Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Evolution of Business Presentation Essay\r'
'The industrial R developing Business has gone through several different stages of evolution from feudalism to the industrial revolution. In the following, each stage of business evolution will be examined and explained in detail.\r\nFeudalismThe business or scotch system in which one social class of mess, aristocrats, control the property rights to entirely valuable resources, including masses.\r\nThe hierarchy of English Aristocrats is indicated to the right of the description of Feudalism. The position in which an individual held was determined by the income they generated. The much income you made, the high position you held in the hierarchy. The kings and Queens were the highest in roam who controlled everyone and everything that happens in their grease.\r\nHierarchy of business officeDating back in the perdition Age, the beginnings of Feudalism were starting to take place.\r\nBusiness has constantly been the stepping stone to a grand life, rather it be a great nat ion or corporation. During the measure of the stone age, there was a chief who had authority over everyone. in that location were hunters who hunted wild animals for aliment to distribute to the tribe or clan. The food hoarders would gather and clean all the food the hunters would bring in. Craftspeople would take a shit clothes and weapons out of the hides and bones of the animals hunted. The priests, shamans, and sages were responsible for providing â€Å" shield†and religious hope.\r\nMERCANTILISM\r\nBusiness or economical system in which merchants and bankers organize the trade of crops across markets and countries until they atomic number 18 put to their most valued enforce.\r\ncommerce existed back in Egyptian times also. It was a huge part of Egypt and it’s economic exis tennerce. There was some papyrus records found that described unfathomable quantities of grain and olive oil being stored in warehouses that extended over several fields in Alexandri a, Egypt. These warehouses were meant for sale abroad. In the time of the Ptolemy dynasty, mercantilism was a godsend. This king of Egypt owed Alexander the Great an abundant come up of money for Egypt being a free country. along with g obsolescent, King Ptolemy would send fields of grain as payment for their freedom.\r\nThe price of TeaMerchants therefore and now cool off work on huge amounts of profit by pickings advantage of differences in the prices of products in different markets.\r\nIn the 1600s, tea that was imported from India to Britain cost about $ carbon a pound in today’s money. It was so expensive that it had to be locked up and taken out with care. Because tea was so expensive, some British communities fought back by dressing up as Native Americans and forcing the tea that was being imported into the ocean. This was called the capital of Massachusetts Tea Party and it helped bring about eh American Revolution.\r\nCAPITALISM\r\nThe economic, business, and p olitical system that allows people to take resources and use them to engage in production, trade, and distribution of goods and serve.\r\n capital letter was and still is a huge part of business. If you didn’t have what you needed, trading and bartering was the way to get it. For example, $ nose candy was your starting capital and you needed to buy ten sacks of corn to create your product. formerly you create your product and sold it, you produced more capital to turn somewhat and buy more product. If the business was good then you could have created profit as well.\r\nCapital is not just money, it could be anything that creates profit. A piece of land perhaps with the ability to grow corn, raise cattle, etcetera When a person grows corn and raises livestock, they could sell it and make an abundance of profit.\r\nCOMMERCE\r\nCommerce is a voice of trade or production which deals with the exchange of goods and services from producer to final consumer.\r\nCommerce compris es the trading of something of economic value such(prenominal) as goods, services, information or money between two or more entities. It functions as the central mechanism which drives capitalism and sealed other economic systems.\r\nCommerce can be traced to the very start of communication in prehistoric times. Trading became a principal of prehistoric people who bartered what they had for goods and services from each other.\r\nPROPERTY RIGHTS\r\n holding rights are the claims by people to own, use, and sell the rights to valuable resources.\r\n distant now, there were no laws to protect and provide people with a legitimate claim to own and use property. The claim for property rights were a matter of victimization harsh force to get obtain it. Once you claimed land, you owned everything on it.\r\nThe diagram shows what property rights and resources are,Land: self-will of the rights to land and the buildings and structures upon it.\r\nCapital: Ownership of the rights to financial assets such as stock, bonds, and money.\r\nEnterprise: Ownership of the rights to the products of enterprise such as patents and copyrights to products.\r\nLabor: Ownership of the rights to ones own projection and the right to work freely.\r\nTHE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION\r\nThe industrial Revolution was an era in the 1700 and 1800’s that label improved production and trade brought about by advances in technology.\r\nThe Industrial Revolution was a stay in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and admixture manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. It stretch out through Europe and the United States. This period is befittingly labeled â€Å"revolution†for its thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things.\r\nAdvances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an affix supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology which cased an increase in produ ction, efficiency and profits, and the increase of commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution.\r\nREFERENCES\r\nThe McGraw-Hill Companies. (2007). The Evolution of Business. Retrieved high-minded 22, 2008, from The McGraw-Hill Companies, calendar week Two, BUS210- Foundations of Business Web site.\r\nHalsall Paul, (1996). Internet Medieval Sourcebook. . Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution.. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from www.about.comA sk. (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from\r\n'
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