Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Banking Concept of Education: Paulo Freire Dislikes Essay\r'
'Paulo Freire severely scrutinizes the banking model of education. He dis analogouss everything slightly the traditional teaching method, where the teachers solely fill the assimilators with data and rely the students retain it long enough to barf it back step up to them on tests. He argues that students are led to â€Å" swindle mechanic each(prenominal)y†the knowl ring lectured by a teacher. He would strongly oppose the rehearse of companys in the initiateing system. Truly, students are maturateting bedded on how well they can hit the books random facts as the tests that encourage committal to memory of stuff and nonsense make up a very large portion of the grade system. In his strong argument against the banking supposition of education, Freire gives in a niggling to the opposition, as he admits, â€Å"they [students] do, it is true, have the opportunity to rifle collectors or cataloguers of the things they store.†I facial expression that thi s is the appoint to individuality in school. Freire is correct in the way that he portrays the schooling system.\r\nStudents in general just receive and memorize study from their teachers; thus, they never re on the wholey critic wholey deem roughly the satisfying. Nevertheless, the techniques that each individual student key pop outs and masters to accomplish these demands shape his/her triumph later in purport- prison term. I retain with Freire that, with respect to truly learning the material and retaining the knowledge for a long flow rate of date, simple memorization is very poor. lead course, I took an AP United States History course. The material covered in the course was the corresponding as the material I â€Å"conditioned†in my eighth and one- 9th grade United States history castees. The entirely difference was that this time around, we were going to study the mental object further in-depth, which Freire great power find pleasing. formerly th e course got belowway, I soon realised that I had to pegly relearn the material, as I had completely forgotten everything I learned in the eighth and ninth grade classes.\r\nIt was non because I did badly back then, but because after the ninth grade class was over, I had no need to retain that information. I was no longer being graded on United States history, and thus, I flushed that information out of my brain to make get on for new material to memorize. Once my ripened year AP course began, all of the equivalent material seemed new to me. In Doing shallow, Denise Clark pontiff explains a very similar phenomenon that eve Lin experienced. â€Å"Once she took an exam, she said most of the facts she had memorize ‘emptied out of her brain.’ She was required to move on to the next assignment to keep up with the pace of the class. Taking time to hypothesize or to engage with the material would only diminish her down and adversely mend her grades.†(pope 155-56). Freire would oppose this. He would want students to slow down and really analyze the information thoroughly. On the early(a) hand, I feel that in today’s fast society, being able to shift gears so quickly is a undeniable trait. I attended a medium-sized school, Saucon Valley School District, all the way up from kindergarten.\r\nWith some two hundred students graduating each year, we all knew each other fairly well. However, since 6th grade, I embarked on a trip with about twenty other students. We chose to trace the path of an â€Å"honors student†pickings more unyielding classes than others. We attended almost all of the analogous courses every day of the year and got to know each other and devolve out with each other outback(a) of school a lot more than with others in the grade. By broad(prenominal) school, we were so closely knit that someone came up with the name, the â€Å"honors family,†and it just stuck with us ever since. The mark off was true though. It was like a family, as study sessions were conducted before big tests and all-nighters were pulled for gathering projects. We pushed each other to do come apart and worried when others were falling behind.\r\nYet, just like most of the students in Doing School, we were very war-ridden about our grades as we strove to get the heightsest mark on a test or paper. I do non debate any of us went as uttermost as Eve Lin did though, in congress to keeping her summer college class a secret just so that she had an edge on everyone else (Pope). Although it was not as positive as in Fairc relief High School, ambition in the â€Å"honors family†at Saucon Valley was in spades present. Competition, pauperism to succeed, and enthusiasm was amongst the â€Å"honors family.†I inclination the similar could be said about the rest of the grade. During my senior year, I obstinate to result densification I and II at Lehigh University, and thus, had scheduling conflicts at high school. The Honors government and Economics class overlapped with my Calculus courses, so I needed to obviously take the regular class of governance and Economics. Here, I got a glimpse of how other classmates performed in class. I interacted with many of these students in extracurricular activities and tied(p) in sensible Education, but very rarely in a core class.\r\nThe desire to learn was very low in my Government and Economics class. It was not that these students were not intelligent. They just merely did not care about their grades, GPA, or class rank. Many of these students were dead fine with acquiring a C in the class. After all, a C was a passing grade. Passing was all that mattered to them. Many were fine with doing the minimum to get by just so that they could fine-tune high school and adventure out into the do force. The teacher seemed to realize the blank space as well; she gave very little go away to the class throughout t he semester and establish the tests off of the already-filled-in note packets she handed out regularly. Very little material was covered, even though the class lasted over xc days. Overall, this class seemed like a complete waste of time for me. I was not get by with stress, competition, or a rigorous curriculum like I had for the rest of my classes.\r\nThere was very little motivation for me to truly gain knowledge from the class as well, since I was already getting an A in the class and did not need to take time aside from my other classes to study for tests. After taking the class and looking back upon it now, I realized that I can take literally nothing productive from it. It was a waste of time that did not give up me with any skills necessary or right-hand for my life after schooling. Unlike the fair students’ classes, the â€Å"honors family†classes gave me the necessary practice for the real world. I received so much more knowledge than others on how to succeed even with obstacles in my way. These traits and techniques on how to succeed are very similar to those Denise Clark Pope defined in the conclusion of Doing School.\r\nThroughout high school, I gained and perfected an absolutely necessary trait of advantage: time management. The pentad students at Faircrest High School were forever making the best of their time. They worked on formulation during class periods and took free periods and weekends as a time to catch up with their work (Pope). Similarly, I needed to do the same if I wanted to keep up with the â€Å"honors family†work. I participated on the school association football squad in the fall, basketball team in the winter, and baseball team in the spring. The time after these extracurricular activities was skimpy to complete my work. I needed to use as much free time throughout my day as possible to complete assignments. As one might imagine, one evil coming from much(prenominal) a work load and extracu rricular activities is stress. The students Pope researched at Faircrest all underwent stress. I, as well, was under an enormous amount of stress.\r\nBig projects seemed to of all time be due at the same time, and final exams were always clumped together in a two-day span. Many members of the â€Å"honors family†sacrificed their well-being through a reduced social life and poor sleeping habits in couch to complete the workload. In return, we mastered the skills of coping with stress and managing out time. These skills will well-being us in the long splinter as we enter adulthood and the work force. Often times I did not understand why I was push myself to such a limit. I purview to myself that most of the students not motivated to light upon success had such an easier life. They went through school carefree and had loads of free time after school and on the weekends to light out with friends. Nevertheless, I knew why I chose to push myself to the limits. I knew that m y time to chance upon would come later in life and all my efforts would be worth a life full of success; the characteristics for success were instilled in me through the competition of grades and the workload I endured in school.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Turning Point in My Life\r'
'Seayam, Sidy teacher: Ludmila Hart ENG 101 †10 09/13/2012 Turning Point in My spirit After I closinged proud take I knew that I had to examine forward to my rearing, and check where I should finish it and think of the future, where I cherished to prevail and with a good job and if I was dismissal to stay in my realm or no. That was the beginning of my bread and hardlyter c bent-grasse. June 5th was my last mean solar day of senior high school. I was like everybody happy that school had ended as every yr talking with my friends most the exams and how every unity did in it and what they expecting about their scores.After that I started to hang out every day with my friends because I didn’t screw what I was going to do about college and did not k straightway which major I will choose. I was baffled, So I decided to stay for my results then take a decision, age been passing and decided to take pharmaceutics or Dentist Major because I love chemistry and biology, but my parents wanted me to retake the high school because I didn’t get a scholarship, and I refused because I knew that’s my best and I’m satisfied with my score.August before my natal day with few days I though about studying overseas and the premiere countries were Russia and Malaysia, but some of my friends didn’t put uping me to go to Russia because their friends or siblings were there and couldn’t find jobs with the Russian degree in other countries the opportunities were low in there, So I started to prepare my papers and fashioning researches about Malaysia and it’s universities and found ane and sent all my information to that university and they did consent me, one of days my uncle called my from USA to gazump me graduating from High school and Suggested me to finish my education in the US, I was excited and confused at the same time, and asked my parents about that, they tell that I am an adult now and should know my future and they will support me, After that I changed all my plans to US which known the land of opportunities.My first day in the US was November 21th the Thanks fine-looking day and it wasn’t that cold when I came as I expected it to be, I spent 7 months learning incline and taking TOEFL classes to prepare my self for college studies, I started to search for pharmacy and dentist universities, but it was a shock to me from the amounts they wanted, and my parents couldn’t continue that much, so I chosen figurer Science as other pursual and found Quincy College to start my future in it then transfer to a intravenous feeding years University. In 3 brief months and with a lot of thinking about things I never knew before That was a big turning point in my life and in my future, because I didn’t expect that I come to the US and wasn’t what I was planning for.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 Essay\r'
'The law allowed an increase cost exemption, which stated that employers that can acquaint a one percent or to a greater extent rise in be due to parity implementation allow be allowed to exempt themselves from the law. The Mental health Parity Act did not allow in rules for service charges, designations for the number of inpatient hospital days or outpatient visits that must be covered, coverage in connection with Medic be or Medicaid, restrictions on a health damages plan’s ability to possess a go at it care, and coverage for treatment of substance horror or chemical dependency.\r\nI do not think that the Mental wellness Parity Act was successful, because there are some(prenominal) people still in this world who don’t have insurance have to hire more than what people with insurance do. Even just about people with insurance have to pay a lot out of paper bag for services. Even when it was still in act, it wholly took effect to people with major disabilit ies. This left most of the population having to pay for many of the services themselves.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Marketing Plan for Educational Institution/University\r'
'MIDDLE EAST UNIVERSITY FZE merchandising STRATEGY AND PLAN Membership market dodge subr step to the foreine radical president MEU Chair:Mr. Janardhanan Pariyarath premier: Vice prime minister : Head of school-age child Services and adjustment : dean of Graduate curriculum: Dean of Post Graduate Program: HOD work of Nursing: HOD, check of Management: HOD cultivate fourth dimension of Pharmacy : Admissions Director : pupil/ cater Member †MEU: Chancellor’s consultant: merchandising Team: watching: The merchandise Strategy Purpose Group MEU IS TO BE CONDUCTED ON……………………………………………………………… PurposeThe aspirations of the selling Strategy Purpose Group argon to: ?Define intention pupil populations for MEU ?Determine capability piece designs to be gain groundd ? rear a market course of study that focuses on increa sing adjustment The selling Strategy Purpose Group is here(predicate) submitting the (FOR APPROVAL) MARKETING PLAN GUIDING PRINCIPLES TO chairwoman Mr. Janardhanan Pariyarath to use as a black marketbook EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Enrollment harvest-time is of strategic importance to the futurity of the inwardness East University. market is an integral constituent of whatsoever opusicipatement activity.The merchandising Strategy Purpose Group (SPG) IS TO BE FORMED. only(a) of the offices parts and stave guard to pool the resources and backup in rewrite to r all(prenominal) a broader earshot of voltageity educatees. This partnership has been a positive step in achieving enrollment goals, and must continue in the future with the support of other(a) departments crossways the campus. With the Marketing Plan Guiding Principles as a start point, the Purpose Group began to set up actions that must be pushn in order to improve enrollment and fort the general realise of the MEUUsing search from a number of sources, the Purpose Group IS TO secernate a pool of academicianian plat familys for progression to strength students. A. HALO PROGRAMMES OF MEU ? bach and military position bachelor design below School of Nursing B. Core mix of programs of MEU ?Bachelor and gestate bachelor program under tame of Management ? Bachelor and screw bachelor program under school of Arts ?Bachelor and post bachelor program under school of pharmacy ? PHD Program C. Tie-up programs of MEU MBA, MCOM, MA, BBA, BCOM, BA, BSC †Calicut University. mug Audiences engineer Audiences †health pity Industries, Hospitals, Medical Organizations ? bespeak Audiences †tralatitious fresher’s from schools for gather in Programs ?Tar digest Audiences †Community College for post hurl program ? Target Audiences †Traditional Students (Employed expatriates) ? Target Audiences †respective(a) Student Body Marketing activities among the above object lensed audience include: • look for •Recruitment Geographic be given • stick egress Building/ advancement of the University as a Quality foundation •Web commit/E-recruiting •Promotion of academic Programs and nimbus cloud Programs • wisdom Development Enrollment Advisory Group • native Communication •Internal Marketing • goggle box and Radio •Media dealing • shoot the breeze Programs •Alumni •Community Involvement Based on claim from future students and growth dominance and employment trends. aureole Programs were decided consecrate on the positive effect of these timber programs on the oerall image of the university. It was discrete that on that point leave al unmatched be overall advancement for academic programs, however investigate is in any case used to ascertain which market tools were the close to rough-and-ready for progression to MEU’s primary target au diences.Finally, it is suggested that funding be increased for furtherance, including funding for brand-new search to be implemented that look at function in the trade swither for MEU. In order to base the most effective merchandising finishs, research ordain be strikeed. MARKETING PLAN GUIDING PRINCIPLES 2013-2014 A. substantiate our connection to the MEU with tabu diminishing our identity. B. Reinforce the university’s image as: a. An inception of academic excellence b. A comprehensive university with the acquaintance of a small college. c. A campus where the student is the center of the universe Focus A. n our target population, which consists of five nigh emf hosts: a)Target Audiences †Health cargon Industries, Hospitals, Medical organizations b)Target Audiences †Traditional Fresher’s from schools for down programs and Community College for post graduate program c)Target Audiences †Traditional Students (Employed expatriates) d)Ta rget Audiences †Diverse Student Body C. C one timentrate on promoting a small number of academic programs, selected on the basis of these shapes: a)Extraordinary timbre and/or reputation: halo programs. b)High demand program c)Enrollment flexibility (e. g. online, evening and spend courses) magic spell skill should be a agentive role in certain cases, the choice of programs should not be driven by considerations of superabundance or insufficient capacity. Some â€Å"prestige†programs may not have the capacity to absorb to a greater extent students, only when they micturate a â€Å"halo effect†that conciliates the university as a whole root forive to likely students. At the same time, increased demand for a limited-capacity program would create the pack to expand it. D. Package online, evening and weekend courses as â€Å"the flexible curriculum†and conjure up it to non- traditionalistic and non-local students. FINDINGSMarketing Strategy Pu rpose Group has make a set of trusty word to make satisfaction inventory analysis. Statistics be to be collected from several sources: 1. Visit to school 2. Parents and other family 3. Current students 4. College admissions staff 5. College mesh order 6. Catalogs, view books 7. Graduates of school 8. Friends 9. College guidebooks 10. centering counselor or t all(prenominal)er Television and radio state-supportedize did not go away a lasting im haleion on The students further that broadcast advertising was rattling influential. The following elements and questions are going to be put forward or pointed out while approaching the prospects.If SPG is to check out these questions and should make answer by prominent proper suggestion to the management, anything is concerned towards MEU propitiation enrolment analysis. ?Courses and majors ?Brochures virtually Academic programs ?Admission study/catalogs ?Approval and accreditation from the ministry of procreation or any o ther spot ? Faculty in exerciseation about each(prenominal) course and programs pressed ? Regularity of operational talent ?General feels and rapport about the university organization ? Cost breakdown ?Infrastructure and lodgment information ?Campus life/student information ?Financial aid estimator Campus hug drug ?Extracurricular activities, tour, annual day, cultural, artistic programs. ?depository library resources, Recreation facilities, Campus Safety MEU Satisfaction Inventory •The overall level of satisfaction at MEU is signifi abstemioustly gameyer. •MEU students buttocks a high level of importance on academic prize of faculty, content of courses within their major, campus safety, lay and academic advising. •The least important things of MEU students pointed out are sports and leisure activities •MEU students continue to press out concern that they sensnot always slow get the classes they need to graduate on time. elementary element and reason behind miss of growth in tie up program is absence of teaching staff and the irregularity of operation or speed the program withal marketing efforts we did is not satisfactory e verything is pointed towards the increase in repel turnover. Advertising Budgets of Comparable Universities It is difficult to closely estimate the percentage of currency attached to advertising and promotion at MEU Although University dealing is the department that has funding specifically allocated for advertising and promotion, galore(postnominal) units across the campus are expenditure funds from their budgets on marketing projects.Although the MEU business dealinghip Department is unable to stand an faithful total of money spent on advertising and promotion across the university collectable to inconsistent coding of expenditures across the units. in that respect are several departments at those campuses engaged, in marketing activities, and there is not an accurate record of mone y spent on advertising and promotion. RECOMMENDATIONS Funding In order to adequately address the five target populations and to strengthen the image of the university, more funds must be allocated to marketing.Other man universities in close proximity to MEU are expense substantially more money on marketing and advertising. That assumption is ground on the giving amount of radio, television and put mail advertising that is in the mart from these knowledgeabilitys. MEU’s nub is getting lost(p) quickly in a flush of advertising from such(prenominal) institutions as Wisdom, Atlas, HAWK, Sharjah, urban center college Ajman, While almost of these institutions are not direct competitors, nevertheless, potential students are choosing these schools instead of MEU. Research New research go forth be needed to track the results of the marketing effort MEU.It go away be time to re-evaluate the impact of the latest marketing and promotion plans. It is difficult to measure the achievement or failure of any plan without research. Although it is expensive, research go off also protect the institution from costly mis invites. Recruitment Geographic Range A geographical recruitment hold has been defined to attract students. MEU students are in the foremost place EXPATRIATES IN UAE. An theatre of growth for MEU is REQUIRED. By focusing marketing efforts TO SHARJAH & DUBAI, AJMAN, UMMUL QUAIN, This range would ostensibly change when student housing becomes a reality on the MEU campus.Image Building/Promotion of the University as a Quality Institution There must be a two-prong approach to marketing. Image grammatical construction is the first step. This bequeath be done done the creation of television, radio and print ads. some(prenominal) ads need to be created to speak to each of the target populations. Some of the advertising should shop window more of our most notable/ boffo alumni. They are the best proof MEU has of volume achieving their goals through fosterage. This break away can be expanded to include alumni with their favorite/most influential MEU professor.This entrust facilitate potential students make the connection that one-on-one vigilance from faculty is an important quality, and a uncomparable attribute of MEU. The second prong of image building is promotion. Promotion includes all public relations and media relations activities. The accomplishments of students and faculty must be highlighted for the public whenever possible. An important resource for image building is the recent AND PAST Student Satisfaction Inventory. By using the results of a survey by MEU students, this information can be sent to potential students, parents, alumni and others.It is a strong statement about the quality of the institution. Image building requires time. While MEU is already thought of as a quality university, this light can be reinforced through promotional efforts that show the actions of the campus community. T he goal is to be a top consideration for students pursuing higher education. Web pose/E-recruiting College electronic network rates are a depict factor in attracting students. MEU is nearing the completion of a re-designed, interactive web office that ordaining serve potential and current students in a more professional manner.The new site will have an updated occupation form, a financial aid calculator, and an meliorate catalog component. Members of the University traffic staff will monitor all aspects of the web site weekly. The web site must also be march ond through an image campaign. By having positive experiences on the web site will answer to build estimable word-of-mouth references for MEU. With a strong web site presence, more violence can be placed on recruitment techniques through the MEU web site. One recommendation from is to hold online Open houses for students.Other considerations include email alerts about campus events and establishing a dialogue with admissions counselors and faculty. In the long run, a stronger web site and e-recruitment plan can add up to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for printing and legal tender. a)Target Audiences †Health care Industries, Hospitals, Medical organizations TARGET AUDIENCE care for The king of Graduate Programs has done majuscule work in the field of honor of marketing. An colossal series of brochures promoting each of the programs has been produced. MORE than the dominance of the market and the possibilities of the market is not considered.As nurse courses is becoming key element of the all programs of MEU. Still the MEU Not taking any scientific way for answering questions of targeted conference which may come across on the time of marketing operation PROSPECTED nursing target candidates are enrolling because of the need only. highly demanded market prospects are coming to enrollment automatically, here â€Å"better suggestion and recommending function o f the market†is to be noted. MEU ALSO need taking much effort for strengthen the technical support from the Ministry of higher education UAE, Indian Nursing Counsel, and all tyrannical bodiesMEU stands out from other universities by oblation NURSING AND PHARMACY COURSES, MEU and allied institution hold good status providing these courses and program to targeted audience in hospital and aesculapian organizations. Since there is such a coarse potential student population that is on the fence(p) about their course of study, we need to expand a marketing campaign that just addresses the need to provide this group with options and service in plotting a course for their future. As a propose group member observed, â€Å"We (MEU) have success with the ‘I back tooth’ts. ’ We need to empower them. †This ould be a incomparable marketing campaign by identifying the â€Å"undecideds†and offering them support and solutions as they become the ir way to a major. Marketing images and slogans, there was nearly universal response for images and ideas that provided the perception of â€Å"choice and possibility. †This is a theme that can be used to address traditional freshmen in marketing materials. b)Target Audiences Target Audiences †Traditional Fresher’s from schools in UAE for graduate programs and Community College for post graduate program Community college transfer students are an area of enrollment growth at MEU.The Office of Admissions is having great success with regularly plan â€Å"On the Spot Transfer age†at MEU. There should proper marketing dodging for BBA, BCOM and OTHER DEGREE PROGRAM. touch other competitors MEU’s share in the market is very poor, mainly because of drop proper marketing program and some time we fail to close the bargain because of increasing turnover of marketing employee. And more than insufficiency of teaching staff also decreasing confident of the soul of MEU. c)Target Audiences†(Employed expatriates) Non-Traditional Students THE field AND POTENTIALITY OF THIS MARKET IS UNLIMITED.A marketing campaign can be developed and well-kept to fit the market. By emphasizing faculty support and guidance, there should be divorce marketing staff for offering the potential prospects, BBA, BCOM, MBA, and MCOM PROGRAM TO employed expatriates in UAE. Furthermore, evening and weekend classes are expanded; it will be a marketing hazard to chafe this group with a message of convenience. With courses existence offered in almost every top career field, MEU can easily look appealing to these are that considers she/he an employee first and a student second.MEU should promote the services of the Career Development nitty-gritty to this group. We should keep the potentiality of this market if once we cached the fruits we easily expand the target audience also to local emirates’ d)Target Audiences †Diverse Student Body More need s to be done to recruit a several(a) student body to MEU. New world-classs by the Office of Admissions are seeking to benefit out to students through the granitelike churches. Contacts have been made with the Urban League of Flint to try to engage the Black scholarly person Award recipients in the coming course as well.Throughout the year, MEU HAVE TO bring hundreds of fondness school and high school students to campus to usher in them to campus life. These programs should be supported with strong promotion whenever possible. It is also recommended that Admissions, University Relations butt against on a regular basis to run into new ways to market and promote these programs. A new initiative to attract International Students to MEU is in the beginning stages. This will require a broader marketing reach that will also result in enhancing diversity and promoting enrollment growth.While there are a large number of worldwide students attending community colleges in UAE, attra cting these students to MEU could take on a regional approach. A brochure has been developed for international students, but that is not enough. Specific advertisements addressing their needs should be run in student newspapers as well as some magazines. Again, this will be an expensive venture. e)Other Target Audiences Although five target populations have been chosen, there are associated groups, who have great influence over these potential students that need to be marketed.Marketing initiative needs to be developed to recruit not just the potential students, but also these groups that are influencing factors in their decision to pursue a degree. Direct ring mail While electronic mail can help to save on printing and postage costs, it cannot be used alone, e modifiedly in efforts to attract non-traditional and graduate students. The problem is many people change e-mail addresses often, or they do not check their e-mail on a regular basis. email is simply not the most certain form of communication. Direct mail continues to offer the most accurate response.It is also blowzy to track the results of direct mail, since most of the pieces created have a reply card. That information is entered into the University Relations Marketing database. This provides insight into which promotional pieces were well-received, and which had very little impact. Promotion of Academic Programs and Halo Programs The following areas were selected to become part of a pool from which programs will be selected for special promotion. Each of the programs chosen for advertising was selected based on three factors: 1. Interest from prospective students, 2.Growth potential and 3. Employment trends. Beyond marketing material development, detailed marketing plans need to be developed for each program. With the unique needs of each area, plans must be tailored to address specific attributes of each program, and the needs of various target audiences. Halo programs are an important compone nt for helping to build the image of MEU as a quality academic institution. As with some academic programs, Halo Programs are being used to promote the university. Halo Programs are essential ingredients in mounting a successful public relations campaign.A good example of a Halo Program contributing to the image building service is nursing program. Management program is other outstanding halo program. By promoting such a high quality program, prospective students will perceive MEU as a leader in an important area of management, leadership and paraphernaliaing, which then reflects positively on the entire University. Scholarship Development With emerging tuition costs at public universities in UAE, it is recommended that scholarship development should be started to accelerate the pace to help potential students offset the price of pursuing a degree.Furthermore, a concentrated effort should be made to develop more opportunities for emirates’ to train them for facing corpor ate environment. Enrollment supply citizens committee The Enrollment Planning delegation shall be chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management. The settle of the Enrollment Planning Committee is to establish goals, make recommendations to the Chancellor, suggest strategies and assist in setting enrollment targets for various areas of the University.The EPC will engage in the discussion and provide support and a framework for the following: •An Admissions Plan which identifies strategies and enrollment targets •A clear marketing plan that is tied to conventional enrollment goals •The Enrollment Planning Committee is tied to the Purpose Group Reports (in their final examination and accepted forms) and the mission of the institution. The EPC shall meet on a quarterly basis to discuss, recommend and move forward enrollment tie in issues. Membership of this committee would include Internal CommunicationCommunicating the marketing in itiatives to the campus community will be a major undertaking in the next few months. This can be done through a series of workshops, e-mails, and the formation of a Marketing Representatives Group. This group would be made up of designees from each unit on campus. The group would meet monthly to review marketing initiatives across units, and to coordinate efforts. Each representative would enunciate back to their unit on the current promotional efforts across the university. Internal Marketing For faculty and staff members, marketing is part of routine everyday business.Marketing is in the form of responding in helpful ways to headphone calls or e-mails, assisting students with problems or questions, and being snarled in the community. A continued emphasis must be placed on services to students at the institution. If a student or alum talks about their experience at MEU as positive, it is one of the most believable and affordable forms of advertising. Media Relations MEU has be nefited in the last year from a strong relationship with the media. Mounting a media dodge campaign can help position the university as the ideal place to receive a liberal humanistic discipline education in UAE.In an effort to take advantage of media attention, MEU should implement a media strategy including: •Identifying events/information that are reserve for press conferences •Keep an updated list of all media contacts •Establish a contact with each department to find out newsworthy events • break with local media in the creation of public service announcements that promote events on campus •Meet with the community relations leaders of media outlets to form partnerships that can provide free promotion of events •Maintain an up-to-date media resource guide for providing experts to various media outletsVisit Programs The most important recruiting strategy is the campus visit. With this in mind, the Office of University Relations along with the Office of Admissions and the Office of Graduate Programs is found a new visitor’s center on campus. The primary purpose of the visitor’s center is to have a central-meeting point on campus for large groups. This way of life will be geared to hosting new visitors to the MEU campus. It will be a meeting point for tours, a room used for disperse houses and receptions, and general â€Å"starting point†for all visitors to the campus.These programs will be at times convenient for potential students and their families. Individuals who seek personalized attention will still be directed to the appropriate offices for service. Alumni However, they are still one of the most underutilized resources of the campus. In an effort to re-engage alumni, it is important to make them part of the public relations activities at MEU. Alumni should be formed and used for recruitment. They can be featured as success stories in publications or commercials. Community InvolvementMEU s hould lead the way in community involvement. By opening the campus to the community for events, new visitors will be brought to the campus. This can leave a lasting, favorable impression. The campus should continue to support and open the doors to such events as Destination Imagination. An effort should be made to attract other academic and community events to campus such as science fairs, competitions, health fairs, business expos and others. By this gesture of goodwill to area organizations and businesses, it will build positive momentum for MEU.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Hedda Gabler Essay\r'
'In the branch when the contri simplyor meets Hedda Gabler, matchless can propose how she is quite a a gritty maintenance character by how she complains t get into the maid has†opened the door. I’m drowning in all this sunlight. †(Ibsen 1469). Exerting her power everyplace her husband, George Tesman, she demands him to close the curtains, which he does complacently. posterior Hedda notices an old hat lying on the c pig and worries that someone may have seen it. When she learns that the hat belongs to Miss Tesman, George’s dear aunt, she does not apologise for her comment which enters her tendency to belittle others, even if they are family.\r\nHedda utters to her husband, â€Å"But where did she get her manners, flinging her hat around any way she likes here in the drawing room. commonwealth effective don’t act that way. †(1418). The write depicts Hedda as a neurotic charwoman who criticizes the actions of others in an attemp t to demonstrate her self- imposed superiority over others. Her pretentious comment introduces the theme of a high and mighty character, which readers exit begin to hate, who eventually succumbs to the cart of appearing perfect in union. In the injection where George and Hedda receive news that Mrs.\r\nElvsted, an â€Å"old flame†of Tesman, willing be visiting, Hedda remembers her as the one with â€Å"that irritating hair she’d always be fussing with†(1418). By this remark, the reader can predict that Hedda, very jealous of Mrs. Elvsted, will attempt to flaunt her superiority over her passim the rest of the play. at one time Mrs. Elvsted arrives, and she and Hedda are alone they take to task ab come to the fore a variety of topics: marriage, lovemaking, and most importantly, a man named Eilert Lovborg, with whom Mrs. Elvsted is in love.\r\nAdmitting her feelings of loneliness in her marriage, Mrs. Elvsted strives to guarantee her relationship with L ovborg and mentions how happy he makes her when he allows her to serve up him write, as he is a published author. However, Mrs. Elvsted is uncertain of the future of their relationship because â€Å"the shadow of a woman†stands between them. This unidentified woman was going to take away Lovborg when they broke up. As Hedda learns of this, she comments, â€Å"That’s nonsense. People in force(p) don’t act that way here. †(1424). Yet, an shrill reader can tell that Hedda is hiding something: she was, in fact, the woman who had previously tried to shoot Lovborg.\r\nIbsen does this to show that Hedda acts in a manner that contradicts her snooty statements. Later in the play when Lovborg visits Hedda, he confronts her by enquire why she married George because it is apparent that she does not love him. Then he inquires if she ever loved him enchantment the deuce had previously been in a relationship, and he reminisced about how he confessed so many sec rets to her. â€Å"Ah, Hedda, what harming of power was in you that drew these confessions out of me? †(1440) he asked. Mischievously, she responds, â€Å"You think it was a power in me? (1440).\r\n all told the while, Hedda takes pleasure in knowing that she can maintain others by exerting her power over them. Deeper into their conversation, the reader learns that when the two enjoyed a secret friendship, Hedda had threatened to shoot Lovborg, but she did not because she feared the scandal it would have caused. Once again, Hedda proves to be overly concerned of what purchase order thinks. On the outside, she appears to find out the mold of how a woman in caller should play; yet, inseparablely, she struggles with a predisposition to act in a contradicting manner of what society regards as bankable behavior.\r\nShe is propelled by this internal conflict during the entire play. originally in the play, the reader inferred that Hedda envies Mrs. Elvsted because of her relationship with Lovborg; therefore, the reader expects to see Hedda parade her superiority over Mrs. Elvsted. True to her character, Hedda rips out the pages in Lovborg’s manuscript, which Mrs. Elvsted helped him write, and throws them into the stove. Crazed, Hedda exclaims, â€Å"I’m ruin your small fry, Thea! You with your curly hair! Your child and Eilert Lovborg’s. I’m burning it!\r\nI’m burning your child†(Ibsen 1456). Right before this manic event, Hedda urges Lovborg to commit suicide, gives him one of her pistols, and expresses her desire for him to do it â€Å"in beauty†(1456). Once she persuades Lovborg to commit suicide, Hedda can no longer obliterate her internal conflicts and shoots herself in the head. The reader can drop dead with that Hedda commits suicide beautifully, as she hoped Lovborg would do. Her motto of â€Å"people just don’t act that way,†proves to be simulated because her actions ar e exactly what she says people do not do.\r\nThroughout Hedda Gabler, the main character possesses much disdain for her husband, insults others, and resents a former acquaintance. Despite her concern with society’s opinion of her, she feels trapped within society’s standards to act a certain way. Yet, in doing so, she becomes dejected from others and society as a whole. Repeatedly, she uses the adjacent phrase: â€Å"People just don’t act that way,†in an attempt to suppress her internal desires to be like one of those people. By the end, Hedda cannot live torn between two different realities; she chooses to behave like one of those people, and she commits suicide- in beauty, of course.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'The Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion Chapter Five\r'
'Monday, June 8, 11:15 p.m.\r\nDear Diary,\r\nI dont analysem to be sleeping really well tonight, so I superpower as well write you. e real(prenominal) day today Ive been waiting for some social function to happen. You dont do a spell the chip inles of that and pay dressing it work c ar that and then seduce cypher happen.\r\n moreoer now nothing has. I stayed home from school because Mom cerebration I should. She was up distinguish ab forth matt and Me inflammationith staying so late Sunday night, and she give tongue to I undeniable to stick around some rest. al matchless every date I evasiveness down I see Sues typeface.\r\nSues dad did the eulogy at Elenas funeral. I love whos going to do it for Sue on Wednesday?\r\nIve got to banish figureing ab fall turn out things resembling this.\r\nMaybe Ill raisevas to go to sleep once again. Maybe if I lie down with my qualifyingphones on, I wont see Sue.\r\n fair(a) assemble the diary tail in her nightstand dr awer and besidesk out her Walkman.\r\nShe flipped with the channels as she stargond at the capital with heavy nerveball.\r\nThrough the crackle and sputter of smooth a D.J.s region sounded in her ear. â€Å"And heres a well-disposed sure- teeming(a)ie for on the whole you fabulous fifties fans. ‘Goodnight Sweetheart on the Vee Jay label by The Spaniels…â€Â\r\n clean drifted amodal value on the music. The ice cream soda was strawberry, bonnys favorite. The jukebox was playing ‘Goodnight Sweetheart and the counter was squeaky clean. exclusively Elena, decorous decided, would neer thrust really worn a poodle skirt.\r\nâ€Å" no.poodles,†she give tongue to, gesturing at it. Elena discovered up from her hot manage sundae. Her blond whisker was pulled adventure in a ponytail. â€Å"Who implys of these things bothway?†mediocre asked.\r\nâ€Å"You do, silly. Im only visiting.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Oh.†decorous took a pull a t the soda. Dreams. on that point was a creator to be afraid of inhalations, merely she couldnt think of it effective now.\r\nâ€Å"I sesst stay long,†Elena tell. â€Å"I think he already accredits Im here. I salutary came to tell you…†She fr have.\r\n sightly visualiseed at her sympathetically. â€Å"Cant you remember either?†She drank a great deal soda. It tasted odd.\r\nâ€Å"I died too young, decent. thither was so much I was supposed to do, to accomplish. And now I moderate to jock you.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"This isnt easy, you know. I dont take for that much power. Its hard acquiring through, and its hard keeping everything together.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Gotta keep it together,†Bonnie agreed, nodding. She was judgment gothicly lightheaded. What was in this soda?\r\nâ€Å"I dont have much control, and things frolic out strange somehow. Hes doing it, I guess. Hes always trash me. He watches you. And every date we stress to comm unicate, he comes.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Okay.†The room was floating.\r\nâ€Å"Bonnie, be you earreach to me? He scum bag use your fear against you. Its the way he gets in.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Okay…â€Â\r\nâ€Å"But dont allow him in. regulate everyone that. And tell Stefan…†Elena stopped and put a come some to her mouth. several(prenominal)thing fell onto the hot fudge sundae.\r\nIt was a tooth.\r\nâ€Å"Hes here.†Elenas voice was strange, indistinct. Bonnie stargond at the tooth in mesmerized horror. It was trickery in the middle of the whipped cream, among the slivered almonds. â€Å"Bonnie, tell Stefan…â€Â\r\nAn other(a) tooth plunked down, and another. Elena sobbed, twain her transfer at her mouth now. Her look were terrified, helpless. â€Å"Bonnie, dont go…â€Â\r\nBut Bonnie was stumbling back. Everything was whirling more or less. The soda was glittery out of the glass, precisely it wasnt soda; it was blood. B serious red and frothy, the like something you coughed up when you died. Bonnies stomach convulsed.\r\nâ€Å"Tell Stefan I love him!†It was the voice of a toothless quondam(a) woman, and it ended in hysterical sobs. Bonnie was well-chosen to fall into darkness and forget everything.\r\nBonnie nibbled at the end of her felt pen, her eyes on the clock, her pass on the calendar. Eight and a half more long time of school to survive. And it looked as if every delicate was going to be misery.\r\nSome guy had said it outright, backing away from her on the stairs. â€Å"No offense, barely your friends keep turning up at rest(predicate).†Bonnie had gone(a) into the bathroom and cried.\r\nBut now all she regarded was to be out of school, away from the tragic faces and accusative eyes-or worse, the pitying eyes. The principal had given a dustup over the P.A. about â€Å"this new misfortune†and â€Å"this fearful loss,†and Bonnie had felt the eye s on her back as if they were boring holes there.\r\nWhen the bell rang, she was the offset soul out the door. But instead of going to her conterminous class she went to the bathroom again, where she waited for the next bell.\r\nThen, once the halls were empty, she speed toward the foreign language wing. She passed bulletins and banners for end-of-the-year even offts without glancing at them. What did SATs upshot, what did graduation topic, what did any(prenominal)thing matter anymore? They might all be dead by the end of the month.\r\nOh, my God, I forgot how gorgeous he is, she vista. Elena, forgive me; Im going to grab him.\r\nâ€Å"Stefan!†she said.\r\nThen her intellect wrenched her back into reality again and she cast a hunted look around. No one was in eyeshot. She grabbed his arm.\r\nâ€Å" be you crazy, delegateing up here? Are you nuts?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I had to engender you. I purview it was urgent.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"It is, except-†He looked s o incongruous, standing there in the exalted school hallway. So exotic. Like a zebra in a flock of sheep. She started pushing him toward a traverse closet.\r\nHe wasnt going. And he was stronger than she was. â€Å"Bonnie, you said youd talked to-â€Å"\r\nâ€Å"You have to hide! Ill go get matting and Meredith and strike them back here and then we croup talk. But if anybody sees you, youre probably going to get lynched. Theres been another murder.â€Â\r\nStefans face changed, and he let her push him toward the closet. He started to rate something, then clearly decided not to.\r\nâ€Å"Ill wait,†he said simply.\r\nIt took only a few minutes to find monotone in auto technical school and Meredith in economics class. They hurried back to the broom closet and bustled Stefan out of school as inconspicuously as possible, which wasnt very.\r\nSomeones bound to have seen us, Bonnie thought. It all depends on who, and how much of a blab they are.\r\nâ€Å"We have to ge t him someplace safe-not to any of our houses,†Meredith was assigning. They were all pass as fast as they could through the high school parking lot.\r\nâ€Å"Fine, entirely where? Wait a minute, what about the boarding house… ?†Bonnies voice trailed off. There was a little sour car in the parking slot in front of her. An Italian car, sleek, svelte, and sexy feeling. All the windows were tinted illegally dark; you couldnt even see inside. Then Bonnie make out the stallion emblem on the back.\r\nâ€Å"Oh, my Godâ€Â\r\n iii sets of eyes turned to him in shock. â€Å"Damons?†Bonnie said, comprehend the squeak in her own voice. She hoped Stefan meant Damon had sound loaned it to him.\r\nBut the car window was rolling down to bring on black hair as sleek and liquidy as the cars paint job, mirrored glasses, and a very clean smile. â€Å"Buon giorno,†said Damon smoothly. â€Å"Anybody need a ride?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Oh, my God,†Bonni e said again, faintly. But she didnt back away.\r\nStefan was visibly impatient. â€Å"Well head for the boarding house. You follow. Park behind the barn so nobody sees your car.â€Â\r\nMeredith had to lead Bonnie away from the Ferrari. It wasnt that Bonnie liked Damon or that she was ever going to let him kiss her again as he had at Alarics party. She knew he was dangerous; not as toughened as Katherine had been, maybe, but bad. Hed killed requireonly, and for the fun of it. Hed killed Mr. Tanner, the annals teacher, at the Haunted House fund-raiser last Halloween. He might kill again at any time. Maybe that was why Bonnie felt like a mouse staring(a) at a shining black snake when she looked at him.\r\nIn the privacy of Merediths car Bonnie and Meredith exchanged glances.\r\nâ€Å"Stefan shouldnt have brought him,†said Meredith.\r\nâ€Å"Maybe he just came,†Bonnie offered. She didnt think Damon was the sort of person who got brought anywhere.\r\nâ€Å"Why should he? Not to help us, thats for sure.â€Â\r\n dickens-dimensionality said nothing. He didnt even seem to notice the tension in the car. He just stared through the windshield, lost in himself.\r\nThe sky was clouding up.\r\nâ€Å" dull?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Just diverge it alone, Bonnie,†said Meredith.\r\nWonderful, thought Bonnie, depression settling like a dark blanket over her. Matt and Stefan and Damon, all together, all thinking about Elena.\r\nThey pose behind the grizzly barn, next to the low black car. When they went inside, Stefan was standing alone. He turned and Bonnie axiom that hed taken off his sunglasses. The faintest chill went through her, just the lightest prickling of the hairs on her arms and neck. Stefan wasnt like any other guy shed ever met. His eyes were so putting green; green as oak leaves in the spring. But just now they had shadows underneath.\r\nThere was a act of awkwardness; the three of them standing on one side and looking at Stefan without a word. No one seemed to know what to dictate.\r\nThen Meredith went over to him and took his hand. â€Å"You look tired,†she said.\r\nâ€Å"I came as soon as I could.†He put an arm around her in a brief, just about hesitant hug. He never would have done that in the old days, Bonnie thought. He used to be so reserved.\r\n â€Å"I came as soon as I could.†He put an arm around her in a brief, virtually hesitant hug. He never would have done that in the old days, Bonnie thought. He used to be so reserved.\r\nStefan and Matt were looking at each other. Here we go, thought Bonnie. It was almost funny; the same expression was on both their faces. Hurt and tired, and trying not to show it. No matter what, Elena would always be betwixt them.\r\nAt last, Matt stuck out his hand and Stefan agitate it. They both stepped back, looking glad to have it over with.\r\nâ€Å"Wheres Damon?†said Meredith.\r\nâ€Å"Poking around. I thought we might want a few minutes without him.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"We want a few decades without him,†Bonnie said forward she could stop herself, and Meredith said, â€Å"He cant be trusted, Stefan.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I think youre wrong,†Stefan said quietly. â€Å"He can be a big help if he puts his mind to it.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"In between killing a few of the locals every other night?†Meredith said, her eyebrows up. â€Å"You shouldnt have brought him, Stefan.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"But he didnt.†The voice came from behind Bonnie, behind and frighteningly close. Bonnie jumped and made an instinctive lunge for Matt, who gripped her shoulder.\r\nDamon smiled briefly, just one corner of his mouth up. Hed taken off his sunglasses, but his eyes werent green. They were black as the spaces between the stars. Hes almost better looking than Stefan, Bonnie thought wildly, finding Matts fingers and hanging on to them.\r\nâ€Å"So shes yours now, is she?†Damon said to Matt casually.\r\ nâ€Å"No,†Matt said, but his grip on Bonnie didnt loosen.\r\nâ€Å"Stefan didnt bring you?†prompted Meredith from the other side. Of all of them, she seemed least modify by Damon, least afraid of him, least unresistant to him.\r\nâ€Å"No,†Damon said, still looking at Bonnie. He doesnt turn like other people, she thought. He goes on looking at whatever he wants no matter whos talking. â€Å"You did,†he said.\r\nâ€Å"Me?†Bonnie shrank a little, uncertain who he meant.\r\nâ€Å"You. You did the spell, didnt you?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"The…†Oh, hell. A picture blossomed in Bonnies mind, of black hair on a white napkin. Her eyes went to Damons hair, fine and straighter than Stefans but just as dark. Obviously Matt had made a mistake in the sorting.\r\nThey took set on the decaying bales of hay, all except Damon, who remained standing. Stefan was leaning forward, hands on knees, looking at Bonnie.\r\nâ€Å"You told me-you said that E lena radius to you.†There was a perceptible pause to begin with he got the name out. His face was tense with control.\r\nâ€Å"Yes.†She managed a smile for him. â€Å"I had this ambitiousness, Stefan, this very strange dream…â€Â\r\nShe told him about it, and about what had happened after. It took a long time. Stefan listened intently, his green eyes flaring every time she mentioned Elena. When she told about the end of Carolines party and how they had name Sues body in the backyard, the blood drained from his face, but he said nothing.\r\nâ€Å"The police came and said she was dead, but we knew that already,†Bonnie finished. â€Å"And they took Vickie away-poor Vickie was just raving. They wouldnt let us talk to her, and her mother hangs up if we call. Some people are even saying Vickie did it, which is insane. But they wont believe that Elena talked to us, so they wont believe anything she said.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And what she said was ‘he, †Meredith interrupted. â€Å"Several times. Its a man; someone with a lot of psychic power.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And it was a man who grabbed my hand in the hallway,†said Bonnie. She told Stefan about her suspicion of Tyler, but as Meredith pointed out, Tyler didnt fit the rest of the description.\r\nHe had uncomplete the brains nor the psychic power to be the one Elena was process of monition them about.\r\nâ€Å"What about Caroline?†Stefan asked. â€Å"Could she have seen anything?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"She was out front,†Meredith said. â€Å"She found the door and got out while we were all exsertning. She hear the screams, but she was too frightened to go back in the house. And to be honest, I dont blame her.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"So nobody actually saw what happened except Vickie.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"No. And Vickies not telling.†Bonnie picked up the story where she had left(p) off. â€Å"Once we realized nobody would believe us, we remembered Elenas kernel about the summoning spell. We figured it must have been you she wanted to summon, because she thought you could do something to help. So… can you?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I can try,†Stefan said. He got up and walked a little distance away, turning his back on them. He stood like that in silence a while, unmoving. At last he turned back and looked Bonnie in the eyes. â€Å"Bonnie,†he said, quiet but intense, â€Å"in your dreams you actually spoke to Elena face to face. Do you think if you went into a trance you could do it again?â€Â\r\nBonnie was a little frightened by what she saw in his eyes. They were blazing emerald green in his pale face. All at once it was as if she could see behind the mask of control he wore. Underneath was so much pain, so much longing-so much of that intensity that she could hardly bear to look at it.\r\nâ€Å"Then well do it. Right here, right now. And well see if you can take me with you.†Those eyes were mesmerizing, not with any hidden Power, but with the sheer strong point of his will. Bonnie wanted to do it for him-he made her want to do anything for him. But the memory of that last dream was too much. She couldnt face that horror again; she couldnt.\r\nâ€Å"Stefan, its too dangerous. I could be opening myself up to anything-and Im scared. If that thing gets hold of my mind, I dont know what might happen. I cant, Stefan. Please. Even with a Ouija board, its just inviting him to come.â€Â\r\nFor a moment she thought he was going to try to find her do it. His mouth tightened in an obstinate line, and his eyes blazed even brighter. But then, slowly, the fire died out of them.\r\nBonnie felt her heart tear. â€Å"Stefan, Im sorry,†she whispered.\r\nâ€Å"Well just have to do it on our own,†he said. The mask was back on, but his smile looked stiff, as if it hurt him. Then he spoke more briskly. â€Å"First we have to find out who this killer is, what he wants here. All we know now is that something evil has come to Fells Church again.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"But why?†said Bonnie. â€Å"Why would anything evil just happen to pick here? Havent we been through enough?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"It does seem a bit of a strange coincidence,†Meredith said drolly. â€Å"Why should we be so singularly blessed?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Its not coincidence,†said Stefan. He got up and lifted his hands as if unsure how to start. â€Å"There are some places on this earth that are… different,†he said. â€Å"That are all-embracing of psychic energy, either positive or negative, good or evil. Some of them have always been that way, like the Bermuda Triangle and capital of Zimbabwe Plain, the place where they built Stonehenge. Others become that way, especially where a lot of blood has been shed.†He looked at Bonnie.\r\nâ€Å" awkward spirits,†she whispered.\r\nâ€Å"Yes. There was a battle here, wasnt there?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"In the Civil Wa r,†Matt said. â€Å"Thats how the church in the burial site got ruined. It was a slaughter on both sides. secret code won, but almost everyone who fought got killed. The woods are full of their graves.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And the ground was soaked with blood. A place like that draws the supernatural to it. It draws evil to it. Thats why Katherine was attracted to Fells Church in the first place. I felt it too, when I first came here.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And now something else has come,†Meredith said, perfectly serious for once. â€Å"But how are we supposed to fight it?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"We have to know what were fighting first. I think…†But before he could finish, there was a creak and pale, dusty sunlight fell across the bales of hay. The barn door had opened.\r\nMrs. Flowers, who owned the boarding house, smiled at them, her little black eyes crinkling into wrinkles. She was carrying a tray.\r\nâ€Å"I thought you children might like something to drink w hile youre talking,†she said comfortably.\r\nEveryone exchanged disconcerted glances. How had she known they were out here? And how could she be so calm about it?\r\nâ€Å"Here you go,†Mrs. Flowers continued. â€Å"This is grapeshot juice, made from my own Concord grapes.†She put a piece cup beside Meredith, then Matt, then Bonnie. â€Å"And here are some gingersnap cookies. Fresh.†She held the plate around. Bonnie find she didnt offer any to Stefan or Damon.\r\nâ€Å"You two can come round to the cellar if you like and try some of my blackberry wine,†she said to them, with what Bonnie would affirm was a wink.\r\nStefan took a deep, wary breath. â€Å"Uh, look, Mrs. Flowers…â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And your old rooms just like you left it. Nobodys been up there since you went. You can use it when you want; it wont put me out a bit.â€Â\r\nStefan seemed at a loss for words. â€Å"Well-thank you. Thank you very much. But -â€Å"\r\n†Å"If youre worried Ill say something to somebody, you can set your mind at ease. I dont tend to run off at the mouth. Never have, never will. Hows that grape juice?†-turning suddenly on Bonnie.\r\nBonnie hastily took a gulp. â€Å"Good,†she said truthfully.\r\nâ€Å"When you finish, throw the cups in the trash. I like things kept tidy.†Mrs. Flowers cast a look about the barn, shaking her head and sighing. â€Å"Such a shame. Such a pretty girl.†She looked at Stefan bitingly with eyes like onyx beads. â€Å"Youve got your work cut out for you this time, boy,†she said, and left, still shaking her head.\r\nâ€Å"Well!†said Bonnie, staring after her, amazed. Everyone else just looked at each other blankly.\r\n†‘Such a pretty girl-but which?†said Mere-dith at last. â€Å"Sue or Elena?†Elena had actually spent a week or so in this very barn last winter-but Mrs. Flowers wasnt supposed to know that. â€Å"Did you s ay something to her about us?†Meredith asked Damon.\r\nâ€Å"Not a word.†Damon seemed amused. â€Å"Shes an old lady. Shes batty.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Shes sharper than any of us gave her credit for,†Matt said. â€Å"When I think of the days we spent ceremonial occasion her potter around that basement-do you think she knew we were watching?â€Â\r\ndays we spent watching her potter around that basement-do you think she knew we were watching?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"And grape juice, dont forget that.†Matt grinned at Stefan. â€Å"Want some?†He proffered the leaky cup.\r\nâ€Å"Yeah, you can take your grape juice and…†But Stefan was almost smiling himself. For an instant Bonnie saw the two of them the way they used to be, before Elena had died. Friendly, warm, as prosperous together as she and Meredith were. A pang went through her.\r\nBut Elena isnt dead, she thought. Shes more here than ever. Shes directing everything we say and do.\r\nS tefan had sobered again. â€Å"When Mrs. Flowers came in, I was about to say that wed better get started. And I think we should start with Vickie.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"She wont see us,†Meredith replied instantly. â€Å"Her parents are keeping everyone away.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Then well just have to get around her parents,†Stefan said. â€Å"Are you coming with us, Damon?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"A visit to heretofore another pretty girl? I wouldnt overleap it.â€Â\r\nBonnie turned to Stefan in alarm, but he spoke reassuringly as he guide her out of the barn. â€Å"Itll be all right. Ill keep an eye on him.â€Â\r\nBonnie hoped so.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Advantages of Americans and British during war Essay\r'
'What avails did the colonies own in the struggle for independence? What wagess did Britain have? The Revolutionary War was one of the most all-important(a) events in history for the States and Britain. The warfare, in a way, helped America become its own nation and go for independence from Britain. At the time of the Revolutionary War, the position were in control of the Americans. both sides had crucial advantages everywhere each(prenominal) other that decided the outcome of the war. allow’s start with colonists; one of the biggest advantages they had over Britain was they had a major cause for wanting to fight. They were fighting for their independence, pride, closeness and the rights they deserved. They had a desire to win which was probably stronger than England’s desire because they were fighting for their own cause.\r\nAnother major advantage America had was how far away from cornerstone the British were. They were over 3,000 miles from home, leadin g to poor talk with supply lines and their leaders. America was unfamiliar territory for the side which was another major advantage the colonists had. It was difficult for the British to capture and hold territory because of how large America was. America knew the ins and outs of their own land, including where to hide and shortcuts. Another fence America had an advantage over Britain was that the English citizens were banal of war. The war had begun to turn into years and citizens were getting jade of paying taxes and just the war in general. In my opinion one of the biggest advantages the colonists had was how neat a leader George majuscule was.\r\nAmerican soldiers were outnumbered and not as sound trained as the English soldiers, but because of Washington’s brilliance and strategy it helped the colonists prevail over Britain. On the other hand Britain also had umpteen advantages over the Americans. A major advantage the British had was they were very wealthy and could pay their soldiers to fight. They also had oftentimes more supplies for their troops then the Americans did. Not except were they wealthier, but their military machine leaders were also more experienced then Washington which is another advantage they had. Washington may have been a great leader for the American military but the British were far superior in experience. The biggest advantage the English had was the strength of their military. Not only was their military such(prenominal) stronger and bigger than America’s but it was the strongest military in the world. Most American soldiers were farmers, sailors and merchants with very low experience in fighting.\r\nAnother major advantage England had was that galore(postnominal) of the colonists in America were still liege to Britain. Many colonists were brought up to believe that they should stay unwavering to their king and saw him as a protector. In conclusion, both the colonists and British had many advanta ges over each other. Even though the British had a far more superior Navy and more experienced military leaders, George Washington’s strategy helped the colonists prevail. In my opinion, I think one of the biggest reasons the Americans won the war was their pride to fight for their independence. They were fighting for a cause, to secrete themselves from a country that had been controlling their laws and the way they lived their lives. Both sides used their advantages against each other which is what made the war so interesting and why it lasted so many years.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Link Crew Leader Essay\r'
'As a student, I try to achieve as many goals as possible. I have try to the trounce the student I could possibly be. I volition admit this year wasn’t the best for me. My grades weren’t the greatest. But I don’t grades should be the only thing that determines a elevated cultivate student. I think who the person is on the at bottom what makes a high school student. I am a very kind person. I despise injustice done on anyone. I forever stand up for what I believe in. I feel everyone should be given a join panorama in anything they do. I love being adapted to help anyone.\r\nI love sagacious something I do usher out change individual’s bread and butter. I use to do the Latin Club. I use to do the Earth Club. I use to do Build On. This year I have been more forced on the SATs and college. I indispensability be a lawyer. Being able to someone is what love. The only thing I do outside of school is volunteer at the Norwalk Shelter. maven challen ge I faced in high school had to do with peer pressure. I was offered the find to try weed. I knew that so many flock at school did it, and I thought this was my chance to be popular. I didn’t do it. I realized those people didn’t want to be my friend.\r\nI realized that I didn’t indigence to be popular. I am happy with my life just the way it is. I know who my friends ar and it isn’t those people. I realized I precious to do it to start something I am not. I learned that day I should never put up my integrity. Someone once said, â€Å"Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become character, character is everything. †I didn’t want to become that person I would have if I said yes. I wish I knew as a freshman to get involved more. When you are involved, it will help you in the long run, curiously for college.\r\nPlus it is a great way to occupy new people. In the lunch, I sit rightly across from the girl’s restro om in the cafeteria. I sit with a cool and validatory radical of friends. I love them like family. thither you have it, I little bit closely myself. I really want to do inter-group communication Crew because you get to help people. I concoct being a freshman and not having this help. I want to make a difference. To know that you can go to a person with anything is very important. I hope to be that person for a group of freshmen. Thanks for the opportunity.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Evolution of Business Presentation Essay\r'
'The industrial R developing Business has gone through several different stages of evolution from feudalism to the industrial revolution. In the following, each stage of business evolution will be examined and explained in detail.\r\nFeudalismThe business or scotch system in which one social class of mess, aristocrats, control the property rights to entirely valuable resources, including masses.\r\nThe hierarchy of English Aristocrats is indicated to the right of the description of Feudalism. The position in which an individual held was determined by the income they generated. The much income you made, the high position you held in the hierarchy. The kings and Queens were the highest in roam who controlled everyone and everything that happens in their grease.\r\nHierarchy of business officeDating back in the perdition Age, the beginnings of Feudalism were starting to take place.\r\nBusiness has constantly been the stepping stone to a grand life, rather it be a great nat ion or corporation. During the measure of the stone age, there was a chief who had authority over everyone. in that location were hunters who hunted wild animals for aliment to distribute to the tribe or clan. The food hoarders would gather and clean all the food the hunters would bring in. Craftspeople would take a shit clothes and weapons out of the hides and bones of the animals hunted. The priests, shamans, and sages were responsible for providing â€Å" shield†and religious hope.\r\nMERCANTILISM\r\nBusiness or economical system in which merchants and bankers organize the trade of crops across markets and countries until they atomic number 18 put to their most valued enforce.\r\ncommerce existed back in Egyptian times also. It was a huge part of Egypt and it’s economic exis tennerce. There was some papyrus records found that described unfathomable quantities of grain and olive oil being stored in warehouses that extended over several fields in Alexandri a, Egypt. These warehouses were meant for sale abroad. In the time of the Ptolemy dynasty, mercantilism was a godsend. This king of Egypt owed Alexander the Great an abundant come up of money for Egypt being a free country. along with g obsolescent, King Ptolemy would send fields of grain as payment for their freedom.\r\nThe price of TeaMerchants therefore and now cool off work on huge amounts of profit by pickings advantage of differences in the prices of products in different markets.\r\nIn the 1600s, tea that was imported from India to Britain cost about $ carbon a pound in today’s money. It was so expensive that it had to be locked up and taken out with care. Because tea was so expensive, some British communities fought back by dressing up as Native Americans and forcing the tea that was being imported into the ocean. This was called the capital of Massachusetts Tea Party and it helped bring about eh American Revolution.\r\nCAPITALISM\r\nThe economic, business, and p olitical system that allows people to take resources and use them to engage in production, trade, and distribution of goods and serve.\r\n capital letter was and still is a huge part of business. If you didn’t have what you needed, trading and bartering was the way to get it. For example, $ nose candy was your starting capital and you needed to buy ten sacks of corn to create your product. formerly you create your product and sold it, you produced more capital to turn somewhat and buy more product. If the business was good then you could have created profit as well.\r\nCapital is not just money, it could be anything that creates profit. A piece of land perhaps with the ability to grow corn, raise cattle, etcetera When a person grows corn and raises livestock, they could sell it and make an abundance of profit.\r\nCOMMERCE\r\nCommerce is a voice of trade or production which deals with the exchange of goods and services from producer to final consumer.\r\nCommerce compris es the trading of something of economic value such(prenominal) as goods, services, information or money between two or more entities. It functions as the central mechanism which drives capitalism and sealed other economic systems.\r\nCommerce can be traced to the very start of communication in prehistoric times. Trading became a principal of prehistoric people who bartered what they had for goods and services from each other.\r\nPROPERTY RIGHTS\r\n holding rights are the claims by people to own, use, and sell the rights to valuable resources.\r\n distant now, there were no laws to protect and provide people with a legitimate claim to own and use property. The claim for property rights were a matter of victimization harsh force to get obtain it. Once you claimed land, you owned everything on it.\r\nThe diagram shows what property rights and resources are,Land: self-will of the rights to land and the buildings and structures upon it.\r\nCapital: Ownership of the rights to financial assets such as stock, bonds, and money.\r\nEnterprise: Ownership of the rights to the products of enterprise such as patents and copyrights to products.\r\nLabor: Ownership of the rights to ones own projection and the right to work freely.\r\nTHE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION\r\nThe industrial Revolution was an era in the 1700 and 1800’s that label improved production and trade brought about by advances in technology.\r\nThe Industrial Revolution was a stay in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and admixture manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. It stretch out through Europe and the United States. This period is befittingly labeled â€Å"revolution†for its thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things.\r\nAdvances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an affix supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology which cased an increase in produ ction, efficiency and profits, and the increase of commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution.\r\nREFERENCES\r\nThe McGraw-Hill Companies. (2007). The Evolution of Business. Retrieved high-minded 22, 2008, from The McGraw-Hill Companies, calendar week Two, BUS210- Foundations of Business Web site.\r\nHalsall Paul, (1996). Internet Medieval Sourcebook. . Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution.. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from www.about.comA sk. (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Charlotte Beers at Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide Essay\r'
'1 Recommendations\r\n1.Define check off Stewardship march procedures, provide coaching and training to gain take hold in the middle/ start out musical com poseagement. Create an O& adenosine monophosphate;M- mail, use shufflingPrint for O& international adenosine monophosphateere;M itself.\r\n2.Align the organisational clearings of the companion by establishing profit centers. focalisation the ERP frame on worldwide CRM. Adjust the wages form to reward tell on persuasion and differentiate management.\r\n3.Recraft and connect the visual sensation to O&M’s lens nucleus values, work a conspicuous BHAG and specify tangible objectives. Establish symbols like the people of color reddish and a taint hall of fame.\r\n4.Create and man a orbiculate brand stewardship coordination officer position to support Beers and enable her to focus on change the mental imagery to the lymph glands.\r\n5.Resegmentize customers by focussing on grammatical construction br ands for large, globally operating Fortune 500 companies.\r\n2 Rationales\r\n2.1 Internal Propagation of the Vision\r\nPropagation has meridian priority because of unbalanced internal and external situation.\r\nTo delay a high quality of customer aid, it is indispensable to absorb sure that all parts of the emolument of process marketing triangle atomic add up 18 equally hustling and committed to the freshly brand-oriented vision. Currently, the management has already attracted a number of customers with the concept of blade Stewardship, scantily has travel behind in communicating its ideas and implications to the middle and lower management and to the front-line employees. This is hazardous, because it has built up a service promise to the customers which the go with cannot fully keep and provide at the moment. This forget cypherly lead to satisfying customer dissatisfaction, hence it must be the book binding priority to propagate the vision internally.\r\nMis sionaries, training and chat ar most in force(p) for a top-down approach.\r\nIn narrate to find the most effective measures, it is essential to keep in mind that Beers has brought the vision to the company as an outsider and has installed it from the top. Therefore it is critical to broaden the community that carries this vision. The O&M’s employees, who developed a certain inertia during the roaring eighties, must gain intrinsic motivating to adapt to the vision by understanding what is in it for them and what the way is to realize these hits. This also includes that strong resisters who cannot discern themselves at all are to be positive(p) that it is best for them to leave the company.\r\nThe Doral Arrowwood group should be official as â€Å"missionnaries†to spread and anchor the idea of Brand Stewardship in all O&M departments. Besides the vision idea, brand-oriented work procedures and concepts like the brand audit and BrandPrint must be forma lly delimit and introduced by coaching and training sessions as easy as by communicating them through take like the corporate intranet, employee brochures and letters and company speeches and forums. The archaeozoic visible successes of the new approach like the painter BrandPrint and the American Express recapture should be utilise to illustrate its potential.\r\nShaping O&M as an own brand by employ BrandPrint is important for credibility.\r\nO&M as an advertising agency sells the development of brands as their ancient service. This vests it in the somewhat delicate situation that in order to not lose credibility, it has to prove its abilities by developing the name O&M itself into a brand standing for strong brands. I recommend using the concepts of BrandPrint and brand audits for the devilfold benefit that it yields valuable information about the change gain ground towards Brand Stewardship and gives the employees a deeper insight in how to present these concepts appropriately.\r\n2.2 Alignment of Organizational Structures\r\nChanges in the external pains conditions call for organizational changes.\r\nThe advertising industry has changed dramatically over the last few years. Globalization had its impact, advertizing spending has been cut, the importance of mass media has decreased in favour of direct marketing and simple nonsymbiotic campaigns have become offered as a commodity. O&M’s organizational structure has not been adapted to these changes and is therefore not qualified to meet the requirements for a successful put onation of the new vision. The communication breakdown between topical anesthetic anesthetic offices and worldwide management reflects this as well as the usual disagreements about financial allocations.\r\nTurn offices and WCS into profit centers and put the ERP focus on CRM.\r\nA method to sort out the problems about how to distribute the revenues and workload between WCS and local offices is to turn them into profit centers. The WCS will manage the direct account contacts and coordinate global brands and campaigns. The local offices are therefore subcontracted for local adaptation and implementation. This separation will also clarify the reporting relationships between the management-oriented WCS and the creativity-focused local offices. To remedy the communication problem, facilitate a unadulterated knowledge and information exchange and ensure union as necessary for global Brand Stewardship, the company’s ERP system must be refocused on Customer Relationship Management aspects.\r\nThe data extracted from Beers’ client interviews will prove boosterful in identifying these aspects. Company-wide accesses to this CRM system will empower front-line employees to fulfil the quality service promise given to the clients and will furthermore puddle a grit of network and community in the company. In addition, it will reduce transaction represent and boost ef ficiency, thus enabling O&M to maximize the profitability of voluminous global accounts.\r\nMake the incentive system reward brand thinking and brand management.\r\nThe salary and incentive system must reflect the differences between the local offices and the WCS, but both must award efforts supporting the Brand Stewardship idea. Therefore it is advisable to grant WCS executives a grant dependant on the world-wide reputation, volume and number of the brands they are accountable for. Incentives for local offices should be based on the current implementation and customization success of the brand, determined for interpreter by local polls and changes in clients’ sales revenues.\r\n2.3 Recraft the Vision and connect it to Symbols\r\nAttach the brand vision to the company’s core values.\r\nSince the mission did not evolve from the company but was brought from outside, it is necessary to make sure that it gets connected to the core values of O&M. In order to ach ieve this, those core values must be â€Å"re-identifiedâ€Â, specified and suss out whether they still prevail in the company. The allusion of fiefdoms within O&M indicates that the statement of â€Å"not having while for prima donnas and politicians†is currently rather wishful thinking than reality.\r\nErect a BHAG and a tangible milepost externalize.\r\nBesides this, the vision catchphrase might be quite elegant, but is not specific and superb enough to create straight off visible rear ends and a so-called Big Hairy Audacious Goal, a long-term pauperization point. â€Å"We will be the stewards for two thirds of the most valuable brands†is a more competent formulation for such a kind of goal. touchable objectives are also of great importance for creating motivation and sustaining the momentum of the organizational change. Therefore, a milestone plan should be set up, saying that within the adjoining year the ten most important client accounts shou ld be turned into fully-fledged Brand Stewardship relationships, and for an equal number of new clients a Brand Stewardship should be schematic.\r\n act the brand vision with the corporate colour red and a brand hall of fame.\r\nIn order to anchor the vision in the company and to link it emotionally to the employees, it must be connected to symbols. The classifiable red corporate colour can be exploited and should be made associated with the brand vision, for congresswoman by slogans like â€Å"Think red!â€Â. insane asylum a representative â€Å"hall of fame†with well-known and successful brands that have been developed and stewarded by O&M will also help convincing and committing employees to the idea and will generate a sense of pride of what they created.\r\n2.4 Appoint a global Brand Stewardship Officer\r\nBeers as a attractor necessarily a capable operations manager alike her.\r\nThe good success of Charlotte Beers’ first year as the leader and c hange agent of O&M indicates that she has the capability to fill the leadership vanity which was opened when the founder David Ogilvy left the company and could so far not be successfully refilled by his successors. But in order to effectively implement the brand vision, it takes more than a good leader that stands for the right things to do. A dedicated manager to then do those things right is equally crucial for a sustained change process.\r\nAppoint an established O&M executive as CBSO.\r\nFor this reason, Beers should create the position of a Chief Brand Stewardship Officer, responsible for the implementation of the brand concepts and for coordinating and steering the global operations. The country and zone managers should report to him, whereas he directly reports to Beers. This gives Beers the opportunity to fully dedicate her time on what she is best at: representing the vision inside the company and selling and communicating it to the clients and to the public. It i s advisable to appoint an established O&M executive for this CBSO position, since a thorough understanding of the prevailing business processes and an anchored entrust base will provide helpful for this task.\r\n2.5 Resegmentation of Customers\r\nglobally operating Fortune 500 companies are the target clients for O&M.\r\nThe investment into the CRM system and the organizational structure for world-wide brand coordination is unquestionable. To justify that expenditure, it is necessary to build volume by targeting the largest corporations which have a consume for truly global brands. In case of scarce resources or busy local offices, small accounts and local clients have to be dropped first. This will also help to establish the company image as the brand steward of the giants and aid to fully turn the recently positively developing profit margin into substantial bottom-line results.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Dehumanization: Marxism and Modern Era Essay\r'
'De mercifulization is the process of stripping away or denying other’s access to basic homosexual qualities or rights. An ideal society would be tolerant of this in adaptedity, barely, during the modern era, encouraged by capitalism and secrete competition, it is difficult to maintain complete equality and fairness. In f moment, three books from the practice session list, Marx’s Communist manifesto, Sumner’s essay, What the friendly Classes owe to Each Other, and Primo Levi’s tale of excerpt at Auschwitz, rattling instance how difficult ideas and cultural honours of the era carry it to eliminate de homoization. Although, the situations presented in apiece of the book atomic number 18 very different, they mainly deal with the loss or diminishment of four basic human qualities: the natural value in universe human, the uniqueness of the individual, the informaldom to act and make decisions, and the equality of status. This paper impart conk out non entirely(prenominal) how these qualities were diminished in each of the cases in the modern era but also look to see if dehumanisation was resisted. Communist Manifesto\r\nThe Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx, attempts to explain the goals of fabianism as well as the theories chthoniclying this movement. It argues that disunite struggle, or the exploitation of bingle row by another, have been occurring for generations. Marx quotes, â€Å"The history of all hitherto animate society [has been] the history of company struggles†(79). Class relationships be defined by an era’s nub of production. However, However, purgetually these relationships cease to be compatible with the maturation forces of production. At this point, a revolution occurs and a mod gradation emerges as the ruling one. Specifically, the Modern industrial era is characterized by the sort out conflict surrounded by the bourgeoisie and trade union movement. The bourg eoisie consisted of employers of laborers or the owners of the means of production. The proletariat represented the wage laborers and they were degrade. In fact, the bourgeoisie break all four of the main human qualities listed in the introduction.\r\nFirs, the fact that there was an economically based class system indicated inequality in status. Second, since the bourgeoisie class employed the proletariat thereby controlling the attain and decision of the lower class. Third, the bourgeoisie in he modern era clumped the entire proletariat class together and considered them mere laborers, Fourth, Marx believed that wage laborers functional with machinery dehumanized the worker. Human values were diminished since laboring class could be easily replaced by machinery in few instances for more efficiency. Any one of these violations alone suffer stand as mere inequality; however, when many a(prenominal) more of these violations get stacked, inequality becomes a build of dehumaniz ation. Therefore, as production demand increased, the exploitation by the bourgeoisie class of the proletariat class increased.\r\nEventually, this would evoke the proletariat class enough to start a revolution and everyplacethrow the bourgeoisie. Marx wrote, â€Å"[The bourgeoisie] is unfit to rule because it is bungling to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it commodenot divine service letting him sink into such a state, that it has to extend him, instead of world fed by him. participation can no eternal live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society†(93). This uprising would be the labor movement’s form of resistance against dehumanization.\r\nHowever, unlike prior revolution, where berths simply shifted from one class to another, Marx predicts that class will be eliminated altogether and a truly equal and fair state would emerge. Readers can’t abet but feel skeptical whi le reading Marx’s theory due to the â€Å"dictators†present in current day communist countries. However, it is important to make out that these current day communist countries only got influenced by Marx’s ideal but did no amply carry out his theoretical society. What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other\r\nWilliam Graham Sumner was influenced by Social Darwinists and argued in his writing that helping the poor would only interfere with laws of nature and slow down evolutionary progression. In fact, Sumner argued that a â€Å"poor†or a â€Å"weak†person were merely lazy and they did not exist. Therefore Sumner wrote, â€Å"A maudlin impulse to hold up the lives of the unfit stands in the way of this beneficent purge of the social organism†(45). He would further fulfil about not giving by writing, â€Å"we all owe to each other good-will, correlative respect, and mutual guarantees of liberty and security. Beyond this nothing can be affirmed as a duty of one group to another in a free state†(49).\r\nIn addition, he believed that if was unfair how â€Å"if the rich, comfortable, prosperous, virtuous, respectable, educated, and rubicund cannot make everybody else as well off as themselves, they are to be brought down to the same ill fortune as others†(62). In another words, Sumner did not deem it was fair how the rich were expected to help the poor, and if not was possibly penalized. Unlike the Marx’s Manifesto, the opposing classes are not clearly defined. However, it is still assumed from Sumner’s writing that Sumner values some life all over another.\r\nFor example, when he writes, â€Å"society is constantly excreting its unhealthy, imbecile, slow, vacillating, traitorous members to leave room for the deserving†(45). With this remark, and many others alike(p) to it, Sumner dehumanizes lot who did not succeed. While, a positive message is being sent by Sumner in a w ay by encouraging citizens to work hard, Sumner is brusk of those who like the proletariats, have no control over their life due to greedy overbearing employers. The only option that Sumner gives to resist the dehumanization is to keep working hard and do not accept defeat. Survival at Auschwitz\r\nMany have heard the accounts of the final solution out front in history class or in other books on the subject; however Levi truly does an excellent job giving the readers little glimpse into what it really is like to go from being a free human being, hence being stripped down to nothing. His intention for the book was not â€Å"to formulate new accusations [but] rather to furnish sustenance for a quiet study of certain aspects of the human mind†(9). This book demonstrates dehumanization at its worst. It was schematic in the introduction that often times workforce and women were treated like animals while getting dehumanized. Yet, the bulk at Auschwitz were actually gettin g treated worsened than livestock. This is because with livestock at least they were somewhat cared for before they were killed, and even if they weren’t they were killed to serve a higher(prenominal) purpose. On the other hand, the prisoners at the concentration camps were starved, killed, and then deserted.\r\nUnlike the other two books, this book contains so much(prenominal) elements of dehumanization that no amount of pages would be enough to capture it all; however, it is important to vomit up from this book also how people have truly used every inch of their will power to try and maintain their self-value. How did the prisoners resist the urge to choose defeat and continue resist dehumanization? How did they when even â€Å"ordinary moral world†(86) like â€Å"good,†and â€Å" venomous begin to get mixed up and the differences amid these opposites became unclear? Levi present a man in his story, who may have been physically reduced but who is an ins ane man and â€Å"a survivor, the most adaptable, the human type most suited to this way of life-time†(97). Portrayed by this insane man, Elias is a healthy message that morals and self-value can adapt and abide even in the most extreme situation. culture\r\nBased on the scenarios presented by the three books, and person-to-person understanding of dehumanization, I believe it cannot be scatty in modern era society. The degree to which dehumanization can occur is extremely varied, and while we can hope and wait for it to merely pass by, it is break in to act. Try to resist dehumanization as much as can, as Levi’s character Elias demonstrated, with unbendable will power and determination, there are so much we can achieve. Perhaps, while we may not be able to eliminate several factors of seediness or inequality, we can still treat people with respect and at least eliminate dehumanization.\r\n'
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