution to the digitized ECG waveform. But, the final decision was determined by the RS232 transmission. According to the PIC-C Compiler Manual, when defining #use RS232, bits sent can only be between 5 and 9. Because 10 are not in this range, we decided to do 8-bit A/D conversion. 2.5 Heart attack detection When the microcontroller on the walking stick has received digital ECG data from the wrists, it will check for heart attack symptoms. We decided to use the heart attack algorithm developed by the previous project. We would like to indicate to the user his heart condition so that he can take proper action like slowing down or taking a rest before heart attack really happens to him. 2.6 Emergency Calling Previous project needed to use a Bluetooth module and a laptop to make an emergency call. Our goal was to eliminate the laptop. Our project will execute emergency calling with just a Bluetooth module. Bluetooth communication is wireless. The user can put his cell phone anywhere he wants as long as it is within the range of the Bluetooth communication. The user does not have to hang his cell phone to the walking stick, making his waking stick heavy and hindering his movement. 3. DESIGN DETAILS 3.1 Analog ECG Circuitry ComponentValue R1, R2, R310 kÃŽ © R4, R61 kÃŽ © R5, R715 kÃŽ © R8100 kÃŽ © R93 kÃŽ © R101 kÃŽ © R11150 kÃŽ © C11  µF C20.01  µF The band-pass filter has a lower cut-off frequency of 1.59 Hz and an upper cut-off frequency of 106.1 Hz. The gain of band-pass filter is 150, and the overall gain is 150Ãâ€"15=2250. 3.2 A/D Conversion and RS232 of PIC16F877 We use PIC16F877 as our microcontroller on the wrist. The connections to the PIC are shown in Appendix 1. Oscillator of 20 MHz is used as clock to the PIC. Analog ECG signal is sent to Pin2 RA0. Pin4 Vref- is connected to 0 V and Pin5 Vref+ is connected to 5 V. The analog signal will be digitized into 8 bits. The digital values will be between 0 and 127. 0 V will correspond to 0, 1 V will correspond to 50, 2 V will correspond to 100 and 2.5 V will correspond to 125. Since the analog ECG waveform will be amplified to only 2 V, the highest digital value will be 100. The reason of not amplifying the signal to 2.5 V is to provide some error of margin in the real world. The sampling will be done with a while loop that runs continuously with the condition always set to ‘true’. Please refer to the C codes on Appendix 5. The sampling rate of 400 Hz will be implemented by putting a delay of 2500 us in the while loop. After the digital values are obtained through the A/D conversion, the digital values are parallel 8 bits. These parallel 8 bits will be transformed into serial bits of the format of RS232. According to Wikipedia, RS-232 is a standard for serial binary data interchange between a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and a DCE(Data Communication Equipment). In our case, the DTE will be the PIC and the DCE will be the HP-3 transmitter. The RS232 format will consist of a ‘start’ bit, eight data bits, least-significant bit first, and a ‘stop’ bit. We also make sure the logic voltage level of RS232 will be between 0 V and 5 V as required by the HP-3 transmitter. 3.3 Digital Data Transmission of HP-3 Transceiver The digital ECG values in RS232 form will be fed into a HP-3 transmitter. HP-3 transmitter has 8 parallel selectable channels. To have simple wiring, we selected channel 0 as we only needed to ground the three ‘channel select’ pins. We are also well aware that the HP-3 transmitter does not encode or packetize the data in any manner. This will assure us that the RS232 data sent from the PIC will be the same RS232 data received at the receiver. The microcontroller at the walking stick does not have to do any decoding. 3.4 Heart Attack Algorithm of the Javelin Stamp Microcontroller The RS232 digital ECG data will be fed from the HP-3 receiver to the Javelin microcontroller. The parameters of the UART of the microcontroller are set up according to those of the PIC. The microcontroller will then get the correct Digital ECG from the PIC. These digital ECG samples will be analyzed with the heart attack algorithm developed by the previous project. Heart attack is preceded by three notable symptoms, which are weak pulse amplitude, irregular heart beat and widened QRS pulse. To check for weak amplitude, a baseline is set up by averaging all the data points. Pulse amplitude is considered as weak if it is below 50% of the baseline. Normal pulse rate is between 35 bpm (beats per minute) and 200 bpm. If the digital ECG data indicates a pulse rate outside of this range, then irregular heart beat is detected. Normal pulse width is less than 36 ms. If the digital ECG data indicates a pulse width more than 36 ms, then QRS pulse has widened 3.5 Low-Risk and High-Risk LEDs of Heart Attack The previous project set up an alert level of threshold of 5 before emergency calling is executed. In our project, we decided to use this alert level to define two conditions, low-risk and high-risk. Low risk is when the alert level is between 4 and 6. High risk is when the alert level is between 7 and 9. These two conditions will be indicated to the user with two LEDs. User can look at the LEDs and be aware of his heart condition to take proper action to avoid the fatal moment. 3.6 EB500 Bluetooth Module and Javelin Stamp Microcontroller When the alert level reaches 10, emergency calling through the user’s cell phone will be executed. In our project, the emergency calling will be done with only the Bluetooth module and the Javelin microcontroller. Laptop will not be used as an intermediate between Bluetooth module and the cell phone. When the Bluetooth module is first powered up, it is in command mode. Communication between the Bluetooth module and the microcontroller will be done in the form of UART. Please refer to the codes in Appendix 6. Microcontroller will send some commands to the Bluetooth module to set up a Bluetooth connection with the user’s cell phone. When the connection is successfully set up, which is indicated by the LED on the Bluetooth module, the module automatically switches to data mode. A successful Bluetooth connection is nothing more than a wireless serial cable. In data mode, everything sent by the Javelin microcontroller will be received by the cell phone. Commands to control a phone are called AT commands. AT commands direct a phone to dial (D), answer (A) and hang up (H). Every AT command starts with â€Å"AT†(Attention). This is the command line prefix. To make a 911 call, the following command will be sent by the microcontroller to the cell phone, â€Å"ATD911;\r†. The last character, â€Å"\r†is carriage return. The command means â€Å"Attention: Dialing 911†. The number 911 can be replaced by any phone number. Since most cell phones today have the GPS feature, the location of the user can be discovered and faster medical help can be sent to the spot.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Developing An Effective Management And Leadership Commerce Essay
Developing An Effective Management And Leadership Commerce Essay Leadership and management efforts are crucial to the development of business strategies of companies. Basically, a lot of companies turned to bankruptcy not only because of the environmental factors but because they neglected leadership and management efforts (Hormozi, Hostetler, Middleton, 2003). With this, OSIM was chosen due to the steady growth of the company from humble beginnings as a kitchen appliance trading company to its global footprint-having a wide point of sales network (OSIM Ltd., 2011). This made the company an exciting and interesting case study. Furthermore, in view of the current economic climate where businesses are failing and where competitors are aggressive, it is important to understand from the business trend whether OSIM is capable to meet to the future challenges. As the industry expects more competition and the entry of more players, it would be interesting to see how well prepared the company is both financially and strategically to reinforce its global presence and continue to be the market leader in this industry. Corporate Profile, Mission, Vision and Goals of OSIM [1] OSIM International Ltd was believed a global leader in healthy lifestyle products. The company was originally founded by Ron Sim in Singapore in 1980 (OSIM Ltd., 2011). During that time OSIM was under the name of R Sim Trading, an electrical and household appliance company (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Using their small start-up capital, the company engages with the promotion of household products such as knife sharpeners, knife and mobile clothes drying rods. Apparently, in 1989, the company listed with the name Health Check and Care, and later on shifted their main focus to healthy lifestyle products. The time following this created great development for the company, and it manages to produce outlets in Indonesia, Malaysia and in Hong Kong (AsiaPulse News, 2002). The companys vision was to become the global leader in healthy life style products whereas their mission was to challenge the spirit of their clients. The goal of the company was to bring the healthy lifestyle to their consumers (Business Times-Malaysia, 2003 and New Straits Times, 2003). Financial Standing [2] In Figure 1, the OSIM International Ltds 2009 revenues grew by 1% from 62% in 2008 to 63% in 2009. This is also created significant increase in terms of selling, general and administrative costs resulting to the decline of the net income from a gain of 21% in 2008 to a gain of 5% in 2009. From the record of OSIMs balance sheet (see Appendix), the company actually suffers from profit decline due to the effect of global recession (Offers Style: New OSIM Store Now Open, 2004). Figure 1. OSIMs Profit and Turnover Source: Osim International Ltd., 2009 As seen in Figure 1, the 2007 and 2009 performance is expressive compared in 2008. From these results, we can deviate that OSIM was not performing well in 2008 as compared to their expressive 2007 and 2009. Despite of some downturns in 2008 due to the global business crisis, the year 2010 shows interesting trend. From the gathered information, it is expected that in 2010 both the revenue and net income of OSIM will be constantly moving upward (See Appendix for complete details). OSIMs PESTLE Analysis Political Conditions political influences include government stability, taxation policy, foreign trade regulations and social welfare policies (Davies, Lam, 2001). The political situation of Hong Kong is very stable now or even in the knowing future, all of these are provided by its stable and high visibility law (CIA Worldfact 2011). This will assure OSIM and other foreign businesses that the political condition of Hong Kong will help them to have a stable operation in area. Actually, the corruption-free government with score 8.4 in transparency index, excellent political condition and highly developed and competent infrastructure of Hong Kong have caught the attention of investments from more than 7,000 multinational corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe (Transparency International, 2010). Economics- Hong Kong is an attractive market for medical home care technology makers and the newest trends. The opening of OSIM and the growth of medical home care technologies is supporting the demand for health services in Hong Kong. OSIM does not worry that the legislation could severely set back their most effective marketing (New Straits Times, 2003). Actually, Hong Kong is a highly developed and successful free-market economy. As of 2010 Economic Indicators, the CPI or the consumer price index of Hong Kong is 128 with Annual Inflation Rate of 0.45 (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Hong Kong has also 4.3% (2010 est.) unemployment rate with the GDP of $224.1 billion (2010 est.) (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Actually, Hong Kong enjoys an outstandingly open and corruption-free background, stable prices, and a per capita GDP higher than that of most developed countries. The economy depends heavily on exports, particularly in consumer electronics, information technology products, pharmaceuticals, and on a growing financial services sector (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Real GDP growth averaged 2.3% in 2008, but contracted -2.7% in 2009 as a result of the global financial crisis but in 2010 an expressive 6.8% was computed (CIA Worldfact, 2011). As seen, there are lot of foreign businesses found in almost all sectors of the economy of Hong Kong. Basically, more than two-thirds of manufacturing contribution and direct export sales are provided by foreign business, although there are services sectors that remain ruled by government-linked businesses (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Social cultural In terms of social aspect, OSIM is quite in advantage in Hong Kong considering that the standards of living of people in destinations served by OSIM is good and most of them have the capacity to pay for their home healthcare technology needs. However, OSIM still needs to consider the tastes and lifestyles of people especially, their willingness to buy technology-based home care products (New Straits Times, 2004) since Hong Kong consumers could prefer traditional medicine or Chinese physician rather than high tech equipment. But because of the advent of new technologies in any setting, this is a good timing for OSIM to grab the opportunity (Barton, Newell, Wilson, 2002). The nature of its workforce is also part of external environment of OSIM whereas the Hong Kong citizen are able to cope with the changes implemented in OSIM. Technological Today, e-business has become an integral part of operations in any business industry, with ultimate objectives of not only achieving cost saving but also generating additional revenue (Hormozi, Hostetler, Middleton, 2003). Beyond to enhance their current product line, their further investment should be focus on improving and incorporating appropriate new technology. In Hong Kong, OSIM implemented and ambitious to become Asias leading Home Health-care products manufacturer and distributor. Legal As with any other business industry of the world, there are rules and regulations that restrict or support the facilitation of the business in the Home Health-care products market in the areas where OSIM operates (New Straits Times, 2004). Environmental There are currently no major environmental issues faced by the OSIM in Hong Kong considering that Home Health-care products are not only good for people but also to our environment (New Straits Times, 2004). OSIMs SWOT Analysis With respect to the given information in the company website, the following presentation will show the SWOT analysis of OSIM. Actually, SWOT analysis can provide a framework for identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (Feist, Heely, Lu, Nersesian, 1999). Adapted from: TOWS Matrix From the SWOT presented the TOWS matrix for OSIMs operation in Hong Kong is made. External Opportunities (O) External Threats (T) 1. Improve and increase the market of the business 2. Growth of the companys subsidiaries. 3. Increased customer loyalty. 4. International consumer reach through the use of e-commerce or internet marketing 1. Emergence of highly competitive company. 2. Economic downturn. 3. Escalating prices of main materials and products. Internal Strengths (S) SO Focus on various promotion strategies to improve market. Offering excellent products to achieve customer loyalty and excellent customer association ST Strong reputation and resources of OSIM to draw industrial knowledge which can perk up customers confidence in considering product. Consideration of joint venture and sustainable merger and acquisition to improve and expand market portfolio in other parts of the globe. Enhancing home healthcare products and services to meet the need of the target market. 1. Good Customer relationship 2. Diversified products and services offered to different customers in the international contexts Internal Weaknesses (W) WO Managing financial resource effectively to minimise weaknesses Improving customer reach by joining various business ventures. WT Applying strategic management structure to gain shareholders and stakeholders trusts Investing in information technology infrastructure Enhancing brand loyalty though customer satisfaction. 1. Inability to manage financing sources 2. Limited access to international markets. Adopted from: Porters Five Forces of OSIM A Five-Force model (Ali, 1993) was conducted in the context of the global home health care industry . Despite being a market leader, OSIM is not yet resting on its laurels of success, but instead, continuously innovating and developing their company in order to maintain what it has managed to achieve up to this time. The following identifies the five forces of OSIM: Industry Competitors- In the global business industry, regulatory and technological changes are the major factors, making ingrained reasonable strategies outdated and controls the creation and progress of new products, strategies, processes, and public policies in the industry (Leuz, Pfaff, Hopwood, 2004). Basically, there are numerous home health care players in the industry, included in the list is OSIM, who strive for market leadership in all their business aspects. As such, the level of industry competition is very stiff and very aggressive. Potential Entrants- Natural barriers to entry in the global home health care industry include the need for capital investment, human resources, and technology and the importance of economies of scale. It also includes the role of contracting costs avoided by a close relationship between the vendor and its client, which in turn is related to the avoidance of opportunistic behaviour by either party. Buyers Home health-care products have a long historya history rich in product diversity, international scope, and, above all, continuous change and adaptation. These competitive changes have forced adaptations, and in general have improved the level and efficiency offer to clients, thereby increasing transactional volume. Coupled with these, the customers have become informed concerning home-health care products that OSIM-like companies offer. Suppliers- The suppliers to this industry are mainly the providers of technology and materials in home health-care firms use in the conduct of their businesses. Substitutes -There is a high level of substitutes for the healthy and lifestyle products industry, evidenced by the numerous numbers of major players in the global market. The cost to transfer to another beauty firm is also relatively low, so the substitution rate is pretty high. Grand Strategy Matrix Adapted from: In terms of grand differentiation strategy of the company, OSIM belong to the market in which the growth was slow. However, the company was the leading business in this industry that defines their strong competitive position. Differentiation Strategy In order to place OSIM as a leader in Home Healthcare Products, there should be a so-called differentiation strategy that clearly identifies why OSIM is different from other brands. The differentiation strategy of OSIM was based on their: Wide experience in home health care market as they have been in the business for almost 42 years now, their directors can consider their experience in operating venture as strength (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Reasonable price offerings of products and services- since they able to keep their overheads low, this allows them to have better control of their prices. This is considered strength because naturally, people would look for a reasonably-priced place to stay in that equally do not sacrifice service and product quality (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Already has developed a good reputation for value for money since they have been operating for great number of years, they already have built a name for themselves, attracting a number of loyal customers along the way (OSIM Ltd., 2010). Good industry skills the directors of different divisions of OSIM are natural for the business that they ventured into, both being outgoing and friendly, the most important public relation skills that clients look for (OSIM Ltd., 2011). The Boston Consulting Group Approach (BCG Matrix) There are 9 important business units for the OSIM, which are grouped according to the city or country that their operation is located: Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Canada, UAE and USA. Figure 1 BCG Matrix Adapted from: Cash Cow a business element that has a great market share in a fully grown and slow growing industry. Thus, it requires a small investment and produces cash that can be used in other business (QuickMBA 2007). Malaysia is the only business unit that was included in the said category. This is because OSIM is considered as one of the most prominent and famous home health-care products distributor. Above all, one of the most important aspects to be considered is the number of competitors in the country. Star a business element that has a huge market share in a swift rising business. This business unit generates cash, however, due to the rapid growth of the market, they require investment in order maintain the lead of a specific company (QuickMBA 2007). Hong Kong and Singapore are the two business units which included in the said category. OSIM is considered as one of the first home health care products manufacturer and distributor in the world, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore. Because of that, OSIM had been able to gain competitive advantage, in terms of image towards the Chinese, Singaporeans and foreign visitors. However, because of the growing economy of the said cities, it had resulted to the growing number of players in the industry, thus pushed OSIM Hong Kong and Singapore to focus on different strategic plan and implementation that will maintain their competitive advantage. Question Mark or Problem Child a business component that has a little market share in a lofty increasing market. A problem child requires resources in order to grow market share, however, the fact if they will be successful and become stars is not sure (QuickMBA 2007). Canada, China and Indonesia are the three business units that were included in the said category. In China, OSIM has a small share in the market because of the extensive competition, primarily from the local players in the area. The said situation is the same in Canada. On the other hand, the OSIM was included in the said category because; the hotel was one of the newly developed hotels of the group. Dog a business component that has a little market share in a grown-up industry. UAE, Taiwan and USA are three of business units that belong to the said category. The reason behind the said analysis is because of the fact that UAE, Taiwan and USA are considered as three of the most prominent cities in the world. Thus, there are different huge companies that have already started their operations in there. Although it is important to consider that a dog may not required substantial cast, it is connected to the capital that could be better be deployed elsewhere, however in the case of the OSIM UAE, Taiwan and USA, it is considered as strategic purpose of the group in order to introduce their brand in the West and some parts of Asia. OSIMs Leadership: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) OSIM OMRON SANYO Critical Success Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Market share 0.30 3 0.90 2 0.60 2 0.60 Price Competitiveness 0.25 4 1.00 3 0.75 3 0.75 Financial position 0.20 3 0.60 3 0.60 2 0.40 Product quality 0.10 2 0.20 2 0.20 3 0.30 Consumer loyalty 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.30 3 0.45 Total 1.00 3.15 2.45 2.50 Adapted from: With regards to competitive profile matrix, OSIM became a leader and surpasses their top competitors OMRON and Sanyo. Actually, OSIM leads the victory in terms of market share and price competitiveness. The said key factors are OSIMs edge against their competitors considering that their primary markets are located in Singapore, Hong Kong and currently no company poses a significant threat to them as a major competitor (Osim International Ltd. 2009). The company believed that they have the have a competitive edge over their competitors in their primary markets as their extensive distribution network of outlets is dedicated to home health-care products. As part of the business development of the company, they currently exercise the full power over their point-of-sales system and utter to the distribution chain how to sell and not only what to sell (Osim International Ltd. 2009). Furthermore, OSIM also control their supply chain, from the design of the products up to the distribution an d marketing of the products. In general, the company considers Sanyo and Omron as their competitors. Overall Recommendation for Future Development For the success and future development of OSIM, it is recommended that internal condition must be considered. Basically, the most important to consider was the human factor as it is the heart thats drive the company. Having the right culture and people to create conducive environment, and be lead by strong visionary leaders and champion management that capable to manage its people and process. The external condition on the other hand, as shown in the PESTLE analysis must be also considered. With strong and stable external environment will contribute for the need to change strategic option. Furthermore, the full support from our Group and re-alignment with our other Hub is important without it its impossible to achieve the vision and mission. In terms of financial aspect all strategic option should involve financial investment that in term will bring cost benefit and growth. Especially in its market development by acquisition potential BPO that is more desirable and can bring in capit al and value to OSIM. Apparently, in order to cope with the change the organization structure also need to realign and change. Especially in its organic growth, where having the right type of people and culture is the key to success. It structure management is important to execute the strategic option. Moreover, external market trend is more into technology with faster and reliable system. With high speed connectivity the market had been more competing and broaden it market widely. As seen each strategic option has very own risk but with stern control and better risk management can mitigate any potential risk and minimize the impact. For continues success of the company, OSIM must also consider change management that will be the potential barrier since OSIM is still in it comfort zone. By doing an organisational development and learning it can identify the risk and overcome the barrier of change. OSIM is passionate with customer importance and makes every effort to be an all-weather umbrella to its clients, by considering diverse strategies for varying situations. It had to branch out in order to equate revenue and expenditure, reduce risk and stay profitable, with an equal importance in its ability to anticipate change. The business of OSIM has begun a strategy of major expansion and growth with one clear objective, which is to establish themselves as one of the worlds top distributor of Home Health care products, and these strategies are based around a philosophy of organic growth and a transition towards becoming a client-oriented business. With this detail, the business must go on to find innovative software programs and relate effectively to other companies that produce these software programs to become updated with the latest improvement in the World Wide Web. The business must economically and efficiently generate a good connection with their clientele and shareholders, to incessantly operate. OSIM must constantly conceptualise and execute good projects to be able to set trends in the industry. Apart from developing business strategies, the business have to focus on building employee and customer associations, in harmony to strategic management concepts, for it is necessary to establish and focus on the needs of the clientele, as clientele are the motive for being alive in the business. In the end, businesses engaged so much in technology has its share of good and bad impacts, socially, economically and even environmentally. In addition, it has to be noted that retailing of home health care products is not one industry but many. Hence, the achievement of sustainable special intention business or its continual development for the collective benefits of the world, may therefore depend on a change in strategy and planning of the industry in order to identify common ground more easily, and to exploit further returns without sacrificing the one that lays the golden egg, in manner of speaking. All said, future research may have to focus on participatory planning involving business, governments, host communities and campaigners with a greater view to common ground. OSIMs Leadership and Management: An Evaluation In this project, I learned I lot of things when it comes to leadership, management and handling a business. I learned that to sustain the development of a certain business, they should not only frequently review the value of portfolio but also the overall business practices and movement in the global market. To become a global leader, businesses should positioned on fast-growing chances, whether geologically or through market segment by selecting and investment in businesses with long-term tail-wind profiles. In reflecting OSIMs case, there are numerous business management and leadership strategies that can be use in order to maintain business progress and development. All these efforts are conducted to ensure that the welfare of the business organization is preserved along with aims and goals toward sustainable organizational success and development. The fact remains that there are always unexpected as well as unintended risk environments that cannot be controlled by the members of the management executives and staff of business organizations. As such it is important to consider the faculty, benefits as well as advantages of implementing and utilizing strategic management, tools and techniques. At the level and global hazards present in the current business market environments, it is wise to ensure that the image and overall well-being of the business organization is constantly protected. These are possible through strategic use and application of company policies from which the company will benefit. I also learned in this project that the business process and practice in terms of business management strategies clearly indicated the importance of management in averting and entirely preventing detrimental business chaos that economies may bring to business organizations. In the case of OSIM, it is evident that strategic management are highly influential in the formulation of business strategies. It was taken into account that any business and financial endeavour that will be implemented by business organizations should be assessed and evaluated using the existing company policies that are greatly influenced by the precautionary management. Conclusion The strategies of OSIM focus more on the management and access of information rather the creation of irrelevant services and products. For this reason, OSIM has developed a unique set of guiding principles simplicity, cost-efficiency and effectiveness. Total commitment to these principles makes the products of OSIM very user-friendly to its customers. OSIM was able to attain and extensive market leadership through various acquisition deals over the years even there is a stiff competition in the market. The strategies of OSIM are focused mostly on powerful growth of its home health care products and services and getting better the companys financial feat. These innovations have also helped protected major acquisitions and partnerships. Significantly, these innovations have guided to the discharge of the potentials of the companys workforce, thus creating an excellence performance-based background. On the other hand, OSIMs strategies in the home health care and technology industry enhanced at the beginning of the new millennium and commenced on trailing and inventing products differentiation. With this, the differentiated home health care products of OSIM were able to please the customers and sustain their needs in accordance to the context of sustainable competitive advantage. This also justified that the bargaining power of their customer is high while the treat of their substitute and new entrant is low because of their extensive efforts in maintaining the quality of their products. Moreover, this allowed OSIM to review and decrease the prices of their products and as an alternative focused on the values that produced not only a moderately higher price but also a improved margin since these things could help to avoid business downfall.
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