Sunday, January 26, 2020
Situational And Pestel Analysis At Bp Commerce Essay
Situational And Pestel Analysis At Bp Commerce Essay Kotler (1998) stated that PESTEL analysis is a strategic tool to analyse the present market condition of a business, understanding market growth or decline, potential and direction for operations. According to porter (1985) PESTEL ensures that companys performance is aligned positively with the powerful forces of change that are affecting business environment. Jobber, (2006), Source:google images 2010 Political factor plays a major role in any organizations business expansion in new markets. The political condition of the country, region or the market has direct effect on the companys outcome there. UK government policy changing from time to time. Recently the UK governments have increased the import tax by 3% (Data monitor 2010) which is affecting the offshore oil industry in UK. For example, the North Sea industry has been facing major challenges. UK government policy changing from time to time. The new conservative government change several policies after post election to the oil and gas industry such as petroleum revenue tax (PRT) at 50% on the top of corporation tax if the business established before 1993. (Source: on 17th Dec 2010) Economic factors According to Thompson (2002) economic conditions impinge on how easy or difficult it is to be successful and profitable at any time because they affect both capital availability and cost, and demand. Supply of money has adverse effect on UK economy. The economy has recently come out of the recession, so all the banks are trying to avoid funding in higher resources. For instance most of oil industry projects are stopped due to insufficient supply of fund.Higher inflation and recession has major effects on people income. Instead of using own transport, common people will be travelling in public transport which will have effect on oil industry sale. (Mintzberg et al. 2009) Sociocultural factors The social environment demonstrates demand and tastes, which changes with fashion and disposable income which can provide both opportunities and threats for particular companies According to recent census report the population of the UK will increase in the near future due to high immigrant rates and ageing population. Further investigation analyzed the population structure and energy consumption in UK has gone down nearly 20% due to ageing population which will have a major impact to the oil and gas industry in the UK especially BP because of larger market share. ( Souce : . Article: population trends 140 summer 2010 ) ( Source :  .  published: 12 October 2010 ) Technological At present time Technology plays a major role in almost every organization to gain sustainable competitive advantage from its competitors. UK oil and gas industry is going through very challenging environment due to innovative technologies to gain maximum resources. The best example is that of North Sea to recover oil from complex resources by utilizing innovative techniques. New technology is the key aspects of innovative resources. The government is spending on alternative energy technologies (AETs) are analysed important factors of new development and organizational categories. Environment Refining and operation process required large amount of chemicals and finally extraction of gas and petroleum produce air pollution. In addition to these several hazardous products released in oil and gas industry as waste which are associated with environmental risk factors. The UK Environmental Management System (EMS) is associated with different law relate to oil and gas operation in a specific location to control the risk factors. (Source: on 18th Dec 2010) (Source: on 18th Dec 2010) Legal Factor Health and safety is the major concern with the people linked with oil industry. UK health and safety policy is regulated by the government which helps to protect the personal health of the workers in oil exploration, drilling, distribution, consumer disposal and industrial factors. Product safety is another important factor in oil and gas industry, because the leakage of resources from the outlet can create havoc impact on the environment. The legislation is concerned with the raw materials or formulates products. The UK government considers to vital information to find the volatility risk factors concerned with products and materials. Evaluation of risk associated with oil and gas industry are analyzed with special measures in future. Best example BP need to face major consequences during oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, BC News 22 August, 2010 Oil and gas industry has to improve safety of workers on offshore because of big rise in injuries and other serious incidents. The average number of injuries for the previous five years was 42. (Source: accessed on 16th Dec 2010) (Source: accessed on 16th Dec 2010) (Source: accessed on 18th Dec 2010) BP SWOT ANALYSIS Globalization is changing the face of the business world at present time. Companies operate in a very difficult environment and face numerous challenges when competing in global markets. Now a days managing global operations requires knowledge about various strategies and intercultural skills and that expand beyond traditional management principles and techniques. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and threats of an organization. The key to a SWOT analysis is identifying the internal and external factors which are important to achieve the goals of the organization. The internal factors include strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the external factors are the opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is popular among the managers for its simplicity as a planning tool and its flexibility to adapt in any situation or project. The strengths and weaknesses of a company depend on its internal elements like resources, operational programs, and departments like sales, marketing and distribution. An opportunity is a attractive condition which can be exploited to strengthen a strategic position, such as increasing demand for a new product. A threat is a condition which creates uncertainties which damage an organizations performance and market share. BP is known as giant in oil industry and spread its business geographically. The organization has huge Market Capitalization worldwide due to this the company has significant bargaining and domination power. But still the organization needs to face some consequences, which can be analyzed on SWOT factors. Source 🙠International strategic management 2010) Strengths Weaknesses Leading Market Position and Major capitalization Vertically incorporated operations Broad global existence Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico Outburst in the Texas plant Destruction of tax law in turkey Opportunities Threats Purchase of Devon Energys resources in Brazil, US deep water gulf of Mexico and Azerbaijan. Acquired new project on oil and gas exploration. Diversifying investment in the alternative energy business and others resources. Diffusion of assets in North Sea. Volatility in some oil producing region. Environmental safety policy Major risk involved in exploring and production oil and gas activities Threat of a acquiring by other competitors. (Datamonitor 2010) Strengths Leading market position BP is one of the largest Petrol manufacturing companies in the global world and occupied largest market share in term of capitalization. The main clients of BP are Aviations, Military and general airlines sectors and marine industry. Vertically Incorporated position BP operational strategy for oil business divided into two segments mainly: refining and marketing; and production and oil services. They are broadly classified into three categories; upper-stream operation deals which includes gas exploration and field development. Lower stream operation consists of refineries and marketing network and the middle-stream operation associated with six factors: processing, management and ownership, natural gas pipelines, export terminals, NGL extraction and transportation to their consumers.Thus, their vertically incorporated position gives competitive advantages in the oil industry. Broad Global Existence The organization has very large number of consumer base worldwide. Their existence is in more than 80 countries in geographical market. (Euromonitor 2009) Weaknesses Disaster occurs in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas plant and Tax law in Turkey: The disaster occurs in the Gulf of Mexico and Texas plant in 2010 and in 2005 due to drilling and exploration of oil well and careless risk management and planning. The exploration causes huge damage to the US environment. This effect the BP brand image and cost them too much which may affect the BPs profit margin. (Datamonitor 2010) Opportunities Acquiring New Assets: BP acquired several assets around the world. The new asset acquired by BP in 2010 includes Devon Energys in Brazil, Azerbaijan and US deep water Gulf of Mexico. These provide the organization significant long term growth and also emphasize company operational strengths and key interest around the world. Acquired new projects on oil and gas exploration: BP has explored many new projects in the FY 2009. For example Angola and Sonangol announced Oberion Oil discovery, Tiber prospect in deep water Gulf of Mexico discovery Tebe oil projects and many more. The discovery of new projects will enhance the BP production in future.(Mintel 2009) Diversification of Investment into alternate Business: BP has diversified some of their investment in alternate business like solar and wind in FY 2009. The intervention of low carbon energy and bio-fuel technology will maximize the company profits and create a brand image in friendlier environment. Threats Environmental risk and Risk involved in Exploration, Diffusion of North Sea, Volatility in oil region and acquiring business by competitors: There are many risk associated with BP oil industry. Environment and exploration damages in Gulf of Mexico, Texas and Turkey are some better examples, which may affect the brand image as well as operational cost to the organization. To summarize the SWOT analysis provides the basic framework to appraise an organizations internal and external position in its environment including their potential impact on performance. Porters strategy Porters 5 forces analysis deals with the factors happening in the external environment which have direct link with the internal environment of an organization. Porters competitive forces model consists of five forces which has a direct impact on an organizations performance in the business market. Source:google images 2010 Threat of entry The threat of new entrants is usually based on the market entry barriers. In the renewable energy market the threat of new player entering the market is low comparable to other sectors. Also the favorable government policies for existing competitors Creates barriers for a new comer in the market Threat of substitutes The threat of substitution depend on the switching costs i.e., the costs in the areas such as redevelopment costs which takes place when a customer changes preferences or get interested in other similar products. Its difficult to predict the end of fossil fuel domination. So as for now only fossil fuels pose as a significant replacement to renewable energy. Rivalry among existing competitors Basically all the major oil firms know the fact that fossil fuels will be destroyed sooner or later following which the alternative energy will become the way of the future. So all the companies invest their capital in developing alternative energy to position themselves early in new markets and also strengthen their position in existing markets. Bargaining power of the customers Buyer power is a very important horizontal force which influences the misuse of the value created by a trade. The volume and the application of customers are the two most important determinants of buyer power.  Supplier Power Supplier power is a direct reflection of the buyer power. By utilizing its vast capital and technological knowhow BP has developed its own internals supply network in every country it operates. Source: accessed on 20th Dec 2010 Source:,accessed on 20th Dec 2010 Marketing mix McCarthy developed the idea of marketing mix 40 years ago. Marketing mix can be defined as the levels and relationship of the fundamentals of a products or services marketing efforts, including product features, pricing, packaging, advertising, merchandising, distribution, and marketing budget which directly affects the sales results. It consists of four components- product, price, place, promotion. Source:google images 2010 Price Pricing is a very complex area. Generally consumers give more priority on higher priced products, so its best to test various pricing levels of the products over time to find the right pricing combination that maximizes the profits. The examples of price decisions generally consists of Pricing strategy ,optional retail price, amount discounts and extensive pricing, Cash or early payment discounts, cyclic pricing, Price plasticity, Price unfairness etc. Place Another dimension of marketing mix is place. Its also known as channel, distribution, or intermediary. Its a process by which the goods or services are moved from the manufacturer to the consumer .the types of distribution decisions mainly include supply channels, Market coverage, particular channel members , stock management, Warehousing ,allocation centers , categorize processing , Transportation , Reverse logistics. Product A product is a tangible physical identity by which both buying and selling can be done. The examples of product may include Brand visibility, Functionality, Styling, superiority, security, wrapping, maintenance and sustain, Warranty, trimmings and services Levels of a Product. The Product Life Cycle (PLC) Source:google images 2010 The Customer Life Cycle which put emphasis on the delivery of lifetime value to the customer to retain them for the business. Promotion Last of the 4 p s is promotion. It represents various aspects of marketing communication, i.e., the information about the product to generate a positive customer response. Marketing communication mainly includes promotional strategies like push and pull , promotions ,Personal selling, Sales advertisements , Public relations, Marketing budget Source:, accessed on 20th Dec 2010 Source:,accessed on 20th Dec 2010 Implementation process Objective of NPD: The objective should run through a various process, while time launching is the crucial part than promotion pathways.. According to Ulrich and Eppinger, objective for budgets and finance have strong role to launch a new product in the market. (Ulrich T and Eppinger D 2004) Marketing concept and frame work process: Idea Generation: Every successful product need comprehensive ideas, so idea generation is the first and most important part of any new product launch in the market also known as Fuzzy front end. The company needs to analyze the SWOT to find its potential market and possible threats. Sometimes the idea of a new product generate with the opportunity analysis. (Koen et al. 2001) Idea Screening: is a concept which eliminates unsound objects. Companies need to find the existing market size and target market where they can get a picture about the product whether it could be profitable or not. Some questions should be asked in this process like as, is there any target market lies which could benefit from the product? (Keller P, 2008) Concept Development and Testing: is the framework where a product can be developing in the marketing and engineering details. Customer feedback is the most valuable part of a company where they assure about the future of the product which is going to be launch soon. (Koen et all, 2001) Business Analysis: A complete and flawless business strategy lies in various important implementations of marketing theories. For successful business strategy, need to estimate the selling price, which could base upon competition and consumer feedback, estimate the sales volume of the market size and it can be based on Fourt-Woodtlock equation tool and calculate the break-even point.( Smith G and Reinertsen G 1998) Market Testing: After successful business planning, market testing is required to check the sustainability of the product. So build up a prototype of the proposed product, need to test the product packaging and checking the necessary adjustment where needed(Cooper G 1988) Technical Implementation: Few of the necessary steps should taken in this process likes as, set up a new program imitation, finalize the system of quality management, publish the estimate, need to produce the technical communication such as data sheets, draw the logistic plan and supplier collaboration, review the whole program and monitoring, keep an eye about the department scheduling. ( Koen et all, 2001) Promotion after new product development: A new or existing product launching process is going on through various promotional campaigns to reach the target customers. In that time, the product must launch in the market while need to fill the distribution pipeline with their recently launch product and promote their new product through advertisement. ( Prahalad Hammel, 2007) New Product Pricing: The last part of this framework is product pricing where the product can set up its launch on market. The financial team analyzes the internal and external value while they justify the impact and customer demand on the new product portfolio. (Aniston et all, 2001) Conclusion British Petroleum developed several oil fields and constructed refineries in different countries all over the world, including major interests in Alaskas Prudhoe Bay and in the north sea near United Kingdom, BP ,its subsidiaries and associated companies combine together to engage in the investigation, manufacture, refinement, shipping, and delivery of oil and natural gas and in the manufacture of chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers. It also operates expediency stores and filling stations through other brands like, Aral, ARCO, and am/pm.From the above factors we can analyze BP options are opened widely to overcome the oil spill cost. They can strengthen their financial resources from current drill oil and develop for new forces such as solar energy because for the new trends in the emerging market. Besides this, it will also boost up the companys reputation and reduce the environmental threats and pollution.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Memorial Day
Day is a day of remembrance for those who perished while serving In the military, a day to honor the soldiers who died while defending America. Our three day weekend in May is a wonderful time to get together with friends and family. To most of us, Memorial weekend it means no school/work and an extra day off. Memorial Day is so much more than a day off to have fun. Most students do not really even understand why they get school off; a lot of adult use this time for cookouts or parties.Memorial Day is a day where we, as Americans, should honor our fallen soldiers. Hardly anyone actually honors the soldiers by going to the parades/ceremonies In their communities. We owe It to the dead to honor their memory. The people who died for our Ideals and for their values were ordinary men and women who left the safety of their homes to fight to ensure Justice and protect our country. Brave Individuals gave their time, strength, and effort to protect our country and all that It stands for.In do ing so, countless men and women who were treasured by many, eve lost their lives Their hard work and sacrifice for our nation is sometimes taken for granted: the heroic men and women who have died fighting for our freedoms must be remembered. We take for granted their sacrifices; we should take effort in reminding ourselves of the individuals who lost their lives for us. Memorial Day is a day to honor and thank all the American soldiers who have sacrificed their lives.As Americans, we should show respect for the fallen and honor them for their courageous acts of bravery. Although we may not realize it, freedom is tot free. Freedom comes with a huge price, sometimes that price being life. It is not easy to be willing to take your own life for not Just your own rights, but for the rights of a whole nation. Memorial Day is not a day to have fun and party, but a special time to remember those who showed such devotion to our country to give up their lives for it, a time to remember these heroes. Our dedicated soldiers deserved to be remembered.Our dedicated military force is the reason why we are able to stand here today with the redeems we have, and why we are able to live with so many liberties. Our rights should never be taken for granted; we should be thankful for those who have paid the price for them. We should give thanks to all the heroes for their sacrifices, spreading gratitude. Memorial Day should be a day to reflect and be grateful. We can express our gratitude by attending local parades or Memorial Day events and pray for the families of the fallen soldiers to really understand the sacrifices they have made for us and our country.Memorial Day By preferable 21 Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who perished while serving in Hardly anyone actually honors the soldiers by going to the parades/ceremonies in their communities. We owe it to the dead to honor their memory. The people who died for our ideals and for their values were ordinary men an d women who left the individuals gave their time, strength, and effort to protect our country and all that it for granted; the heroic men and women who have died fighting for our freedoms
Friday, January 10, 2020
Hospitality Operation Management Essay
Executive Summary This report is based on the findings from Tripadvisor that aimed to examine theissues of in Bella Vista Hotel and Resort Langkawi and provided therecommendations for improving housekeeping management in the futureexpansion. The findings in this report are according to the comments fromguests who had been staying in Bella Vista Hotel and Resort previously and makethe judgments on those serious issues in this particular hotel. The studyconfirmed the existing of inappropriate hotel housekeeping operation andmanagement would strongly influence the image of hotel and lead this hoteltowards low revenue. This report discusses on four issues of Bella Vista Hoteland Resort which are room hygiene and cleanliness concerns, inappropriatemaintenance, bathroom and amenities as well as inconsistent manpowermanagement and other service. Because of the massive growth of travelers around the world, the guests‟ perception to the hotel rooms have been shifted differently compared the past. Hotel guests are looking forward a comfortableroom and proper hotel management when they are staying in particular hotel toincrease the satisfaction of guests. It is shown that the comments from hotelguests are effective means of evaluating the issues of Bella Vista Hotel andResort and the application of recommendations are highlighted. Introduction to assignment objectives Hospitality environment has always played a key role in the tourism and hotelculture. Lodging or Accommodation with service is the center of any hotel in theworld, but recently, it has been facing many problems. Society nowadays shiftsthe concerns from traditional style with high-class service and room amenities tothe flexibly modern way of saving money or budget oriented style due to thechanges of preferences, economic crisis and other external factors. Guestsbecome smarter and pickier when they choose the hotel to stay. The hotelsattempting to succeed have to forecast what the new trend is. And they alsoshould consider of combining two elements of luxury and budget in one coreproduct  room (Power, 2005).Malaysia is early named as one of the most popular tourist destinationsworldwide. With its significant hot spots, especially in island areas, tourists areincreasingly coming to Malaysia and enjoying their trip with affordable price.Langkawi islands (Malaysia) and its hotels serve a thousand of tourists annually,which means to sustain the quality and quantity, the hotels in this isolated islandput as much effort as possible. With the combination of the custom ers‟ expectation factors such as low rate and high quality in service, the frequency of guests‟ returns inclines tremendously in Langkawi. However, in an isolated area with many issues can be happened, and to solve the problems, it could beanalyzed critically and particularly.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Inclusion On The Workplace Case Study - 1583 Words
Inclusion in the Workplace Case Study Tom, I am glad you came to talk to me about your workplace situation. By the end of our conversation I hope to leave you with a few options on how to improve the atmosphere at Piggly Wiggly so you can run the most successful business. First, lets outline the main leaders at Piggly Wiggly. Since you are the business owner you are the main leader followed by your managers that run the store. Together, you lead the managers and they lead the employees of the store. This being said, it is your job to set forth the attitudes and policies of the new direction of Piggly Wiggly. I want to congratulate you on completing your goals in the new direction of Piggly Wiggly, by diversifying the employees, selling new culturally diverse products, and trying to make the store an overall welcoming place to everyone. I also want to applaud you on your use of a diversity specialist to help with the new direction of the store and a Human Resource Manager to monitor a nd report the effects of the new direction. These experts give you the resources and knowledge needed to make the new direction of the company possible. Even though your goals have been met there still are some issues that could be resolved. The main issue of Piggly Wiggly is the lack of inclusion among new and old employees. The lack of inclusion causes issues of discriminatory behavior, the segregation of staff, and scheduling conflicts. These issues could be creating the â€Å"chilly†atmosphereShow MoreRelatedDiversity And Inclusion Are Critical Strategies For Any Organization1320 Words  | 6 PagesDiversity and inclusion are critical strategies for any organization that wants to be successful in business. Organizations cannot expect for diversity and inclusion to appear and work smoothly within the workplace automatically. 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