Sunday, March 22, 2020
Bajar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples
Bajar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb bajar means to take down or lower, but it can be used in several different ways. Bajar is a regular -ar verb like parar or llamar. If you know the conjugation rules for regular -ar verbs, then you can easily conjugate bajar. In this article you can find tables with the present, preterit, imperfect, future, and conditional indicative tenses for bajar, as well as the present and past subjunctive, imperative, and other verb forms. Using the Verb Bajar The verb bajar has many different uses. It can be both a transitive and intransitive verb. When it is used as a transitive verb it can mean to lower or drop something, such as Debes bajar el volumen de la mà ºsica (You must lower the volume of the music), or Bajà ©Ã‚ el precio del carro (I lowered the price of the car). It can also mean to take or bring something down, as in Voy a bajar el florero del estante (Im going to bring down the vase from the shelf), and it can even mean to download something from the internet, as in Bajà © el archivo a mi computadora (I downloaded the file to my computer). The verb bajar can also be used as an intransitive verb to talk about something lowering or dropping, such as El precio de la gasolina bajà ³Ã‚ (The price of gas dropped) or Esta noche bajar la temperatura (Tonight the temperature will drop). It can also be used to talk about when a person comes down or descends, as in Ella bajà ³ al primer piso (She came down to the first floor). Finally, you can use bajar to talk about getting off a vehicle, as in El nià ±o bajà ³ del autobà ºs (The boy got off the bus). Bajar Present Indicative Yo bajo I lower Yo bajo el volumen de la msica. T bajas You lower T bajas los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella baja You/he/she lowers Ella baja las persianas en la noche. Nosotros bajamos We lower Nosotros bajamos el precio de la ropa. Vosotros bajis You lower Vosotros bajis la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas bajan You/they lower Ellos bajan la foto de la pared. Bajar Preterite Indicative There are two forms of the past tense in Spanish: the preterite and the imperfect. The preterite is used to talk about completed actions in the past. Yo baj I lowered Yo baj el volumen de la msica. T bajaste You lowered T bajaste los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella baj You/he/she lowered Ella baj las persianas en la noche. Nosotros bajamos We lowered Nosotros bajamos el precio de la ropa. Vosotros bajasteis You lowered Vosotros bajasteis la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas bajaron You/they lowered Ellos bajaron la foto de la pared. Bajar Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. With the verb bajar, you can translate the imperfect as was lowering or used to lower. Yo bajaba I used to lower Yo bajaba el volumen de la msica. T bajabas You used to lower T bajabas los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella bajaba You/he/she used to lower Ella bajaba las persianas en la noche. Nosotros bajbamos We used to lower Nosotros bajbamos el precio de la ropa. Vosotros bajabais You used to lower Vosotros bajabais la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas bajaban You/they used to lower Ellos bajaban la foto de la pared. Bajar Future Indicative Yo bajar I will lower Yo bajar el volumen de la msica. T bajars You will lower T bajars los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella bajar You/he/she will lower Ella bajar las persianas en la noche. Nosotros bajaremos We will lower Nosotros bajaremos el precio de la ropa. Vosotros bajaris You will lower Vosotros bajaris la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas bajarn You/they will lower Ellos bajarn la foto de la pared. Bajar Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future in Spanish is equivalent to the going to verb construction in English. Yo voy a bajar I am going to lower Yo voy a bajar el volumen de la msica. T vas a bajar You are going to lower T vas a bajar los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella va a bajar You/he/she is going to lower Ella va a bajar las persianas en la noche. Nosotros vamos a bajar We are going to lower Nosotros vamos a bajar el precio de la ropa. Vosotros vais a bajar You are going to lower Vosotros vais a bajar la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a bajar You/they are going to lower Ellos van a bajar la foto de la pared. Bajar Conditional Indicative When you want to talk about possibilities or about things that would happen, you can use the conditional tense. An example of a sentence using the conditional is Si vinieras a visitarme, bajarà a a abrirte la puerta (If you came to visit me, I would come down to open the door for you). Yo bajara I would lower Yo bajara el volumen de la msica. T bajaras You would lower T bajaras los libros del estante. Usted/l/ella bajara You/he/she would lower Ella bajara las persianas en la noche. Nosotros bajaramos We would lower Nosotros bajaramos el precio de la ropa. Vosotros bajarais You would lower Vosotros bajarais la velocidad del carro. Ustedes/ellos/ellas bajaran You/they would lower Ellos bajaran la foto de la pared. Bajar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The present participle or gerund of -ar verbs is formed with the ending -ando. You can use the present participle to form progressive tenses, such as the present progressive. Present Progressive of Bajar est bajando She is lowering Ella est bajando las persianas. Bajar Past Participle To form the past participle for -ar verbs, use the ending -ado. The past participle is used to form compound tenses like the present perfect. Present Perfect of Bajar ha bajado She has lowered Ella ha bajado las persianas. Bajar Present Subjunctive Que yo baje That I lower Pedro pide que yo baje el volumen de la msica. Que t bajes That you lower Marisa quiere que t bajes los libros del estante. Que usted/l/ella baje That you/he/she lower Marco espera que ella baje las persianas en la noche. Que nosotros bajemos That we lower Carlos pide que nosotros bajemos el precio de la ropa. Que vosotros bajis That you lower Sara quiere que vosotros bajis la velocidad del carro. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas bajen That you/they lower Leo pide que ellos bajen la foto de la pared. Bajar Imperfect Subjunctive The tables below show two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. Both options are equally valid. Option 1 Que yo bajara That I lowered Pedro pidi que yo bajara el volumen de la msica. Que t bajaras That you lowered Marisa quera que t bajaras los libros del estante. Que usted/l/ella bajara That you/he/she lowered Marco esperaba que ella bajara las persianas en la noche. Que nosotros bajramos That we lowered Carlos pidi que nosotros bajramos el precio de la ropa. Que vosotros bajarais That you lowered Sara quera que vosotros bajarais la velocidad del carro. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas bajaran That you/they lowered Leo pidi que ellos bajaran la foto de la pared. Option 2 Que yo bajase That I lowered Pedro pidi que yo bajase el volumen de la msica. Que t bajases That you lowered Marisa quera que t bajases los libros del estante. Que usted/l/ella bajase That you/he/she lowered Marco esperaba que ella bajase las persianas en la noche. Que nosotros bajsemos That we lowered Carlos pidi que nosotros bajsemos el precio de la ropa. Que vosotros bajaseis That you lowered Sara quera que vosotros bajaseis la velocidad del carro. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas bajasen That you/they lowered Leo pidi que ellos bajasen la foto de la pared. Bajar Imperative If you want to give a command or direct order, use the imperative mood. The tables below show the affirmative and negative commands, which are different in the tà ºÃ‚ and vosotros forms. Positive Commands T baja Lower! Baja los libros del estante! Usted baje Lower! Baje las persianas en la noche! Nosotros bajemos Lets lower! Bajemos el precio de la ropa! Vosotros bajad Lower! Bajad la velocidad del carro! Ustedes bajen Lower! Bajen la foto de la pared! Negative Commands T no bajes Dont lower! No bajes los libros del estante! Usted no baje Dont lower! No baje las persianas en la noche! Nosotros no bajemos Lets not lower! No bajemos el precio de la ropa! Vosotros no bajis Dont lower! No bajis la velocidad del carro! Ustedes no bajen Dont lower! No bajen la foto de la pared!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
We, the People and American Government Essay Example
We, the People and American Government Essay Example We, the People and American Government Essay We, the People and American Government Essay We the people are the government. A government is a protective body set up to protect the people from national and foreign threats. A government is like a scale, balancing the needs and the wants of the people. The government comes together to create laws that will benefit the people of their state or nation for the better. However, everyone has their own opinion on how to run the nation; the two most dominant political parties, Democratic and Republican Party, make this true. If there is a president, governor, mayor etc. who is in the opposite party from you, than you might disagree with how they run the government, which varies from person to person. The government should be involved with the everyday lives of the people mostly because the government is the people. I just don’t think it should be as involved in our lives than it is. For example, just because I own a laptop with a camera attached to it doesn’t mean it has to be tapped into to watch what Americans are doing. I understand the use of tracking cars by EZ pass to inform drivers of traffic. However taking away someone’s privacy isn’t the kind of involvement everyone wants. We take for granted some times what the government provides like safe water, meat that has passed inspection, or a simple sidewalk protecting us from oncoming traffic. The constitution sets up the government by making it by and for the people. The way the United States has an order of checks and balances makes the government so efficient because this makes sure that there is no one in power whose â€Å"head gets too big†for their position. The three branches of government allow multiple people to be in power at the same time making sure everyone does their job. This way it makes everyone voice heard in a way because each politician, president, judge has different views on how to run the nation. Citizenship describes a person with legal rights within a political order. Citizens have rights and
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