Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Marketing Communications Plan To Launch A New Brand Marketing Essay Essay Example
Marketing Communications Plan To Launch A New Brand Marketing Essay Essay Example Marketing Communications Plan To Launch A New Brand Marketing Essay Essay Marketing Communications Plan To Launch A New Brand Marketing Essay Essay Description Hydra is to be launched as a premium trade name for still unflavoured and flavored H2O. It would be available in two sizes of 750ml and 330 milliliters each. The bigger bottle is to be made available in athleticss battalion and the smaller in a screw cap. Along with unflavoured H2O, Hydra offers four water plus spirits which are orangish n cherry, ginger n lemon, batch N herbs and merely grape. The flavored bottles would be available as Hydra! to distinguish them from unflavored. Competition ANALYSIS The bottled H2O industry is basically a portion of the soft drinks sector which besides includes carbonated drinks, still drinks, juices and other dilatable ; stand foring a entire client value worth A ; lb ; 219 billion ( Leijh, 2006 ) . The image of carbonates, the biggest participant of this sector, has been on a diminution due to turning wellness concerns and the industries accordingly try to reinvent their offerings in order to pull the consumers. Thus the traditional boundaries between carbonated drinks, H2O and juices and being dropped as newer blends hit the shelves every twenty-four hours. The competition hence in this industry is huge and proactive. Offers in the market which provide the value of slaking thirst must be regarded as indirect competition. These will include carbonated drinks, juices, milk, energy drinks, still drinks and even sparkling H2O ; across all spirits. Some of the indirect rivals identified are Pepsi, Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper, Britvic, Cresta, Tango, Sunkist, Lucozade, Tropicana, Nesquik and Scheweppes Tonic. The direct competition comes from other bottled H2O trade names which target the same market as Hydra. These trade names provide about the same value that is, still unflavoured and flavored H2O to the same market sections. The trade names identified as direct competition for farther analysis are Vittel and Aqua Pura. The Vittel trade name belongs to the Perrier household owned by Nestle while Aqua Pura is an ain label production from Well Well. Both these trade names offer still flavored and unflavoured H2O. Market SEGMENTATION The bottled H2O market in the UK posted strong positive growing and entire value of A ; lb ; 1.4 billion in 2007 ( Data Monitor Industry Profile, 2008 ) . The volume of gross revenues has besides been invariably increasing at a compound one-year growing rate of 5.7 % from 2 billion litres in 2003 to 2.5 billion in 2007. Data proctor survey besides reveals that still unflavoured H2O consists of 48.4 % of entire gross revenues in this industry and still unflavoured consists of 12.2 % . A survey of 24000 samples by Livingstone ( 2004 ) reemphasizes the big figure of still H2O drinkers over scintillating. Figure 1 shows the laterality of still H2O in this market. Figure: Changing young person imbibing wonts Figure: Laterality of Still waterThe young person market section in this industry has besides been increasing in importance for the trade names. Livingstone ( 2004 ) charts an about 20 % addition in usage of bottled H2O in 11-19 old ages old over 1997 to 2004. This is shown in Figure 2. The communicating schemes of the trade names besides reflect reacting to this. Nestle Waters launched Vittel Red, aimed at immature work forces and adult females through an high-strung stigmatization attack ( Haymarket Publication, 2006 ) . Aqua Pura s Activa and Revive are two sub trade names aimed at aiming the young person. Salazar ( 2007 ) states how demographics affect the use of bottled H2O across UK. Women constitute the bulk of bottled H2O drinkers. Around 45 % of 18 to 34 twelvemonth old adult females and 44.6 % of 35 to 54 twelvemonth old adult females devour bottled H2O. Men s per centums of the 18 34 age groups drank 35.3 % and those in the age group from 35 to 54 consumed 34.5 % . In add -on, harmonizing to WQA studies ( cited in Salazar, 2007 ) , some 47 % of 18 to 34 twelvemonth olds do non believe that their H2O is safe ; hence 41.4 % of them consume bottled H2O on a regular basis. Target Selling In the value exchange attack to selling, Gabbott ( 2004 ) , states that the trade name should place mark sections based on the significance and viability of the merchandise for the mark. Targeting includes placing specific group of consumers with similar penchants for whom the merchandise is most meaningful and appropriate. This analysis identifies three mark sections for the bottled H2O trade names in survey. Sports Active Both Aqua Pura and Vittel have athleticss cap available and are taking patrons of featuring events. While Aqua Pura sponsors the UK Athletics and the great tally programme ; Vittel has been a patron of London endurance contest since the past 8 old ages. It would be interesting to observe that Vittel even has marathon preparation and hydration tips from adept Jamie Baird on its web site. Vittel besides launched a new drink Vittel +Energy with public presentation heightening ingredients ( refer to Figure 3 ) Travel For It Guys/Girls Livingstone ( 2004 ) identifies lifestyle and manner driven drinkers as Go-For-It mark. These are active immature males and females who are heavy cyberspace users and fast nutrient consumers. Both the trade names provide sleek bottle options for this group. To aim this group, Vittel operates as a lifestyle H2O option with high-strung stigmatization. Its David Bowie commercial was chiefly targeted at this mark group. Aqua Pura on the other manus attracts this group through its bomber trade names Activa and Revive. Figure: Vittel +energy Source: nutrient industry ( 2003 ) , ebsco publishingChildren Both the companies target kids as one of the of import mark groups. With smaller bottles available which can suit into the school tiffin boxes, to bind ups with Warner Bros and Looney Toones ; Vittel strives to make a full fledging division for kid consumers merely. Aqua Pura s Champions programme ( Aqua Pura, 2008 ) is once more a kids specific programme through which it spreads the message of mundane healthy hydration along with the aid of school instructors. Market Placement To analyze the market placement of the bottled H2O industry, it is indispensable to place the wide values that the consumer demands and the values that are provided by the bing market participants. The basic value demanded and supplied in this industry is that of slaking the thirst. As King ( 2002 ) points out, there has been a batch of weight placed on research and development to heighten this value supplied. Lots of research and selling has been focused into development of water + options from vitamins to oxygen to new spirits being introduced. As the basic value is served by all the market participants, distinction is possible merely through value add-ons and trade name development. To develop a trade name positioning map for this survey, the trade name entreaty ( premium, sophisticated urban, immature ) and the value distinction ( regular flavored ) are chosen as the properties. The positioning map therefore developed is shown as Figure 4. URBAN TESCO VOLVIC VITTEL HYDRA FLAVORED REGULAR AQUAPURA HIGHLAND Spring PERRIER Sophisticated EVIAN FIGURE 4: Market POSITIONING MAP OF LEADING Trade names Selling COMMUNICATIONS Plan Aim The aims of this program are identified below. To make trade name consciousness. The mark market has to be made cognizant of the being of the trade name. This is to be achieved through a mix of both above and below the line activities. Seventy five per centum of the mark market is to be made cognizant over the clip program. To accomplish market incursion. This is to be done through a combination of aggressive below the line and pricing schemes. Fifty per centum of the mark market is to be penetrated over the clip program. To make trade name publicity. Hydra is to be promoted sharply and to be established as an active and urban trade name of bottled H2O. Constitution of Hydra! as a unequivocal sub-brand. TIME Plan Exploratory Research 3 hebdomads Concept Development and Creative Idea 4 hebdomads Market Tests 1 hebdomad Integrated Communicationss Above-the-line Strategies 12 hebdomads Below -the-line Strategies 26 hebdomads Exploratory Research Focus group interviews to be for merchandise development and purchaser behaviour research. Concept Development and Creative Idea The trade name s communicating constructs are developed internally, media planning and budgeting is carried out. External services are hired to make communications. Market Trials Trials are carried to look into the response, cogency and effects of communications designed. Integrated Communicationss Validated communications are issued through above-the-line and below-the line. Monitor and Evaluation The feedbacks generated by the communications are to be monitored systematically. Evaluation of the program is to be done invariably and tight control is to be maintained. Target SEGMENTS The wide mark market for this trade name is everyone who wants to slake its thirst. But through the cleavage procedure, a few sections have been identified to which to which this communicating program is to be targeted. These are identified below Young urban professionals. Below 35 old ages of age, metropolis inhabitants male or female. Sports partisans. Childs from the age 8-16 Age group 16-22. Market influence leaders Through behavioural cleavage, mark sections identified include Experiences , Innovators and Early Adopters . ABOVE-THE-LINE STRATEGIES The trade name Hydra will be launched through an aggressive above-the-line communications run. A strong pull and profile scheme is to be realized through above-the-line. The advertizements to be used for the run must be foremost used to present and remember the trade name, distinguish it from the competition, inform the consumers of the values in exchange and carry their purchasing determination. Media Planning Keeping in head the immense size of mark audience and comparative concentration in certain centres, the media to be used to present the communications has been decided. It is merely after this that communications are developed to be broadcast through these beginnings. The media selected for Above-the-line communications are Television, Print, Outdoor, In Store, and Internet. Television Television is the most common medium for mass advertisement. For Hydra s launch two Television commercials are to be created. It is aimed to advance Hydra as an individualistic, conventionalized and aspirational athleticss and lifestyle trade name through these commercials. The first Television ad should kick get down the run and to be followed by other mediums. The 2nd Television ad is to be launched after two hebdomads of the first commercial. Musca volitanss to be bought include lifestyle and athleticss channels at premier clip and eventide. Print The print run for Hydra will get down at the same time with the telecasting commercial appearance. The print ads will be complementary to the message of the telecasting ads. The print media to be used is newspapers ( The Sun, Guardian ) magazines ( Men s Health, Women s Health, OK! ) and yellow journalisms ( Daily Mirror, The London paper ) . Full back page advertizements in day-to-day yellow journalisms twice a hebdomad for first four hebdomads and medium sized ads three yearss a hebdomad thenceforth, are to be placed. Medium sized advertizements in newspapers are to be placed five yearss a hebdomad for the first two hebdomads ; each twenty-four hours for a new spirit ( regular plus four ) . The explosion at the launch is to be followed by two ads a hebdomad. The magazines ad is to be accompanied with a reader competition as good. Outdoor and In Shop Banners, logo and ads are to be placed in public conveyance systems, high streets, shopping centres and inside the shop at points of sale. Internet Internet is to be really strategically used in order to pass on with the mark. The market influencers of the World Wide Web are to be targeted through community web sites, web logs, synergistic gambling and societal networking sites. The web site of Hydra is to include an synergistic game where the participant would necessitate to maintain his degree of Hydra high. The game would besides be linked to facebook as one of its applications. Video blogging and YouTube channels are besides to be used to advance the trade name. Hydra ads on the cyberspace would be seen in portals, intelligence and lifestyle sites. BELOW-THE-LINE STRATEGIES It is imperative excessively design relevant below-the-line communicating schemes for the success of the launch of Hydra. Below-the-line communications of Hydra would be a mix of pull and push schemes. These are to be carried over a period of 26 hebdomads and so reassessed. Gross saless publicity, forming and patronizing events, effectual public dealingss, effectual distribution and personal merchandising are effectual techniques used. Gross saless Promotion In the initial period of launch, gross revenues publicity activities are indispensable. The purpose of aggressive gross revenues publicity would be to do the mark market seek the merchandise. It is planned that price reduction vouchers offering 50 per centum price reduction to be accompanied in the print ads. It is besides planned to hold price reduction vouchers for every single spirit on different yearss. This would assist advance each spirit every bit. Different price reductions are besides planned for section shops and convenience shops. Besides, bulk bargains in six battalions would pull price reductions. Through gross revenues publicity, Hydra is to be pushed to the consumers. Events The profile scheme calls for patronizing events as it helps set up and prolong the trade name. It is worthwhile to patronize merely if the trade name identifies with the event. With Hydra being an active life style and athleticss trade name, sponsorships of athleticss and other events would come of course. It is planned to get down with patronizing corporate athleticss meets and travel on to patronize international featuring events and other events such as a music festival. Sponsorships and events are a portion of the pull scheme. Public Relations Effective PR has to be maintained while establishing the trade name. It would necessitate affairs with different imperativeness and intelligence bureaus. News releases for the trade name should be conspicuously featured. The influence leaders of the society demand to be targeted. Print articles sing wellness, hydration and fittingness are to be released in different publications. Personal Selling The largest purchasers of the bottled H2O industry are the departmental shops. Water is besides sold through other merchants, convenience shops, intelligence agents, tobacconists, some eating houses, booths and peddling machines. Personal merchandising is required to efficaciously make and keep strategic relationship with the channels. It is a authoritative portion of the push scheme. Although the gross revenues individual would non be selling straight to the terminal user, its occupation would be all the more of import as it would be covering in larger measures with larger parties. INTERNATIONAL LAUNCH Location After the launch of Hydra in the United Kingdom, it is to be launched in the international market every bit good. It would be done after closely supervising the public presentation of the trade name in the UK. To establish the trade name internationally, the first measure is to make up ones mind on the new market. Hydra would look to venture into different European markets maintaining in head the propinquity to the UK, geographically and culturally. It would look frontward to establish the trade name in Ireland and France foremost and so spread out to Germany, Spain and Poland. Aim After set uping the trade name in the UK, the aim of Hydra would be to reiterate its local success in the international market every bit good. In the Irish and the Gallic markets, Hydra would still be an unknown entity. Therefore the first aim is to present the trade name and create trade name consciousness. The 2nd aim is to set up Hydra and Hydra! as lifestyle trade names. Overall the aim is to culturally suit in the new market. Scheme Ireland and France have been chosen as markets for international launch because they do non differ much from the UK in footings of civilization. In footings of market cleavage, the mark sections for Hydra are the same as that in UK and so will be the placement of the trade name. Therefore it is planned to travel frontward with the same communications program tuned out with local linguistic communication.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Vibram Five-Fingers Barefoot Shoes Review
Vibram Five-Fingers Barefoot Shoes Review The Vibram FiveFingers shoes take on a tricky challenge. Body mechanics can get quite complicated. Especially when it all starts with your feet. The Vibram FiveFingers shoes are a minimalist or barefoot shoe that improves your body mechanics by letting your foot work the way it should and not the way it does in a shoe. The result is a great ergonomic advantage with improved balance, agility and grip. They may look funky but they are awesome. Why Is it Different? The Vibram FiveFingers are a barefoot shoe. That is they try to mimic going barefoot while providing the protection of a shoe sole. They differ from other barefoot or minimalist shoes by giving you individual toe pockets. So you not only have a thin, responsive sole that lets you feel the ground beneath you, but you also have the use of your toes. That may not seem like much, but youd be amazed at how much your pinkie toe can do if you let it. There is a larger debate going on on whether shoes are ergonomic or healthy. There is a lot of evidence to support both sides. But Ive seen what this argument can do to your pinkie toe. Dont take it out on the pinkie toe. The problem with most shoes is that they push your outer toes in. So your pinkie toe is almost never used. It may be small but it can do a lot. The Vibram FiveFingers not only let you use your pinkie toe, but they kind of force you to. By spreading out your toes, the Vibram FiveFingers give you greater control at your base. This translates to better balance, agility and body control. It can also lead to improved posture and less hip, back and shoulder pain if you suffer from those. TO make things even better the Vibram FiveFingers are topped (or bottomed) with the legendary Vibram rubber sole perfected for rock climbing and other such activities. This means the shoes fit your foot like a second skin and have an incredible grip. It is almost like having gecko feet. Does it Deliver? These shoes deliver everything they promise. It takes very little time to get used to wearing them. And once you start you might find it hard to stop. Your body mechanics will improve. And with that so may your health and confidence. Not bad for a pair of shoes. Beneficiaries The Vibram FiveFingers shoes can benefit anyone who has learned to walk upright on two feet. Others who can benefit from this ergonomic shoe are: Runners/WalkersSwimmersFishermen/womenAcrobatsHomo Sapiens Summary The Vibram FiveFingers shoes are ingenious, well built and a phenomenal personal ergonomic enhancement. They improve your body mechanics at the starting point, your feet. And everything benefits because of that. Balance, agility and body control are all enhanced. Your hips and spine have better alignment and your heel strike (a major cause of back pain) is better. The Vibram sole on the FiveFingers is incredibly responsive and provides an unbelievable sure-footedness. The Vibram FiveFingers are available with as an open top slip on, an open top with straps, a mesh top with straps and a neoprene (wetsuit material) with straps giving you an option for almost any activity. No snow skiing model yet. Getting into them the first few times is a little difficult, but you quickly learn. Keep in mind that the Vibram FiveFingers do not offer much protection on the top. The sole is tough and as puncture resistant as any sole. But there is not much on the top the protect your foot. But it is more than actually walking barefoot.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
The Declaration of Independence - Essay Example Thesis statement: The Declaration of Independence is the most significant event that has happened in the history of the region and the nation and hence should not be given a lesser status as a fight for equal rights and justice. â€Å"Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is at once the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument†(National Archives n.d)1. A study of literature reveals that the fundamental principles embedded in the Declaration of Independence are the concepts of freedom, independence and interdependence (Armitage)2 are the components of liberty. This provides solid evidence of its significance as to being the most important of all American documents which includes all the concepts mentioned above. It is argued that the three concepts which form the foundation of the Declaration is extremely significant when compared to other events that occurred in the country. The a rticle by Armitage provides examples of the three concepts as given below. ... The Declaration of Independence and the wordings in the actual document had an influence in the eventual abolition of slavery in the country. For example, people and groups across the United States, especially in the North justified abolition on one of the central concepts of the Declaration. â€Å"The anti-slavery movement in the United States drew, as did Lincoln himself, drew upon the â€Å"created equal†principle recognized in the Declaration of Independence†(Anastaplo 2001)4. There is no disputing the fact that this was a historical landmark event in the history of the country and was influenced by the Declaration (event and text) discussed in the paper. Another example of this influence can even be traced further back, during the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention in 1788 when Washington was the President of the Constitutional Convention. Gen Thompson supporting abolition of slavery made a statement addressed to the Washington – â€Å"Mr. President, shal l it be said, that after we have established our own independence and freedom, we make slaves of others? (Henretta et al 2009)5. While no apparent result emerged from this convention, the above statement shows the impact (the meaning and substance) of the Declaration of Independence had on Gen Thompson himself and likeminded representatives in the then government. This shows that at least in two instances (given above) the Declaration of Independence had played a part in influencing anti-slavery sentiments and the eventual abolition in 1865. The third and final argument supporting the unique and highest significant status is the impact it created regarding the concept of liberty and its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mankind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mankind - Essay Example Such an understanding is important for all students of sociology, philosophy as well as psychology since it can show what it means to be human. The viewpoint taken by Aristotle regarding the human being and the soul of a person seems to be rather abstract since he considers the soul to be the essence of anything around him. He uses the example of an axe which is an axe due to the nature of the object and if somehow that nature was taken away from it would cease to be an axe. He also used the example of the eye and took sight to be the soul of the eye because without sight the eye would be lifeless. In this manner, for animals and for human beings, the soul is distinct from the body yet it is connected to the body since it guides the condition of self-nutrition, movement, thinking and sensation. With this definition, animals and human beings can be said to have souls but other living things such as plants or other basic forms of life may not have souls at all as the definition of the soul is applied to higher life forms. Aristotle therefore creates a threshold before allowing anything to have a soul or not since the lower forms of things are more likely to have an essence which makes them what they are. Thus the essence and the soul of a chair could be its utility in terms of comfort and location. The soul of a computer could be the ability of the computer to assist its human owners in performing the tasks they need the computer to perform. The differentiation between the soul and the body also allows Aristotle to suggest that while a person may lose a part of their body they can still retain their soul as a whole. However, the processes which cease to be displayed by a body once the soul has departed i.e. self-nutrition, movement, thought processes and sensation have given the functions of the soul for Aristotle. This is what makes us human and without this soul and its functions
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay Example for Free
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites (http://socialnetworking.procon.org/). In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.†When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request†people you know to keep up with their day to day actions. This ensures we don’t miss out on parts of someone’s life where we want to be included. Increasing the communication you have with someone, even online, strengthens your relationship. Unfortunately, being able to â€Å"stay connected†has kept thousands connected in a less than personal way. Networking sites entice people to stay online and spend less face-to-face time with others. So, you may be connecting to friends and family, but you are being distracted by the time wasting activities and applications the site supplies. Your mother doesn’t really care if you reached level ten in the Adventures of Indiana Jones on Facebook. She wants to know how you are doing in your classes at school. Read more: Essays on Social Networking Another way networking sites are affecting society is evident in the ability to find new people. Making new friends can be a wonderful thing. Consider the following scenario, you are interested in a certain musician and find their â€Å"page†on your networking site. On that same page are many others that have that common interest. Befriending these new people provides a new outlet for expression. A family member or friend may not like the same artist, but finding this new friend gives the ability to have someone to talk to about the subject. On the other hand, not all people surfing these sites that are looking for new friends are doing it for the right reasons. Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become â€Å"besties†with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site†(http://socialnetworking.procon.org/). Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like LinkedIn.com and CafeMom.com have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,†they can go to a networking site such as MeetUp.com. Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese person can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date†shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, or worse occurs. Too much false information is passed along the internet, and a large percent of it is done via networking sites. Overall, social networking sites can’t wholly be praised or put down for being â€Å"bad.†Being able to stay connected, make new friends, and get information via these sites has its pros and cons. No matter what changes are made, there will always be those that say the sites are good for our society, and those that say the dangers outweigh the benefits. References: Are social networking sites good for our society? (2012). Retrieved from http://socialnetworking.procon.org/
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Finding Freedom in Kate Chopins The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays
Finding Freedom in The Awakening   The Awakening was shocking to readers in 1899, and would be today if it were published in â€Å"Ladies Home Journal†. Even today, women are expected to sacrifice themselves, if not to their husbands, then definitely to their children. I find it interesting that Grand Isle is the setting for the beginning and end of the novel. The story is built around a circle and represents the whirling force that is the energy of Edna’s life. The circle reminds me of Yeats’ â€Å"The Second Coming†: â€Å"Turning and turning in the widening gyre/things fall apart/the center cannot hold.† So often I wanted Edna to act and she didn’t, I suppose that it is Chopin’s purpose to not let us into Edna’s thoughts, or make us omniscient of her actions. This was hard for me while reading. I wanted Edna’s point of view, so I could EASILY figure out what she was going to do, and that’s what was most difficult about this novel, and the reason it is not an easy read. I guess this is Chopin’s purpose. An example is when Edna cannot pinpoint why she is crying - the reader is left just as confused as Edna about the emotions. The sleep motif is very enlightening, in that key moments of Edna’s awakening are preceded by sleep. Sleep, especially for those who are depressed, is used as a way of escape, but in this novel sleep is used mystically as a way for Chopin to show that many things happen while Edna is sleeping that leads to awakening. In this way, the reader can only guess what occurs during sleep. I found I related to Harding Davis’ work more in that I can relate to Hugh and Deb’s oppression (politically, economically, class structurally). One thing the two works have in common is that both main characters (Hugh and Edna) actually hold the key to their own oppression, yet Edna’s social condition doesn’t require much sympathy from the reader. Also, if a reader cannot step into that world with Chopin, it is difficult to comprehend that kind of oppression. Perhaps it’s not correct to use the term oppression when writing about Edna, as it seems she only lives a life of obligations. She breaks free of these, however, and realizes: â€Å"Every step which she took toward relieving herself from obligations added to her strength and expansion as an individual.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Humanistic Theories of Organizations Essay
The relationship between the â€Å"boss†and the employee is an important one indeed. It is a relationship that can make or brake an organization. While classical theorist such as Fredrick Taylor (Scientific Management Theory), Henri Fayol (Administrative Theory) and Max Weber (Theory of Bureaucracy) (Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p26.) emphasized the literal structure of an organization; i.e. worker productivity, chain of command and preserving organizational authority, they were not too concerned with an organizations social structure. However, â€Å"Human Relations Theory†(Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p43.) builds more on an organizations social structure suggesting that an organization can benefit greatly from a positive social relationship between its supervisors and its employees. It is clear that there is a positive connection between â€Å"authentic leadership and employee voice behavior†(Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). Authentic Leadership, Employee Voice Behavior & the Hawthorne Studies Hsin-Hua Hsiung (2012) quoting Walumbwa et al. 2008, p. 94 writes that â€Å"Authentic Leadership†refers to ‘‘a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate, to foster greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self-development’’. In the referred to article Authentic Leadership and Employee Voice Behavior: A Multi-Level Psychological Process (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012) the author discusses an investigative study of the â€Å"psychological process of how authentic leadership affects employee voice†. He suggests that the â€Å"theoretical model†of the study proposes that positive mood of the employees and, what he terms, the â€Å"leader–member exchange†or LMX quality mediate the relationship between authentic leadership and voice behavior, while the procedural justice climate moderates the mediation effects of positive mood and LMX quality (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). This study ultimately revealed â€Å"the cross-level effects of authentic leadership†, and provided practical suggestions to assist employees expressing themselves and their opinions in the organization (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). Ironically, the Hawthorne Studies (Mayo, Roethlisberger & Dickson 1939) in human relations had a similar conclusion. Among other implications these studies (Illumination, Relay Assembly Test Room, the Interviewing Program and Wiring Room Studies) collectively proposed that supervisors â€Å"pay attention to your workers to increase their satisfaction and productivity †(Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p). Conclusion, Strengths and Weaknesses In conclusion, the article in my opinion was a fair explanation of a study that concluded that there are positive implications for social interaction between supervisors and employees. The strength and weakness of the article is the authors supporting research material. While he quotes several researchers and documents to validate his findings and his theory is supported by what the author terms â€Å"multi-level data from 70 workgroups of a real estate agent company in Taiwan†, he failed to research or mention the Human Relation Theory or the Hawthorne Studies (Mayo, Roethlisberger & Dickson 1939) which in my opinion would have further strengthened theory. References: Hsiung, H. H. (2012). Authentic leadership and employee voice behavior: A multi-level psychological process. . Journal of business ethics, 107 (3), 349-361. doi: 10.1007/s10551-011-1043-2 Modaff, D. P., Butler, J. A., & Dewine, S. (2012). Organizational communication: foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings. (3rd ed.). Glenview Illinois: Pearson
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Implement Marketing Strategies and Tactics Essay
Briefing stakeholders- Persons involved directly or indirectly with the organisation or project. BBQfun will be the leading outdoor-lifestyle retailer, catering to the growing need for furnishing new and renovated dwellings in the greater Brisbane area. Board of directors- BBQfun’s board of directors need to approve the plan, customers specific needs, prepare a report of high population in Greater Brisbane area, new homes and renovated homes growing from a base of 50,000 per year, low employment. Human resources staff-Human resources staff may need to adjustment demographic factors like – * Male and female population * Age segment that makes up 50% of the Brisbane new and renovated house markets, according to the chamber of commerce * High percentage of young professionals who work in the central Business district. * An average household income of over $130,000. Services marketing- Marketing based on relationship and value. BBQfun will position as a broad assortment, quality, unique outdoor –lifestyle retailer. Brisbane customers appreciate high quality and uniqueness will recognise the value and unique offerings of BBQfun. Manager- BBQfun’s manager looking for security in purchasing and house proud factor in outdoor lifestyle purchasing. Marketing and non-marketing personnel- The success of any marketing activities is equally shared between both external and internal customers group. BBQfun’s basic market need is for quality, fashionable and unique outdoor –lifestyle items that caters to the house- proud needs of our market. The success of the marketing plan of BBQfun’s many aspects are responsible for this like- advertising personnel, manager, public relations personnel, sales manager, sales team, staff, and supervisors. Objectives of the plan- * Increase sales from $15 millon per year to $20 million per year in the next three years. * Increase our loyalty customers list from 10,000 to 16,000. * Establish brand recognition in Brisbane so that at least two in three people recognise our brand in a random survey taken in 12 months’ time. * Continue increase gross profit margins. Roles and responsibilities-BBQfun’s responsibility is to provide customers with the most extensive assortment of quality outdoor-lifestyle products available in the market. Second, easy to manage long term repayment plans make unique, imported and high quality outdoor-lifestyle affordable to all. Performance measures- it is very important to know the performance measures of the BBQfun’s. There are four main steps for measuring – Customers- BBQfun’s excellent staff that is highly skilled and knowledgeable about outdoor lifestyles. High customer loyalty among repeat customers.BBQfun’s great retail space that is bright, functional and efficient. Customers can see the quality of the product as it is displayed in the store. Financial-BBQfun’s advertising budget is set at $250,000 for the year. Continue to finance the easy manage long term repayment. The imported products make up 33% of the assortment. Internal business process- BBQfun wants their products and service meet customer needs so BBQfun try to new dwelling population, shopping patterns requiring easy access and customer car parking counts. Learning and growth-BBQfun has created an outdoor- lifestyle range of retail products that are differentied and superior to competitors. BBQfun provide 3 year guarantee is unique in the market place. BBQfun want to grow their business in the commercial, suburban neighbourhood or urban retail district. BBQfun‘s will do direct mail and local advertising. BBQfun has 15-20 full time staff, plus casuals. Marketing strategies and the resources-A marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan; it integrates an organisation’s marketing objectives, goals, policies and actions.BBQfun’s 3 types of marketing strategies- Defensive strategies- BBQfun’s mission is to provide customers with the most extensive assortment of quality products available in the market. BBQfun continue to finance the easy manage long term repayment plan for customers. Developing strategies-BBQfun’s developing strategy is increase sales from $15 million per year to $20 million pe r year in the next 3 years, increase loyalty customers list from 10,000 to 16,000. Attacking strategies- BBQfun’s customers are mostly aged between 20 to 50, making up 50% of the new and renovated dwelling market. Outdoor lifestyle stores have been very successful in stand alone, extensive car park access, close to new housing estates being established. By offering a superior service in range and uniqueness, BBQfun will excel relative to the competition and achieve goals. Resources -Elements that are utilised to assist the process like- human, information and communication technology, financial and physical. * Human resources relates to the people. BBQfun’s marketing plan and strategy related to the people because this is a outdoor lifestyle retailer company. BBQfun’s customers are male and female and high percentage of young professionals. * Financial- BBQfun’s advertising budget is $250,000 for the year. BBQfun will try to get articles about BBQfun into the BrisNews magazine. BrisNews magazine has seen a dramatic increase of sales immediately after the article was published. * ICT – For advertising purpose BBQfun is using local letter box, radio, and magazines. BBQfun‘s will do direct mail and local advertising, with coupon inserts in the BrisNews magazine likely to be the most successful of the campaigns. Communication and team building strategies- Effective communication is essential in any workplace and is essential for building or improving business and work relationships. Team building strategies are also essential in effectively running an organisation or team. BBQfun’s objective is to create customer awareness regarding their services offered, develop that customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals. The message of BBQfun is easy access outdoor-lifestyle products in Brisbane. This message will be communicated through a variety of methods like- direct mail. BBQfun will also use ads and inserts in Brizzy magazine. The 5Cs of effective team building are- Clear expectations-If we want to implement successful team building strategy then clear expectation is very important. In a team every person knows the role they are expected to play as well as the roles of other team members. Each and every member of the team needs to understand how and where they fit in the organisational structure. Channels of communication- Team building strategy cannot achieve without open channels of communication. It involves everyone like directors, managers, team leaders and team members. It helps to create working atmosphere and encourage to employees to discuss the problems amongst themselves. Conflict resolution-When a group of people working together then differences emerge into the open. By communication they try to solve the differences. If they can’t resolve their problems without assistance then implement mediation with an impartial third party and organise a workshop on this subject. Consequences- Make sure each team member feels responsible and accountable for team achievements. Understand the individual contribution and give them appreciation if they are doing well. In this way it encourages them for individual creativity. Celebrating achievements as a team- Every employee or team member plays an important role in the success or failure of an organisation. So need to celebrate achievements as a team. Marketing mix- BBQfun’s marketing mix is comprised of these following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion and customer service. Strategies for monitoring marketing activities- The marketing plan require the monitoring of all marketing activities in order to analyse their performance. Implementation strategies for effective and accurate monitoring processes need to be considered and implemented. BBQfun’s each aspect of marketing plan should be monitored and evaluate. These aspects are important to achieve goal- Timeline, Resource, Costs, sales, contacts made relationship. BBQfun‘s single objective to position BBQ as the premier outdoor –lifestyle store in the greater Brisbane area within 5 years. BBQfun wants to create customer awareness regarding their service and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals. The direct mail campaign will be away to communicate directly with the consumer in this way BBQfun create a good relationship with customers. It is envisaged that new products will be developed on a regular basis in line with changes in customer taste which is targeted at every 12 months. By getting feedback from these firms then changes is possible in the product. Feedback, decision making process of customers is very important aspect for the development of the product. Local business owners are often part of an informal fraternal organisation where they support each other’s business. BBQfun recently become a member of the outdoor Lifestyle Association. BBQfun’s marketing manager is responsible for marketing activities and has the authority and responsibilities over all company activities that affect customer’s satisfaction. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Real, Not Monetary Shocks Drive Business Cycles †Business Essay
Real, Not Monetary Shocks Drive Business Cycles – Business Essay Free Online Research Papers Real, Not Monetary Shocks Drive Business Cycles Business Essay A business, or trade cycle, is the term used to describe the tendency for recurring fluctuations in economic activity characterized by alternating periods of upward and downward movements in the aggregate level of output and employment, relative to their long-term trends. The initial concept of business cycles is generally attributed to French physician Clement Juglar, who described the economic cycle in 1860 as ‘a recurring, if not necessarily uniform pattern.’ Since that time, a four-phase scheme has been used to describe fluctuations in business cycles: an upturn ends at an upper turning point (boom), followed by a downturn which leads to a lower turning point (recession) which is, in turn, followed by the next upturn (Fig. 1.1). Theories on the causes of business cycles have considered an array of possible factors yet neither theoretical nor empirical work has conclusively delineated the underlying causes for fluctuations. I intend to expound the theories and assess relevant evidence on behalf of both real and monetary shocks. I turn, I shall also comment on how the two schools of thought are implicitly tied to political po licy and finally offer an answer as to which really drives business cycles. Mainstream macroeconomists view recessions as a case of market failure. There are workers who would like to work but cannot because no one is willing to hire them. Their lack of income creates consumers who would like to spend but who cannot because they do not have the funds to do so. As a result, there are businesses that would like to produce and hire more workers, but cannot because there is not enough demand for final output. The circle is complete, and there is something not working properly. The traditional explanation for this situation was a failure of wages and prices to adjust quickly enough. A change in spending drives the economy away from equilibrium, but sticky wages and/or prices prevent rapid adjustment to a new equilibrium. Real-business cycle theorists reject the above explanation based on the assumption that markets always clear. Hence wages and prices should not be sticky, but should adjust quickly. In essence, the central idea is that technical change is the most important kind of economic disturbance behind business fluctuations. This approach builds on the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter who held that capitalism is characterised by waves of â€Å"creative destruction†in which the continuous introduction of new technologies constantly drives existing firms our of business. When there is a temporary improvement in technology, this temporarily raises productivity. It follows that the real wage is also temporarily higher given that workers are paid their marginal product, which is equal to the real wage. Workers respond to the temporarily high wage rate by deciding to work harder while the real wage is high, and as a consequence, output rises. Suppose that in some weeks you get paid $15 per hour, and in other weeks you only get paid $5 per hour. If one could choose how many hours a week to work, what kind of pattern would be expected? Though some people may choose to work the same in all weeks, most people would work longer in the higher-pay weeks and less in the lower-pay weeks. They will take their leisure in the lower-pay periods, and move their work to the higher pay periods. The real-business cycle suggests that this same pattern holds over longer periods. When there is a technological shock raising real wage, people will work more causing output to surge, and when there is a technological shock lowering real wage, people will withdraw from work, causing output to fall. This pattern is what we observe as booms and recessions. Clearly, real business cycle theory depends heavily on the ability of workers to alter the amount of labour and leisure time they choose at each point in time. This is called the inter-te mporal substitution of labour, and it is one of the most controversial assumptions of real business cycles. Many economists find the real-business cycle theory totally unbelievable. No one can observe the technological shocks that are at the heart of this explanation, and it strikes many as simply ridiculous to argue that the unemployment during a recession is voluntary. However, the evidence for the argument that real shocks drive business cycles may be found in cases of natural and artificial disasters. Natural disasters such as the tsunami in Asia and artificial disasters such as the terrorists attacks on September 11th 2001. The evidence that September 11th caused an immediate and continued downturn in the economy of the United States (and as a direct result the strength of the dollar) is undeniable. Likewise the economic effects on the affected areas in Asia are possibly even more extreme. Entire villages and towns have been entirely destroyed and consequently the economy is defunct. Herein lies the problem of talking about business cycles in general. It is clear from the exampl es above that a business cycle in the developed world means a very different thing to those countries in the early stages of economic advancement. However, both cases support the argument that real shocks are the primary force behind business cycles. In terms of policy implications real business cycle theorists are inclined to deny the powers of governments, through monetary and fiscal policy, to control the rate of economic growth. In contrast those who believe that monetary shocks drive business cycles argue that it is indeed the government (or central bank) policies that can control the rate of growth. The target of monetary policy may be the achievement of a desired level or rate of growth in real activity, the price level, the exchange rate, or the balance of payments. In both the UK and the US policies have included setting the interest rate charged by the central bank, sales or purchases of securities to control the money supply, and changes in the required reserve ratios of banks and other financial institutions. Monetarism was drafted as a ‘revolution’ against the then orthodox Keynesian theory. In the early and mid-1960s, monetarism and Keynesian economics were regarded as distinct and probably irreconcilable explanations for business cycles. Monetarists distinguish themselves from other economists by stressing the existence of a stable money-demand function. One implication is that the best way to stabilise the economy is to stabilise the rate of growth of the money supply at a low level. Assuming that output is determined exogenously (by the microeconomic supply decisions of households and businesses) so that Q can be taken as given, then the definition of velocity implies: P = (M .V)/Q If V is fairly stable, and Q is exogenous, the equation implies that changes in M translate into changes in the price level. Thus, monetarists stress that changes in M are the key to controlling the price level. They hold that money should be allowed to rise at a constant rate per year. Thus, controlling inflation becomes merely a problem of controlling M. Monetarism is much more sceptical than Keynesian economics with regard to the need for, and efficacy of, stabilization policies. In order not to distort price signals, the government should make the supply of money stable and predictable. An independent central bank is helpful in achieving this goal. Friedman and Schwartz brought money back to the fore with the publication of their Monetary History of the U.S (1963). In this influential book, Friedman and Schwartz show that money and real aggregate production move together closely over the business cycle. Laidler’s model shows that the interplay between a Friedmanian accelerationist Phillips curve and the quantity equation is sufficient to generate business cycles in R. Frisch’s sense. According to Friedman and Schwartz much the same mechanisms potentially give rise to business cycles in the open economy with international trade in commodities and securities. They also posit that incorporating structural unemployment into the monetarist model does not affect the main results. The supply side determines average aggregate output and the interplay between supply and demand determines the fluctuations around this average level. The theoretical positions of these two schools of thought converged to a widely shared macroeconomic consensus in the early 1970s that the average output level is determined by supply-side factors, while the demand side is an important determinant of the fluctuations of aggregate production about the average level. The issue of whether monetary policy can be used to control business cycles is at the heart of the economic debate with regard to the European Monetary Union (EMU). Many believe that Gordon Brown’s view that Britain would be adversely affected economically by joining the Euro is the single largest factor as to why Britain remains a sovereign state. The argument revolves around the fact that monetary policy, if it is to have a controlling effect on an economy, is most effective when it is used to counteract localised shocks. It follows then that a single monetary policy for all EMU nations (with well-documented fundamental differences in the foundations of their respective economic status) would be less effective than implementing one specific to the UK. In conclusion, and I think most modern macroeconomists would agree, that business cycles are clearly influenced by both real and monetary shocks. As I have shown, real shocks, can offer a more identifiable force behind business cycles and yet it could simultaneously be argued that the government’s monetary policy is the more constant, driving, factor. I believe that the government should take an active role in moderating the business cycle through stabilization policies. This is because, as research has shown, short-term business cycle fluctuations may have long-term effects on the economy. The persistence of long-term unemployment in European economies is a good example of how short-term fluctuations in output and employment can create serious long-term problems for the economy. I am inclined to agree with Boehm who states ‘there are both endogenous and exogenous causes of cycles and concludes that, while each cycle is distinct, there are also common elements to all b usiness cycles.’ The implication is that any theory suggesting random elements as the main source of cycles is suspect. Since new classical theory postulates that cycles are caused by random monetary shocks and real business cycle theory places blame on technology shocks, both theories fail by Boehms criteria. Boehm concludes that an eclectic theory of the cycle is necessary and that continual monitoring is needed for stabilisation purposes. Bibliography The American Business Cycle, R. J. Gordon, 1986 Macroeconomics in the Global Economy, Sachs-Lauren, 1993 Business Cycle Indicators, Karl Heinrich Oppenlander, 2001 Cause and Control of the Business Cycle, E.C. Harwood, 1975 Business Cycles, James Arthur Etey, 1992 The Economics of Seasonal Cycles, Miron, 1998 The Oxford Dictionary of Economics, 2004 UK Monetary Policy in the Modern Economy, A. T. Milner, 2002 Research Papers on Real, Not Monetary Shocks Drive Business Cycles - Business EssayResearch Process Part OneTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export Quotas
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
UC Essay Examples for the Personal Insight questions
UC Essay Examples for the Personal Insight questions Every applicant to one of the University of California campuses must write four short essays in response to the UC applications Personal Insight questions. The UC essay examples below reveal how two different students approached the prompts. Both essays are accompanied by an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. As you figure out your strategy for responding to the UC Personal Insight questions, keep in mind that its not just the individual essays that matter, but also the full portrait of yourself that you create through the combination of all four essays. Ideally, each essay should present a different dimension of your personality, interests, and talents so that the admissions folks get to know you as a three-dimensional individual who has a lot to contribute to the campus community. UC Sample Essay, Question #2 For one of her Personal Insight essays, Angie responded to question #2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. Here is her essay: I’m not great at drawing. Even after taking the required art classes in elementary and middle school, I don’t really see myself becoming a famous artist anytime soon. I’m most comfortable creating stick figures and notebook doodles. However, my lack of innate talent hasn’t kept me from using drawing communicate or entertain through cartoons. Now, like I said, the artwork itself isn’t going to win any awards, but that’s only part of my creative process. I draw cartoons to make my friends laugh, to make my siblings feel better if they’re having a bad day, to poke fun at myself. I don’t make cartoons to show off my artistic ability; I make them because I think they’re fun to create, and (so far) other people enjoy them. When I was about seven or eight, my sister got dumped by her boyfriend unexpectedly. She was feeling really down about it, and I was trying to think of something I could do that would cheer her up. So I drew a (pretty bad) likeness of her ex, made better by some rather unflattering details. It made my sister laugh, and I like to think I helped her through her break-up, even if only a little bit. Since then, I’ve drawn caricatures of my teachers, friends, and celebrities, ventured a little into political cartooning, and started a series about my interactions with my idiotic cat, Gingerale. Cartooning is a way for me to be creative and express myself. Not only am I being artistic (and I use that term loosely), but I’m using my imagination to create scenarios and figure out how how to represent people and things. I’ve learned what people find funny, and what is not funny. I’ve come to realize that my drawing skills are not the important part of my cartooning. What is important is that I’m expressing myself, making others happy, and doing something small and silly, but also worthwhile. Discussion of UC Sample Essay by Angie Angies essay comes in at 322 words, a little below the 350-word limit. 350 words is already a small space in which to tell a meaningful story, so dont be afraid to submit an essay thats close to the word limit (as long as your essay isnt wordy, repetitive, or lacking substance). The essay does a good job showing the reader a dimension of Angie that probably isnt apparent anywhere else in her application. Her love of creating cartoons wouldnt appear in her academic record or list of extracurricular activities. Thus, its a good choice for one of her Personal Insight essays (after all, its providing new insight into her person). We learn that Angie isnt just a good student who is involved in some school activities. She also has a hobby she is passionate about. Crucially, Angie explains why cartooning is important to her. The tone of Angies essay is also a plus. She has not written a typical look how great I am essay. Instead, Angie clearly tells us that her artistic skills are rather weak. Her honesty is refreshing, and at the same time, the essay does convey much to admire about Angie: she is funny, self-deprecating, and caring. This latter point, in fact, is the true strength of the essay. By explaining that she enjoys this hobby because of the happiness it brings other people, Angie comes across as someone who is genuine, considerate, and kind. Overall, the essay is quite strong. It is clearly written, uses an engaging style, and is free of any major grammatical errors. It presents a dimension of Angies character that should appeal to the admissions staff who read her essay. If there is one weakness, it would be that the third paragraph focuses on Angies early childhood. Colleges are much more interested in what you have done in recent years than your activities as a child. That said, the childhood information connects to Angies current interests in clear, relevant ways, so it does not detract too much from the overall essay. UC Sample Essay, Question #6 For one of his University of California Personal Insight essays, Terrance responded to option #6: Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you. Here is his essay: One of my strongest memories in elementary school is rehearsing for the annual â€Å"Learning on the Move†show. The fourth graders put on this show every year, each one focusing on something different. Our show was about food and making healthy choices. We could pick which group to be in: dancing, stage design, writing, or music. I chose music, not because I was interested in it the most, but because my best friend had picked it. I remember the music director showing us a long row of various percussion instruments, and asking us what we thought different foods would sound like. This was not my first experience in playing an instrument, but I was a novice when it came to creating music, deciding what the music meant, and what its intent and meaning was. Granted, choosing a gà ¼iro to represent scrambled eggs was not Beethoven writing his Ninth Symphony, but it was a start. In middle school, I joined the orchestra, taking up the cello. Freshmen year of high school, I auditioned for, and was accepted into, the regional youth symphony. More importantly, though, I took two semesters of Music Theory my sophomore year. I love playing music, but I’ve learned that I love writing it even more. Since my high school only offers Music Theory I and II, I attended a summer music camp with a program in theory and composition. I learned so much, and I’m looking forward to pursuing a major in Music Composition. I find writing music is a way for me to express emotions and tell stories that are beyond language. Music is such a unifying force; it’s a way to communicate across languages and borders. Music has been such a large part of my life- from fourth grade and on- and studying music and music composition is a way for me to create something beautiful and share it with others. Discussion of UC Sample Essay by Terrance Like Angies essay, Terrances essay comes in at a little over 300 words. This length is perfectly appropriate assuming all of the words add substance to the narrative. When it comes to the features of a good application essay, Terrance does well and avoids common pitfalls. For Terrance, the choice of question #6 makes sense- he fell in love with composing music, and he is entering college knowing what his major will be. If you are like many college applicants and have a wide range of interests and possible college majors, you may want to steer clear of this question. Terrances essay does a good job balancing humor with substance. The opening paragraph presents an entertaining vignette in which he chooses to study music based on nothing more than peer pressure. By paragraph three, we learn how that rather serendipitous introduction to music has led to something very meaningful. The final paragraph also establishes a pleasing tone with its emphasis on music as a unifying force and something that Terrance wants to share with others. He comes across as a passionate and generous person who will contribute to the campus community in a meaningful way. A Final Word on Personal Insight Essays Unlike the California State University system, the University of California schools have a holistic admissions process. The admissions officers are evaluating you as a whole person, not just as numerical data related to test scores and grades (although both are important). The Personal Insight questions are one of the primary ways the admissions officers get to know you, your personality, and your interests. Think of each essay as an independent entity, as well as one piece of a four-essay application. Each essay should present an engaging narrative that reveals an important aspect of your life as well as explain why the topic youve chosen is important to you. When you consider all four essays in combination, they should work together to reveal the true breadth and depth of your character and interests.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Clownfishing Mating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Clownfishing Mating - Essay Example The fish thrive in the warm waters of the tropics (Maddern 1990 p 36). They are mainly found in the salty waters of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. The excretion from the fish is a major source of nourishment for the sea anemone that absorbs the nutrients emanating from fecal matter. More over, the movements of the Clownfish in the water surrounding the sea anemone, especially when fanning the eggs are significant for water circulation, which is significant for the distribution of nutrients for the nourishment of the sea anemone (Drury 2008 p 63). The Clownfish is covered by a mucus coating around its body which as Wittenrich et al. (2007 p 93) observed are derived from sugars, which is one of the factors that prevents the stinging reaction of the sea anemone as the nematocysts are triggered by the presence of protein based substances in the surrounding. The fish dwell in one sea anemone as a group, which means that several sea anemones will host different groups of fish (Godwin 1994 p 561). In other words one sea anemone is the territory of one small group of fish. Clownfish is one of the aquatic organisms whose sex remains a subject of controversy. It is generally known that the fish is capable of switching its sex. This essay is a critique of the Clownfish mating process and gender changes that occur, as well as an exploration of the different species. The ability to switch sex is one of the aspects that make the fish unique especially the fact that this can happen to any adult fish. Kuwamora & Nakashima (1998 p 126) observe that during hatching, the fish are usually one sex, i. e, all males. The dominant male that becomes larger than all the rest during adult stage develops in to a female. None other develops in to a female so long as the dominant female is alive. The fish that follows in terms of size becomes the dominant male, while the rest remain small
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