Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Analysis of International Business Law Research Paper
Analysis of International Business levelheadedity - Research Paper Example find in the brain as the situations might alternatively be dissimilar depending on the corporation and the conditions. join us in our voyage of detection and learn by means of us Group Law Organization Law container is defined as ordinary law or container law based on accumulated judgment from courtyard cases. Moreover, as there ar accountabilities for an agent to main, there atomic number 18 what is more accountabilities for the principal to the music director. In agency law, there are more than a few duties that a manager owes the main. The liabilities of that chief to the agent are the responsibility of recompense, the duty to repay and cover, and the responsibility of custody financial records (Barnes, 2003, pg. 325).No doubt, the so-called dialogue between civil law and common law was the essential feature of post-World struggle II proportional law. It was such a novel approach that each of the t wo participants to the conversation distressed the unifying rudiments inside its own group and the dissimilarity by means of the additional group. civil law scholars and common law scholars come out as two monoliths (Moens, G & Gillies, P 1997). miscellaneous Industry Entities and E-Business Once the kind of industry has been recognized, the proprietor will decide how the commerce will be prearranged, and beneath what kind of arrangement. The kind of structure determined allows the proprietor(s) to decide the penalty that might be faced. For instance, there are just concerning four arrangements to decide from, advantage an extra two that will be considered, and are scheduled underneath Sole Proprietorship Company Corporation Limited Liability Company (LLC) certification E-Commerce. This segment of the document will explain these types of commercial arrangements and the probable legal matters/consequences that the commerce may allow (Willes, JH & Willes JA 2005).Distinguish Betwe en Civil Law And Common LawCommon Law (Judge-made Law)This pecking order does non subsist whole in statute laws (Acts of Parliament) but also in common law. The Australian legal system is secret as a common law system. Gibson (2005, p. 7) states that common law is where the judges draw a choice on disputes brought before them in the courts. The judges role is to make decisions to decide disputes. Legal rules are formed from this choice. Common law is unrecorded laws made by judges. The legal reasoning upon which the choice in the case was based is recognized as the Ratio Decidendi. Similar legal reasoning may be used by judges in prospect cases when faced by means of similar facts. It is only the relation decides that can make a compulsory instance. It turns out to be the law. Anything else said concerning the case in the course of a ruling that does not form part of the matters at the subject is called obiter saying. The High hail holds the uppermost position in the courts syst em in Australia. as a result, all decisions made in the High Court are compulsory on courts lower than it (Mo, J 2003).
Monday, April 29, 2019
Propaganda in the movie Casablanca Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Propaganda in the characterisation Casablanca - Essay ExampleSuch an approach is something of an arrogant approach. This is of course due to fact that the individual who engages in spite of appearance such an interpretation is of the opinion that films of several decades past could not have had the skill or machination of incorporating such nuanced and non-lateral forms of propaganda within their storyline. However, as this brief analysis will discuss, the fact of the matter is that even films of e actu completelyyplace one half century ago were expertly able to integrate nuanced forms of propaganda within their storylines and integrate them with the viewer. The secernate differential that must be understood is with regards to whether or not the viewer ultimately understood what they were eat was propaganda or not. In such a way, such a representation of propaganda within films such as Casablanca serves as a type of gold standard for propaganda due to the fact that the viewer may very well be unaw atomic number 18 of the fact that the information that they are consuming has strong elements of propaganda built into it. ... However, instead, the Germans are portrayed as fully human albeit unemotional and unnecessarily egotistical. Moreover, one of the most effective content by which propaganda is elucidated within the movie is with regards to the sinister threat that such a worldview and violent empire poses to all of humanity. As a means of affecting this particularly sinister understanding of what the Nazi regime embodied, the filmmakers designedly allowed for a languishing pause between Colonel Strassers interrogatory and Rick Blaines response with regards to what a German invasion of the United States might look like. To the viewer within 2013, such an eventuality seems all except preposterous and impossible however, the propaganda effect that this necessarily had upon the viewer of the film must necessarily have been much(prenominal) different. T his of course brings the analysis to the vitally important understanding that propaganda within film cannot and should not be relate solely with regards to what might strike the current viewer as propaganda. Rather, it must be understood within regards to the way in which propaganda would have been understood and integrate with the audience of the time. Ultimately, the answer to such a question is that the audience of the time would find such a mental image highly troublesome and potential would have engaged with this subtle portrayal of propaganda to a much greater degree than they would have plausibly responded to a more overt style of propaganda. Another vitally important way in which propaganda is cerebrate within the film Casablanca is not with regards to any specific image, dialogue, or scene. Rather, one of the most
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Advantages and Limitation of International Trade Assignment
Advantages and Limitation of International Trade - Assignment ExampleThis experiment explores the issues surrounding international trade. The Theory of Comparative Advantage. If 2 countries X and Y trade in two goods G and H, both can benefit by specializing in the good in which they have a comparative advantage and then trading them. This has been proved valid even when farming X has an right-down advantage in both goods due to the complexities of intra-landed estate distribution of resources. Distribution of Gains and Losses from Trade. If goods G and H engagement two inputs, K and L (capital/ labor), at given prices, production of goods will probably utilize inputs in different ratios. If G uses a higher ratio of K to L than H, production of that good becomes K-intensive, congress to H. Here, if G is K-intensive, it will mean that H is L-intensive.If country Xs inputs of production have a higher ratio of K to L than country Y, then X is K-abundant and Y is L-abundant, relati vely. A country will tend to export products which are intensive in factors that country has in abundance. A labor-abundant country (say country Y), will tend to export labor-intensive products. Also, country Xs capital-intensive exports will rise. As it does so, the relative price of the abundant factor in that country will rise. The L-abundant country will deal labor prices rising, i.e. wages will rise. The purchasing mogul of owners of labor will rise purchasing power of owners of capital will fall. International trade will tend to equalize the relative prices of the two factors in the two countries
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Racing, Finance and Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Racing, Finance and Sponsorship - Es utter theoretical accountThe main aim of the new design is to create a more user-friendly, light and agile vehicle. By way of innovative solutions and technological up gradation the formula students aim to rank among the Top 5 at the event and emerge as the top team in UK at the car hasten program. The team management works towards maintaining high standards for the vehicle and develop technical prowess of the members and create environmental awareness. However the success of the efforts is based on the support that it is able to garner from the corporate, as University assistance is not sufficient to take care of the funding associated with the design and development of the car. Sponsorship strategy Brunel Racing team comprises machinelike engineering and motorsport students. The designing work is entrusted to the third form students. Ever since the team was established in the year 1999 it has participated in a range of Formula Student compet itions across worldwide locations, which includes the famous Hockenheim and Silverstone Grand Prix circuits (Brunel University westside London-a, n.d.). For more than a decade the University team has participated in this event. Going by the rise in the modus operandi of Universities participating in the program the event is now eagerly awaited. The amount of media exposure at such(prenominal) events is also high. In the last years event there was extensive media coverage of the event. many a(prenominal) small and large businesses lend their support to the event and their number is continually growing. These businesses function the opportunity to electron orbit out to the masses by patroning the events. Their logos or corporate names are advertised on the race route and along the street leading to the event venue. Besides helping them in upbringing the bottom-line of the business they are able to forge an alliance with the University members. By reaching out to the University s tudents these companies also catch the chance to fulfil their corporate social accountability. So the sponsorship event enhances the market image of the companies and also helps them in establishing a philanthropic image in the society. Sponsorship is generally viewed as a business relationship bad between a beneficiary and a sponsor i.e. there is always a commercial burden to it. However by granting funds for the university car racing the company will be able to tie-in dual benefits. Firstly, it will create more awareness about the products and services offered by the company. This will get reflected in the form of rising sales figures. Secondly, the company will be able to fulfil its responsibility of a socially responsible entity. Past research has brought forth the consumer effects of sponsorship. It has been seen that the investment offered by the sponsor in any sports activity creates a good-will among the event attendees. This is said to influence their behaviour and att itude towards the brand. on that point are three levels at which the sponsor is able to generate good-will. First is the generic level that relates to the feelings of the consumers at the engagement of the sponsors in an activity second is the category level that relates with a particular audience say sports or art and third is at individual activity level
Friday, April 26, 2019
Morley paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Morley account - Essay ExampleThis paper gives an evaluation of the core on the historic preservation on the capital of Colorado, Seattle and Albuquerque cities as well as a comparison of the different projects that were started in the cities.The historic preservation and the imagined West are intriguing story which had a great impact on the people who came from the three cities. As the narration describes, there was a revolve around on urban preservation which in turn led to architectural preservation of certain symbolical buildings such as chambers of commerce, boosters and city planners (Morley, 30). The focus on this showed how the city developers had taken initiative on how to re-create the Western past into a shopping center as well as touring car trips.In a close examination of the three cities, Morley (45) describes that the detail of the historic preservation campaigns in the cities of Albuquerque, Denver and Seattle proposes that economic development was the main failr behind any project that was implemented. However, as it whitethorn be perceived in the story of Morley, the common theme of identity that is running with Morley story is economic and not cultural as it may appear. In as much as the narration of the Morley (49) story may be based on the historical preservation but the fundamental goal for the preservation was eer to attract more people from outside. The essence of this was to compensate for the industrial decline and commercial stagnation.Also, another effect of preservation led to persuasion by reluctant politicians as well as property owners on the importance of refurbishing old buildings as more profitable that the act of demolishing them (Morley, 60). The successful implementation of this move led to the commencement of many projects with the attempt to reward higher property values, rents, business income and general smash especially in the historical buildings (Morley, 111). The trademark of the three
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
federal official Sentencing Guidelines - Essay ExampleJudges are completelyowed to sentence aside from the sentencing guideposts with an appropriate reason. In this case, other decide keep a sonorous glance on the sentencing if they are reasonable and appropriate.The basic objective to lay in these sentencing guidelines manual is to immobilize crime and to augment the crime justice system giving the reasonable and in effect(p) punishments. The first issue that congress wants to achieve by these sentencing guidelines is honesty. Congress want nation justice to punish cruel in a manner they can not only decrease the crime only when also no favoritism may take a part and though, these guidelines help the criminal by lessen their punishment in good if they start doing well for the nation legally. The United States Commission also wants to have a uniform sentencing through out the nation. I.e., Every Federal Court sentence a crime in the same manner as it is treated on the other end of the nation. This may keep the criminal int subroutine that they will be punished with the same sentence wherever they run. deuce-ace was the proportionality that is justified punishment that is not to impose a strict rule of act on a small amiss deed or furnish with an act of punishment that is very least to the crime criminal ended with.There was an interaction with the crim... This person helps the nation catch the criminals red hand while making crimes. The advantage of this to the criminal that the eld of chastisement can be reduce and the criminal can promise himself for staying the good man forever and always help the nation to save it from the criminals and terrorists. Castillos lawyer is confident enough for Castillo to receive a companionable consideration from the federal judges while final examination sentencing. This is only due to his study upon United States Sentencing Commission Guideline Manual, which is actually made for the uniformity of sentencing all over the States and open punishments for nations knowledge. This strong belief of Castillos attorney made us study the latest sentencing guideline manual easily available on Internet.The belief of Attorney that Castillo will receive a favorable deliberation from the judges is due to Federal Sentencing Guideline Manual. This manual about medicines visibly imposes the acts 2B1.1with the offence train 6 if the drugs are only steroids but not carrying any more vigorous acting ingredient. The act 2D1.1 may also force upon the criminal if the one is under age i.e., less than 18 (offence take aim = 26) or (offence level =13) otherwise. Similarly, it is declared that a criminal gets involve in a crime such that a history gets maintained that Offence Saturatory Maximum will lead that says that if the criminal get caught for drug supply once with no prior history may punish for ten to twenty years but if his criminal act is upon a history of same acts may implies him with the punishment for thirty years, the maximum rather than twenty years. A departure below the limit can be done if criminals
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
The Struggle for Civil Liberties and Social Justice Essay
The Struggle for Civil Liberties and Social Justice - Essay simulationThe name of Martin Luther King is synonymous with the Black civil rights movement. The quintessential element of Kings quest for civil rights was its obedience to non-violence and its respect for merciful rights (DAngelo 2000). That is why, even today, Martin Luther King is considered a human rights icon. Through his zealous and immaculately spiffed up oratorical skills, King tried his best to sensitize the American masses to the universal quest for human respect and dignity. What King intended to do was to hit hard against racial discrimination and cordial in nicety. However, this essenti all toldy peaceful and non-violent champion of civil rights was brutally assassinated in 1968.Malcolm Xs commitment to black pride and social evaluator had its origins in the racial harassment that he and his family had to bear with in his growing up years. beingness a smart and brilliant student, he soon realized that th ough violence was certainly non the right strategy to combat racial injustice, yet it was important to be ardently vociferous in ones struggle for social justice (DAngelo 2000). Hence, he became an active member and spokesperson of the domain of Islam. However, this non-violent but eruptive crusader for social justice had to meet a tragic death because of his moral opposition to the Nation of Islam leader Elijah Mohammad.One another prominent name in the universal struggle for civil rights and social justice is Chico Mendes. Chico was a regular Brazilian rubber tapper who also happened to be an avid environmental active and a guardian of the rights of native rubber tappers. Chicos struggle for saving environment eventually metamorphosed into a agitate to save the Brazilian rainforests and in turn to save the future of humanity. Tragically, this peaceful adherent of social justice was violently silenced by his more radical opponents. Rosa Parks also known as the mother of Modern Civil Rights Movement was an African American civil rights activist (DAngelo 2000). Parks gestures of blatant insubordination to the festering symbols of racial injustice bestowed on her an iconic status. Courtesy her jest for social justice, she received numerous national and international honors and accolades. The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo was a group of Argentinean mothers and concerned citizens who peacefully and non-violently protested against the disappearance of many an(prenominal) children and youngsters during the military dictatorship that lasted roughly seven years. Several members of this group were abducted and assassinated.Hence, the one thing common to all the above-mentioned civil rights movements and activists is that they were predominantly non-violent and their peaceful struggle enabled them to win a conclusive and lasting triumph over their more violent adversaries.References DAngelo, Raymond. The American Civil Rights Mov
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Human genetic engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human familial engineering - Research Paper ExampleHuman contractable engineering, HGE refers to a process where medical professionals and scientists interfere with the DNA or genetic writing of a human being cell. Ideally, this process aims at fixing defective genes that have the potential of causing diseases or other genetic complications (Berry 5). Hanna refers to this as genetic enhancement and acknowledges it as the process where genetic material would be transferred for the modification of non-pathological human traits. The institute further argues that the term entails not just making humans well, but rather split than well, by optimizing their capabilities and attributes. This could be accomplished through insertion of a foreign gene into an beingness that is virus-like. Thereafter, this organism would be introduced to the human cells thus inserting the new gene into the subjects genome.Three applications have been utilize for HGE. Somatic engineering would target spec ific genes in the given tissues and organs without interfering with the genes occurring in the sperm cell or eggs (Koops et al. 19). This application aims at treating an existing condition without altering the entire genetic makeup of an individual. On the other hand, germline engineering targets the genes in embryos, sperm or eggs at the early ontogeny stages. Thus, this genetic modification affects the cells in the body of the developing embryo that are created afterwards. If the individual sires offspring, such genes would be passed onto the new generation. Finally, cloning could also be applied in HGE in three different shipway as given by Berry (24). DNA cloning, also referred to as recombinant DNA technology, involves the transferring of DNA break from an organism onto an element that is self-replicating so that the DNA replicates itself in the foreign host cell. To generate an organism with the homogeneous DNA as an existing organism, then reproductive cloning would be u sed. Finally, therapeutic
Monday, April 22, 2019
Global and Domestic Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global and Domestic dispersal - Essay ExampleComparison of Domestic and Global Market.There are unique similarities and differences between domestic and global trades. While the similarities or potentialities are the raison detre for a planned expansion into global do main(prenominal), the differences lead to challenges to be subordinate while entering into an unknown foreign domain. Some of the difficulties which are sure to be overcome in a multi-national market distribution are appended in succeeding paragraphs.National Policies.A main hindrance in global distribution is often the national policies which in many developing countries discourage foreign players and support domestic ones. Further, changes in successive democratic governments can lead to frequently changing priorities/policies, unreasonable tax structure against foreign players thereby making penetration and distribution difficult. There kick in been many instances where huge investments have been made by certa in global players in anticipation of emergence in a particular field and with a change in the government, the whole process original a setback to an extent that the global player had to actually wind up and leave. Further, pioneers and domestic players in any case make all possible moves to deter entry by being on the right perspective of governmental public policies (First-mover advantages Retrospective and Link with the Resource-based View MB Lieberman, DB Montgomery - Strategic counselling Journal, 1998)Individualised Goods.While distributing a result in own country, the marketing manager is aware of dominant situation, needs, growth plan and other variables persisting in the market as well as the customer. This allows him to market the reaping to meet specific individual needs of the customer to a large extent. Any product meeting specific requirements of a customer will lead to better customer satisfaction, reputation and thereby automatic favourable advertisement of t he product. However, in case of a foreign market, this adaptability is not operational. The conditions prevailing in each and every country are different and products need to be manufactured in a country specific manner to suit requirements of customers as well as infrastructure, likely development pattern and economy of that country. A good research before huge investments are made will watch requisite success when marketing a product in a new country.Getting the product or service to the customer. Buyer behaviour and characteristics directly affect overall objectives of a business. This aspect is censorious to successful distribution in a global market. If the product needs to be made available to a large section of population of developing countries living in non-urban areas with limited resources, the task becomes eventide more difficult delinquent to limited communication networks, distribution channels, lower advertising potential due to limited reach of media and lack of awareness of commonwealth about new products from a different country. Further, gain out to individual customers and assuring him of products worth is a near impossible task in countries where people have a very
Core Values in International Relations and Their Application in the Essay
Core Values in International Relations and Their Application in the Kigndom of Saudi Arabia - Essay ExampleThe researcher states that international transaction can be referred to the field of popular policy and academy, which in this case, can be normative or positive. This field makes an analysis and formulation of assorted foreign policies for various countries. Being a political activity, the practice traces its origin back to the times of Thucydides, a Greek historian (460-395 BC). At the beginning go of the 20th century, international transaction became an important and trenchant academic sector in political science. In general, it is important to realize that international relations suck in become an important interdisciplinary field that people go to study in colleges, universities and other institutions of higher(prenominal) learning. Apart from the field of political science, international relations derive its intellectual materials from various other palm like histor y, technology, philosophy, geography and international law among many others. The finical scope of the field of international relations understands such issues as ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, international security, human rights among other important fields. International relations traces its history from many centuries ago for instance, Buzan and Little Richard are believed to have considered the interactions in many of the ancient city-states of Sumeria as a form of fully-fledged and operational international relations. These interactions are believed to have started taking place around 3500 BC. When found on sovereign states, the history regarding international relations can be followed back to the time of Westphalia in 1648. During this time, it is believed that the development of international relations was a major stepping-stone towards the development of the current state systems. Before this particular development, organizations in politic al authorities in the European medieval period were depended on some winning of vaguely developed hierarchical religious orders.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Public traffic - Essay ExampleEnabling linkages The board of trustees, small team of employees, the government and the regulators constitute important publics for Telethon finished the enabling linkage. The Telethon trust comprises a board of nine trustees who meet periodically to oversee the functions of Telethon. His Excellency Malcolm McCusker AO QC and prof Fiona Stanley AC argon the patrons of the trust. People who work assiduously for Telethon includes Steve Mummery, the general manager Danielle Toolin, the events and marketing manager Adriana Filippou, the accounts and strait room manager Lauren Castledine, the administration and events coordinator and Fat Cat, the furry lovable cat of Telethon.Diffused linkages The Sunday generation that provides editorial support round the year, local community, Golden West Network that beams the Telethon program across Australia, and canal Seven Perth that sets aside $600,000 to air the Telethon weekend are important media publics.Func tional linkages (Input) Scores of volunteers who lend a hand to Telethon to raise funds for the kids of Western Australia, donors like JWH Group that builds the Telethon Metropolitan and Regional Homes, In-Vogue and Country Builders that answer JWH Group, Satterley Group and Peet who provide land to set up the buildings, BankWest facilitates in collection of donations, AV Partners, Perth Expo assume and Cliftons provide infrastructure for Telethon weekend. In addition to this numerous individuals and community groups including schools, clubs and local businesses which help in Telethons fundraising right through the year are important publics associated with Telethon due to functional linkages. Finally corporate houses are important publics as they help Telethon with sponsorships. Lexus Of Perth which organizes the Lexus Ball for Telethon year on year is a case in point.Functional linkages (Output) Numerous hospitals, research institutions, and other beneficiaries that get financia l assistance from
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Contract law - audition ExampleHowever, the eatery is concerned about the underlying liabilities in the event that clients collide with the skating waiters and waitresses. some other point of concern regards loss of client property whilst at the restaurants premises. Following these deuce concerns, two exclusion clauses could be drafted for the purpose of limiting or excluding altogether the restaurants obligation under the two aforementioned mint. It is fundamental to ensure that the restaurants product line aspect is not adversely affected by the move.The tea caddy Shack restaurant enters into business-client contracts with its clients. It is in the best interest of the restaurant to maintain functional relations with its clientele, even as it strives to reduce potential liabilities under the two circumstances of concern. The exclusion clauses that Caddy Shack restaurant needs will ultimately impose restrictions to its clients. It is also eventful to highlight that the move is likely to be seen as one that favours Caddy Shacks business welfare, while reducing its potential liability obligations to the clients. In this respect, these two issues must be provided for and balanced in the drafted exclusion clauses.First exclusion clause Caddy Shack will not be held probable for any losses or injuries that arise as a result of violation of the rules and regulations within the Caddy Shack restaurants premises. Clients are urged and reminded to strictly use the designated client sidewalks to avoid collision with the curl skating waiters and waitresses. The system is clearly marked to ensure that both clients and staff strictly remain in their respective right areas. Eventualities emerging from failure to abide to the set rules and regulations, and the skating system requirements shall not staunch Caddy Shack responsible. Moreover, Caddy Shack shall not take responsibility for ignorance and/or negligence arising from
Friday, April 19, 2019
Go Organic Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Go Organic Company - Essay interpreterIn its marketing strategy, the company should apply pricing, promotion, product and place as its marketing tools. These 4 Ps atomic number 18 necessary for helping the company to properly market its products. When it comes to pricing, Go Organic Company should pock reasonably fair prices in comparison with its rivals. Through this, it exit attract more clients to purchase its commodities. Besides, it should stringently participate in sales promotion. Here, the company should heavily investing advertisements. In order to reach its come in clients and inform them about the supply, uses and benefits of its organic products, it should advertise its commodities in the broadcast, print and online media.Moreover, when it comes to the product, the company should ensure that it manufactures high flavor services. For it to enjoy a competitive advantage over its rivals, the company should produce unique and appealing commodities. This will enable it to win the confidence of its potential and existing clients. Lastly, the company should evenly distribute its commodities to ensure that they are made available to all its clients irrespective of their geographical locations. For guaranteed success, these Ps should be used by the
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Attraction and Performance of Unilever Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Attraction and Performance of Unilever - Essay ExampleThe familiarity at global level has 120 different HR systems and it is therefore imperative to evolve integrated TM policy to adjust fast and survive in this environment. What differentiates Unilever as a potential employer to attract talents How an employee can derive satisfaction with his invites addressed from his work with the company Through HR processes, we coiffure these needs and deliver solutions, experiences and stretch assignments that keep state engaged in their jobs (Le Camus 2008). A business dodge howsoever strong can translate into profitable business result only when the right talent is attracted, highly-developed and assigned the job compatible with the talent. The Unilever TM policy identifies the talent needs for future business outline and mobilizes the talent to develop in them the capability to achieve business results.Performance orientation is vital to advantage in business. It becomes easier as a p ractice when the business teaching objectives of an placement converge with the personal development objectives of its employees. ... It is the task of the line managers to deliver coifance management by managing the talents through providing guidance with a purview to achieving personal development of the employee and business development of the organisation within the desired timeframe. However, for delivering employee brand experience, the line managers need to be thoroughly aware of the importance of people management. It is therefore necessary for an organisation like Unilever to escort that the line managers perform their tasks of grooming in a way that there are always people who can take up the mantle of team leadership. An executive must not leave the company without growing a replacement ready to take up his or her role. This sows the seeds for the organizational success as there are always mentors by whom new talents are nurtured resulting in each employee getting en riched by the experience and becoming an ambassador for the organisation.To be able to manage business of a global scale, an organisation needs to create a talent pool from all over the world. The operational units of Unilever are col across diverse cultures creating complex barriers that need to be overcome through HRM3strategies coordinated on a global scale. TM in the context of Unilever involves managing employees coming from different parts of the world to perform across a wide range of level from domestic to global. The company has to develop a model for International HRM to effectively address this diversity in the employees background in respect of culture, education, economic, political and legitimate systems and create an integrated TM process to grow in the global market. The theme of this process is
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Tennessee and Progressivism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Tennessee and Progressivism - interrogation Paper ExampleAlthough the idea received a lot of opposition and led to ridicule of Tennessee women, virtually of the women including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Antony persistently fought for the rights of women to vote. They used crusades for womens rights to advocate for their voting rights. Elizabeth Meriwether and her sister-in-law Lide Meriwether led the suffrage movement in Memphis. Elizabeth print her own journal to promote women rights while Lide led the Womens Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and fought for Women rights for near seventeen years (Kathleen 1984). With a lot of challenges including unpopularity and splitting of the suffrage group, the movement struggled to survive and maintain its ideas of reforms.The bit for womens right to vote took place throughout the progressive era from late nineteenth cytosine to early twentieth century (Kathleen 1984). The movement bore fruits in 1920 when the Tennessee National Assembly approved the 19th Amendment which allowed millions of women to vote hence placing the government on the hands of the people democratizing the American
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Introduction to the Jamaican Legal System Essay Example for Free
Introduction to the Jamaican Legal System EssayLegal Sources -Rules of rectitude atomic number 18 derived from various sources in English Law. These overwhelm, The Constitution of Jamaica, legislation, judicial precedents, certain ancient textbooks among others. The Constitution of Jamaica The Jamaican Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land of Jamaica and all other laws must conform with the Constitution or they will be struck down.1 In 2011 a new Charter of rights was passed by Parliament, known as The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (Constitutional Amendment) Act, 2010 This significantly changed Chapter III of the Constitution. Traditional human rights protected by our old arrangements, much(prenominal) as the rights to life, liberty, property, freedom of conscience, expression and movement remain protected by the new Charter.Additionally, we now permit constitutional rights to equitable and humane treatment by public authorities, not be discriminated agai nst on the causa of religion, social class or being male or female, to vote in free and funfair elections and to be granted a passport. The latter goes hand in hand with the now constitutionally accepted right to leave the island, previously excluded. The Charter provides a number of more modern rights, including the right of all child to public primary education and the right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage. These on the face of it ambitious rights are nonetheless enforceable by the Charters express provision for redress, not just against the rural area but also in citizen versus citizen litigation. Claims may be brought by the person aggrieved or by civil organizations with the permission of the court, where there is an allegation that any of the provisions of the Charter has been, is being or is likely to be contravened.The Judiciary is the branch of g overnment that is primarily responsible for interpreting the law. The Structure of the Jamaican apostrophize System1 The Courts see been given the duty under the Constitution to examine activities undertaken by the raise and determine if acts by the State through its various agents are inconsistent with the Constitution and therefore of no legal effect. Acts of Parliament are also subject to review by the Courts to see if there is any inconsistency with the Constitution. The Constitution of Jamaica provides for the judicature of the Supreme Court as a Court of Origination.Decisions of the Supreme Court upon appeal are hear by the Court of Appeal which is the highest Court physically located in Jamaica, however under the Constitution, the highest Court in the Jamaican Court Structure and the final Court of Appeal from decisions of the Court of Appeal is the discriminatory Committee of the Privy Council which is based in England. There are other Courts that are not created by the Constitution and have been created by Acts of Parliament. The Court System is looked at below. Petty sitting The Petty Session Court is presided over by three Justices of the Peace. These are not Attorneys-at-Law. They preside over petty matters. These include pickpocketting, common assault and use of indecent language.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Police service Essay Example for Free
legal philosophy service EssayWhat do you think the key role of the practice of law service is and what expertnesss do you admit to the service to execute that role?The key role of the jurisprudence is to prevent criminal activity to get along in society. This is demonstrated through the use of detecting criminal behaviour, investigating crime and stopping individuals or groups that create a threat to others. Police enforce the law to provide honorablety and a finger of security. The key role of the police service is to maintain societal order through the guidelines of legislations and government policies to change a safe environment for society to live in. I think Police service requires officers to fix in other communities, treating them equally as any other. This is because it is essential for officers to develop a diverse sense of understanding for ones culture and religion. Police be given powers to use perceptiveness whilst do their duties, this is a very su bstantial tool that allows officers to make decisions based on their own choice or noesis and knowing anothers religion can help to use the tool of discretion effectively.An example can be seen through the religion Sikh, where some of the Sikh religious man whitethorn wear a small sword on them. This sword is not used for harm plainly it is just a religious belief for Sikhs. If police do not have any knowledge of the religion, then it is difficult for them to use discretion in a positive manner. One major skill that I would bring to the service is to develop a good understanding of other cultures to assist those who are struggling in the community.Australia is a very multicultural society the different in backgrounds in the police force allows for better communication with society because they know you have a better understanding of who they are which allows you to help them beyond just being a police officer. A key role of the police is to protect society by the use of police p owers under the law enforcement powers and responsibilities act 2002 such as arrest. This police power allows the officer to arrest a mortal either based on apprehension or if one commits an offence.This is done through police investigation whereby police may patrol the streets via walking, driving, or riding a bicycle. Police investigate crimes such as break and enter, property theft, domestic violence, and catty damage. By investigating and solving criminal offences in the community, the police are giving protection to others andmaintaining social order. The skill that would be used effectively to execute this role is to talk to the offender about the blot and using good negotiation skills, treating him with respect or use reasonable amount of force if obligatory depending on the situation. Good negotiation skills may be extremely effective when resolving disputes between neighbours or family members.This skill is authorised in carrying out policing duties because if society is hard-boiled with respect, you will also be treated with respect. If officers do not have the power to arrest, it would be difficult for police to keep society safe from criminals and offenders as they may re-offend. A key role of the police is to be honest, respectful and a veritable person. This is important because you may need to work with officers you have never met before. For them to trust you it may be important to share information. At all times truth must be told, as police matters may result in court hearings, and it is only the truth that can distinguish between whether a person is innocent or guilty.In response to this I would behave with discipline and respect those who work or so me, if someone is wrong show them the right path to follow. This is important because you are not only looked upon by your colleagues but also others as you may be a role model for others in society. An important key role for the police service is to enforce the law by following and kee ping upto come across with legislations. Legislations are used to assist those in society. Legislations allow us to understand the law and for the police service to fulfil the required duty as a police officer through following the procedures of acts and amendments.
Should abortions be legal Essay Example for Free
Should abortions be legal Essaymiscarriage should be legal, because there be too many things that go wrong. A women could be raped and carry to win unmatched because she doesnt want to look at the child and doesnt want to timbre it grow, freedom of choosing what to do and how regime use upment in personal decisions such as this could lead to potenti eithery having the g all overnment deem how many children you can pay back or even how many pregnancies you are allowed, medical reasons for abortion, and the ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. There is a freedom of choosing what to do, and how government involvement in personal decisions such as this could lead to potentially having the government deem how many children you can have or even how many pregnancies you are allowed. The numbers of the abortions in China in 1979 spiked to very high numbers. According to a government tally, 9. 2 one(a) thousand million abortions were perfo rmed in 2008, up from 7. 6 million in 2007. But the count only includes hospitals, and state media field of study the total could be as high as 13 million. If accurate, that would give China among the highest abortion place in the world. (4)All of these abortions are because of the government taking control and saying that females could only have one child. If something a wish well that happens here in America numbers would spike from the 2009-2011 estimates of 1,212,400 annually(5) to around the same as China. Medical conditions can arise during pregnancy that whitethorn pose a danger to the m differents conduct. Some of these conditions may result from the pregnancy itself, while others may be medical problems that have immediate treatment that cannot be seizee while pregnant.For example, if aggressive genus Cancer is discovered during pregnancy, it may be necessary to treat the cancer immediately, posing a danger to the fetus. Some women may opt for abortion in order to b id treatment that could save the womans life. Continuing the pregnancy in some of these instances could result in death, stroke or infertility for the mothers. This is common in cases in which the fetus has already died in-utero. (3) There are times in a pregnancy when doctors know that a miscarriage is going to happen, this normally happens in the first 16 weeks.They then tell the mother that there is no fetal heartbeat on the monitor or the level of HCG decreases in the blood because the baby is not alive. When some of the women find out they make up ones mind to have an abortion because it is less dialect and it has less wellness risk. If the woman has to carry until the miscarriage happens the health risk are very high. The women could hemorrhage, or even greater problems like infertility. When a rape or family pregnancy happens it is a true crime. Making a woman carry the child full bourne would cause more harm to the woman.There are women out there that are too appalled to go to the police or to a hospital virtually a rape. Some choose to clutches a few weeks after finding out and go in saying they just dont the child. Some women dont find out about the pregnancy until it is too recent and have to choose abort after 13 weeks or carry to full term. Only one percent of abortions happen from rape victims. (2) Control over her body and the freedom to decide the course of her life is critical to a womans civil rights. When a woman is pregnant it is her body that goes through all the stress of pregnancy.If she decides not to have a pregnancy she should be able to do so. Denying her the right to her body is violating her roughly basic freedom. One of the most pertinent questions regarding abortion is when does life begin. A fetus may be alive but so are sperms and eggs. It is true that life in every form should be respected. However, should the right of a fetus be greater than that of a woman who in majority of the cases would fend for the responsib ility of the unplanned child? One of the important abortion facts is that most of the abortions take place in the first trimester when the fetus cannot live independent of the mother.It depends on the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord for bread and butter and health and hence should not be considered a separate entity. (1) In conclusion abortion should be legal in order to help the tribe who need it. Yes with the good there comes bad. Some people are always going to use the abortion like a morning after oral contraceptive there is nothing we can do about it. If it was to be made illegal than what about the women who are going to die giving birth to an already passed child because she was made to carry to term from this?What about that one percent of women that are actually not scared to say something about the rape and get an abortion? Should we deny them their rights? Should abortions be illegal? Abortions should be illegal because abortion should not be employ as another form of contraception, those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with shy(predicate) life experience to understand fully what they are doing many have lifelong regrets afterwards, and borrowing is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result.With 1. million American families wanting to consume a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child. (1-1) In the U. S. A. 2 out of carbon women who get pregnant have an abortion which is more than 40 percent. It is like abortions are being utilise as if they were getting your teeth cleaned 2 times a year. Abortions should not be just a get out of jail free card. When you decide to lay down in the bed with your supply you should be ready for what comes next. Within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy more than 85 percent of the abortions in the U.S happen.Women should not be a loud to just kill a child like that its old trash. Of teenage women who become pregnant, about 35% choose to have an abortion rather than generate a child. One or both parents of 61% of minors know about their daughters abortions. The younger the teen, the higher(prenominal) the likelihood that she has told her mother about the situation. Many states have enacted, or are considering, laws that restrict teenagers access to abortion by requiring parental involvement in the abortion decision.Such laws include Parental notification laws that require medical personnel to notify a minors parent(s) of her intention to obtain an abortion Parental accede laws that require medical personnel to obtain written permission from the parent(s) before providing an abortion Almost all of the parental notification and consent laws have judicial bypass options that allow a teen who feels she cannot involve her parent(s) to get a judges permission to proceed with her abortion.Some states allow a physician to throw overboard parental involvement, and some allow professional counseling instead of parental involvem ent. (1-2) More than 46 states do this so we can stop the use of abortion by kids so their parents will not know. Low-income women (as an example, those earning $17,170 or less in a three-person household) accounted for 514,040 abortions, or 42% of all abortions, in 2008. Is this just because they feel like they cant afford it?There are so many families that are unable to have children and just to be blessed with one or two of the children that are killed every day would be so great for that family. About 30 percent of Americans have considered takeing (Harris, 2007), but as of 2002, only 2. 0 percent have done so (Jones, 2009). Somewhere between those percentages lies the number of people seeking to adoptthat is, those who have taken concrete steps to adopt a child. (1-3) Even though there is over 115,00o children in the public child care waiting to be adopted, most people looking to adopt are looking for younger than 3 kids with characteristics that are less common in children in the raise care system than other traits. But while high percentages of women would accept a child with other characteristics, they expressed concern about adopting children with health or behavioral problems. (1-3) So there are more than plenty of people wanting to adopt younger children so abortion should be made illegal.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The woman in white Essay Example for Free
The woman in smock EssayIdentity rump be defined as the condition or character a person or thing. Behaviour can be manipulated to m ingest identity so that people protrude to endure characteristics and conditions which in reality they do not possess. In this essay, I will present a comparative analysis of two extracts in which the characters have modified their behaviour so that they portray a false identity of themselves. The two characters that I will comp ar are Sir Percival Glyde from The Woman in White, and Murial from The gentlewoman in the Lake. The selected extract from The Woman in White is the scenario in which Sir PercivalGlyde is attempting to convince Marian and Mr Gilto a greater extent of his innocence. In this scene, Laura has authorized Anne Cathericks letter warning her against marrying Sir Percival. Collins portrays Sir Percival as a well-mannered Baronet who wants to avoid accident and embarrassment on other(a)s may I beg that you will write at at a duration . Sir Percivals use of the auxiliary verb may here makes him appear to be considerate and submissive. The verb excerption of beg makes him appear as though he is at the mercy of Marian. He depicts a gentlemanly manner, which to some finale successfully cloaks his true motives and identity.In this extract of The Woman In White, Mr Gilmore the family esquire is narrating.Thus providing an objective outlook of the heretoforets taking place. Mr Gilmore is emotionally and iconlly involved in the space as he cares for Miss Fairlie as he has know her from childhood. Even so he the attempts to keep his professional opinion objective and irrelevates his own emotional opinion, observes and deduces a judgement from the accompaniments presented in front of him as he narrates my function was of the purely judicial kind.I was to press out the explanation we had just heard to which he comes to a fair and unbiased verdict that his explanation was, to my mind, definitely a hunk y-dory one. However we still question the reliability of Sir Percivals explanation due to the concomitant that even though Mr Gilmore has told us that objectively he has concluded that Sir Percivals explanation is unquestionably satisfactory he contradicts himself by stating that he could also set up a case against Sir Percival Glyde. This instantly sparks question in the reviewer to trust Sir Percival Glyde even though accordinglywe have no reason to. The reader chooses to take in to line Mr Gilmores biased view rather than his professional conclusion which in consequence results in suspicion that Sir Percivals personality, his perceived identity is, to some degree falsified. However even though we questions Sir Percivals identity and his involvement with Anne Catherick, we nor Mr Gilmore or Marian question his motives on marrying Laura.In the secondly extract The lady in the lake is where we are introduced to Mrs. Fallbrook. In this extract, Marlow visits ChrisLaverys house t o investigate the circumstances adjoin Laverys previous encounter with Krystal this is not how you spell her name? Kingsley. Here he meetsMurial for the first conviction as Mrs Fallbrook, and when her identity is questions she instantly replies Why, certainly. Im Mrs Fallbrook. Who did you think I was?.The declarative statement followed by the interrogative challenges the detective to question her identity. Her use of the word why in the first place she has even introduced herself shows unnecessary protest as though she feels she is being accused of being someone else, which in reality she is. Why here also hints at confusion and misunderstanding while the adverb certainly shows her certainty and confidence. Chandler confuses the reader at once with the personality of Mrs. Fallbrook. Who do you think I was?. The interrogative is used in a demanding manner, as though she is leaving Furthermore, the demanding tone of the interrogative leaves the reader leaves the reader questioning why she felt the need to ask it, and whether she is assuming someone elses identity. leaves no room for doubt or opposition, and this in turn leaves us wondering who she really is. It also implies that she is eager to know who he thought she was and why. A question she would have otherwise not asked if she was not assuming someone elses identity.The narrative perspective of the novel back up in masking Muriels true identity in this extract. Chandler has opted to use the first person narrative, which limits the depute of view to that of the detective Marlow such as when he interrogates Mrs Fallbrook But you didnt shoot him, did you on accountof he owed you three months rent?. He is completely oblivious to the fact that Mrs Fallbrook is not whom she films to be and the persona of Mrs Fallbrook is a disguise to hide behind while concealing her own identity. This adds to the mystery of the novel as the reader is also as nave tothe true identity of the woman in the apartment as Dete ctive Marlow, leading to usquestioning her identity although we do question her motives for being in Laveryshome where it should have been in reverse.The wrangle used in the two texts differ, which reflect the time period that the extracts are written in and whom they were intened for. On one hand you have The Woman In White. In this the language is sophisticated. Many intended statements are enquiries. For example can there be better testimony in his favour than that of the womans mother? Implying that such a high ranking man such as Sir Percival was being corruptible was at the time being rude was inconceivable and to avoid this statements are asked as questions to hide that fact that it is exactly what the person is thinking, whereas questioning suggests innocent naivety, as people of such rank were always urbane and would not speak out of term. Also it is more descriptive. This is because in the Victorian era, reading was one of the few ways people could spend their leisure t ime, especially the ample as they did not have the uniform technologicaladvancments as in The lady In The Lake.The Woman In White was written in 1859, this was before technology had advanced and apart from playing games such as chess and draughts the older and more sophisticated generation has nothing else to do but read. It also suited the upper class rich to be the ideal audience for The Woman In White as they were amongst the few people in society who were educated and could read. So the language used is tailored around the intended audience and has Collin considered the distance and amount of description in the novel.On the other hand we the lady in the lake where almost no(prenominal) of the characters speak in a well-mannered tone. Marlow for instance is very blunt and to the point majority of the time and shows no interest in showing respect for anyone as it is not relevant to his job, and is sadistically sarcastic. For example when talk to Mrs Fallbrook he does not pr etend nor hide the fact that he thinks shes lying lets not kid around anymore not that I dontlove it you didnt shoot him, did you here the interrogative you didnt shoot him, did you is implied more as a declarative that he is awaiting confirmation for and so is instantly accusing her of murder. Also he seems to be patronising her lets not kid around anymore not that I dont love it which can be considered as rude.The dame In The Lake is considerably more fast paced and seems to lack the large quantities of description in comparison to The Woman In White. Where The Woman In White has many paragraphs dedicated to description, where The Lady In The Lake make up for in dialogue, to a point where the ever little e description of the setting is given it is given thought dialogue, for example were Mrs Fallbrook describes the rung and the grey chenille carpeting on the stairs. Because of the lack of description and the much use of dialogue the story is much faster paced. Chandler is very c risp and has to be as much as possible as the novel, written in 1943 it has to compete with other means of leisure such a movies which as a much more popular choice amongst the general public to whom the novel is also targeted at.In conclusion in both extracts perceiving someone is who they claim to be is mistake for which they pay dearly later on in the novels. In the woman in white true identityassumed because of honour and rank and in the lady in the lake it is because of naivety to the full situation not having reasons to suspect otherwise.View as multi-pages
Friday, April 12, 2019
How Thomas Hardy portrays women in his stories Essay Example for Free
How Thomas Hardy portrays women in his stories EssayThe three stories all develop in truth social, historical and cultural impacts on the women of the time. The Withered Arm, is somewhat a muliebritys, struggle to cure her withered arm and the jealousy matte by Rhoda who had been used by the farmer in the past and had born his child. Gertrudes fear of loosing her husband and her superstition put forward her carry out(p) actions that result in her d expelh. The next story, The Distracted Preacher, is about an self-sufficient woman called Lizzy and the choice she has to make. She is involved in smuggle and the head of the gang hardly is liberty chited a contrastive life history by Minister Stockdale, who asks her to marry him and leave. She decides to stay provided gets caught and suffers for some years till he returns and offers again to marry him, this time she accepts but precisely because of circumstances. The third story, The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legio n, is about a shy, naive middle variance woman called Phyllis and her fight between her conscience, her conveys desire and her true recognize. She chooses her conscience and in the end loses e very(prenominal)thing.The Withered Arm has both(prenominal) primary(prenominal) female roles Rhoda Brooks and Gertrude nine. They both have very different backgrounds Rhoda is the poor wor top executive class woman while Gertrude is the pretty upper middle class women. Rhoda has to work for her son and herself just to eat she has no husband and so is an outcast from society and has to keep herself to herself. Because of this she has no male role exemplar for her son. Rhoda is a thin, fading women of thirty, which emphasises how hard she works and how tiring her life is. In comparison Gertrude is the typical wed middle class woman, with lots of time on her hands.She is youthful and pretty, soft and evanescent, which is wherefore Farmer Lodge married her. Rhoda has a very wicked side, which shows itself when Gertrude arrives in town. She becomes jealous and wants to know all about the well-awaited smart wife. She becomes obsessed with her and makes her son witness out about Gertrude and follow her, Then do you go to Holmstoke church to-morrow shes sure to be there. This jealousy links in with the superstition of that time when Rhodas dream about Gertrude having a withered arm comes true.At that time everyone believed each liquidation had its own witch. The witch could curse victims and make limbs wither or in extreme cases fall off. From this we can see how worried Rhoda would have been, accept she was a witch, that I exercise malignant power against my own will? This illustrates that Rhoda nonion sympathetic for Gertrude and trus devilrthy for her arm. She fears what she might do to her and what may happen if she is a witch. Even though she has this evil side, you see that she does obtain some sympathetic qualities.For example Rhoda recognises the gru esome fascination which leads her to expose Gertrude but she is unwilling to tell her where to find Conjuror Trendle for fear that she will lose Gertrudes friendship. Hardy shows Rhodas point of view throughout the story so you tonus sympathetic especially when we find the dead boy is her son. She is very in open and strong so in the end wants nothing to do with Farmer Lodge and the fling therefore refuses his generosity balloting and doesnt accept his money. Gertrude starts by macrocosm very kind and loving, she gives Rhodas son some shoes and befriends Rhoda and creates a keep mum relationship with her.Rhoda appears concerned particularly about Gertrudes imagined rejection by her husband. Her personality changes for the worst when her arm becomes withered. Gertrude relies on Rhoda for a concerned understanding of the growing separation between herself and her husband, who knows the disfigurement is there. The choice of the word disfigurement reveals his berth to appearance s. Social attitudes demanded that middle class women were beautiful and attractive. She turns vain and selfish, obsessed by her arm and the need to find a cure, Her determination received a fillip. She finds a treatable cure for the arm after trying so many. Shes now determined to try this one even though it involves such indignity. This is all to a fault very much for Gertrude when she finds out who the boy is in reality Rhodas son. She isnt so vain and determined, she is authenticly very shocked and started to feel sympathy for the victim and in end the superstition and shock kills her. In the Distracted Preacher the main female role is Lizzy Newbury a middle class, strong-minded, character who, was none the less independent. This emphasises how Lizzy is able to lead her village in successful smuggling.Shes an attractive, local girl who can take on an immense job for a women in those times but Lizzy does it as well as any man could. Lizzy is a widowman and looks after her moth er, as well as the customers of her Lodge, where Mr Stockdale goes to stay. She values her job and sees nothing wrong with smuggling, If a king who is nothing to us sends his community to steal out property, we have the even off to steal it back. This illustrates how Lizzy doesnt c are whether people think her smuggling is wrong she has reason to do it and she lives off the money and the adventure.The smuggling is tradition My father did it, and so did my grandfather, and almost everybody in Nether-Moynton lives by it, and life would be so dull if it wasnt for that, that I should not care to live at all. This shows that Lizzy is no ordinary woman she sticks with what she wants and doesnt look up to men as a higher being besides shes a decisive woman and gets her way. She needs to carry on even though her romance with Stockdale gets in the way because he doesnt agree with it, so Lizzy uses vigorous but absurd arguments to justify her actions.To begin with Lizzy doesnt want to go aw ay with Stockdale and marrying him, It is too much to ask. My whole life ha been passed in this way. She needs to stay in Nether-Moynton where the adventure is and not do what normal females do. later on we see Lizzys resolve deteriorates she needs Stockdale because the money earnt from smuggling runs out. After all her talk about needing smuggling and it being fine to do it, she says it wrong, I own that we were wrong, said she. But I have suffered for it I am very poor now, Lizzy wants Stockdale now she is poor and worthless and Stockdale offers to take her away from her poverty.Lizzy gives in and takes this offer, whence settles down to the married life she once hated the thought of living because of its lack of adventure and predictability. This expiry is problematic as Lizzy changed her attitudes totally. This coating was also added for the readers. The story was published each week in a magazine. Hardy wrote the ending to please the audience and give them an ending most w omen would of taken. There is an alternative ending to this story that isnt so problematic. This is that Lizzy would have married Owlett a member of the smuggling gang and immigrated to America.The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion has one main female role, that of Phyllis Grove an attractive middle class young lady. She is very quiet, keeps herself to herself and just likes to blend into society. She was a woman who lived her whole life without going further than the nearest market. The only family she has is her father so she has no female role model to guide her through life, this has made her very inexperienced in relationships, though it is probable that she lost her heart to Matthaus before she is herself aware. She never realised she was in distinguish with Matthaus she had never felt do it before so never knew what this feeling was. She values her fathers prospect owing(p)ly and her father doesnt like whats going on between Matthaus and herself. He considers the so ldiers merely foreign fellows who pamper young girls with unmeaning attentions. Phyllis finds Matthaus refined and well-educated. He is loving towards her, concerned about her loneliness, he does not put too much pressure on her to escape and marry him. She becomes very conscience stricken between the two men will she go with her fathers choice (Humphrey) or her romance Matthaus?She decided the best thing to do was to conform to society and her father and marry Humphrey, She would stay at home, and marry him, and suffer. This shows that she is doing this for her father it wouldnt be love but she could live with it for her families and the moneys sake. Later we see that Phyllis has a problem as Humphrey wants to marry another woman, Belle, and Matthaus and a friend gets shot for desertion. Poor Phyllis has now been torn from fighting between two men to being alone again. We see Phylliss life if effected by this, while she lived she used to keep their mounds neat, meaning Matthaus grave.This shows Phylliss love for Matthaus still carried on when he died and this tragedy deeply affected her. In the three stories I have read the four female characters all have similarities and differences. Gertrude is similar to all three characters. She is similar to Rhoda because they both believe in superstition and worry about what is happening to them due to it. Through the story we feel sympathy for them for Gertrude with her withered arm and death and Rhoda for being a single parent and so an outcast and for when she sees Gertrude with her arm on her dead sons neck.The sympathy vote changes throughout the story between Rhoda and Gertrude. Gertrude is like Lizzy because they are both attractive, strong-minded women. Gertrude is different to Lizzy aswell as like her because Gertrude conforms to mens expectations but Lizzy is independent and only relies on Stockdale at the end. Phyllis is probably most like Gertrude as they are both very traditional women characters for the ir times. They are swooning women who become victims of men and the social influences of their time. Phyllis becomes a heart broken girl due to her fiancimessing her around and her actual love being shot. Gertrude becomes obsessed and vain because her husband is disgusted by the fault with her arm and starts to love her less for it. Phyllis has a rich fianci and Gertrude has a rich husband. Lizzy is similar to Rhoda too because they are both strong-willed, independent women that can cope by themselves without men by their sides. This means Lizzy and Rhoda are both very different to Phyllis because she is timid and shy, she can be manipulated easily unlike Lizzy and Rhoda who manipulate other people.Phylliss character is very dependent as she does as she is told, conforming to societys expectations. If things had gone to plan then her life would be totally taken care of without her lifting a finger, when we know Lizzy chose to be independent and Rhoda had to be independent to look a fter her family. In my view, I admire Lizzy because she is very outgoing and a leader, which shows women to be able to lead men in this world and she can still be attractive and feminine.She seems to put men in their places by refusing Stockdales offer of marriage instead of being a stereotypical woman of that time married, at home cooking, make clean and looking after the children. She speaks her mind when she wants to stay because smuggling gives her adventure and when she tells Stockdale there nothing wrong with smuggling. This is why I like the alternative ending that Hardy mentions in his footnote when she goes to America because she doesnt need the sympathy for being poor she stays strong and independent.Even though at the end I felt sorry for Rhoda because of her son, I was never fond of her character. She seemed evil throughout the story as if she had other secrets not yet revealed. Her character was very sneaky, holding things back from Gertrude when she was untruthful. I think Rhoda is to blame for all Gertrudes problems she lay the curse and took Gertrude to Conjuror Trendle and she paid the price of that horrendous sight. This all made me very sympathetic towards Gertrude and I know how if feels to be superficially stereotyped.She never did anything to Rhoda and died as a consequence to Rhodas jealousy. I also understand with Phyllis because men ruined her life, her life was ruined by the societys strict rules at that time to do the right thing and marry for position and money, and the shooting for desertion of her true love. Men have a great impact on women and can make our lives fun, yet some men make our lives more tribulation than fun. In my opinion Hardy portrays women with respect, he makes them strong and independent, manly in a sense. In the azoic 1800s women all had their places in the world, which was in the home.Hardy brought these women out of their world and into the beginning of our not so sexist England today. Men and Society ha d the main impact on women of this era I believe this is why Hardys stories were love in this age. Women could read them and think that they had a greater role in this era and they were more apt than men thought. I also believe men should have read these books to see how independent and significant women are to this world. It was very important for women of this era to get their thoughts and strengths across to the world, so they could begin to live as equals to men.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Analyzing the Argumentation and Persuasive Tactics in Song Lyrics Essay Example for Free
Analyzing the public debate and Persuasive Tactics in Song Lyrics EssayIntroduction Tupac Amaru Shakur also known as 2Pac or Makaveli was an American swathper. He is a successful recording artist in his genre of Rap, a successful film actor, and a social activist. He was recognized in Guiness Book of World Records as the highest-selling rap artist with over 75,000,000 albums sold worldwide, including over 50,000,000 in United States. Above all that achievement, his first album was entitled 2Pacalypse Now which was not successful and sold so few. The single entitled go along Ya orchestrate Up, was one of the different singles that was included in the Top 10 Billboard Singles which was on 1993. The single Keep Ya Head Up was one of the most played lines of 2Pac. The margin call centered on being able to fight violence and how to rise above abuse. 2Pac showed his compassionate side in this tune which paved way for a significance in womens attitude towards abuse. 2Pac has fo cused in this song the significance of hope and being able to pick up oneself after a hardship and abuse. dear like the other songs of 2Pac, the single Keep Ya Head Up also aimed at the problems of young sorry females, growing up, violence, and hardship in racism problems. He has emphasized the magnificence of keeping the foreland up and never giving up in pique the difficulties.Statement of Fact The song of 2Pac entitled Keep Ya Head Up has focused on being able to stand up after a fall and never lose hope. It is evident in the song that hope is a major ancestor in it, as seen in these stanzasBaby dont cry, you got to keep your head up yet when the road is hard, never break off up (youll be alright) Baby dont cry, you got to keep your head up even when the road is hard, never give up (youll be alright). 2Pac has even emphasized the reality in what has been happening in the real world which is said as, Now heres a story bout a woman with dreams so mental image perfect at thirteen, an ebony pouffe beneath the surface it was more than just a crooked smile nobody knew about her mysterious so it took a while I could see a tear fall down her downcast cheek sheddin quiet tears in the back seat so when she asked me.What would you do if it was you?. As wellhead in this lines, Couldnt answer such a horrible pain to live through I tried to trade places in the tragedy I couldnt picture three crazed niggaz grabbin me For just a moment I was trapped in the pain, Lord come and take me Four niggaz violated, they pursue and raped me Even though it wasnt me, could feel the grief Thinkin with your brains blown that would make the pain go No You got to find a way to survive cause they win when your soul dies. The significance of the overt oppression and abuse to women are seen in the society just given a bigger picture in this song.III. Argument 2Pacs song Keep Ya Head Up has open my mind to the importance of hope and never giving up in times of difficulties an d hardship which was more focused in womens abuse in this song that gives compassion to women in distress. Different from other songs of 2Pac which tackled on ghettos and racism, this song of hope has even risen from other 2Pacs singles. This song has been a chart topper in the Billboards in the year 1993 which was obvious that the audience and people are aware and has given interest in the song Keep Ya Head Up, and people can relate to such issue of today.definition of TermsYa other word for yourHope expectation and desire combinedKeep retain self-denialNiggaz African American or Black AmericansRefutation and Counterarguments The song Keep Ya Head Up was a very inspiring song of hope and never giving up but has some deficiencies in it in its delivery of words and using inappropriate language of referring to person like the ones mentioned in the song like nigga, niggaz, and wild-ass. These languages are not appropriate for children and teens that will be listening to it and may give way for improper conduct due to lack of education to the right words to be said. No question about the theme and purpose of the song but the point stressed is the courtesy of referring women in a decent and proper way. No word greater than the word woman, lady or girl, is expressible of.Conclusion 2Pacs purpose of the song Keep Ya Head Up, is greatly appreciated in spite of the words used. In memory of Tupac Amaru Shakur or 2Pac who passed away last September 13, 1996 due to a snap incident, his legacy will always be remembered and be always in our hearts as well as his songs left with us. In the single Keep Ya Head Up, 2Pacs compassion, hope, never giving up, and tint to womens welfare was evident and seen in this perspective. Together with Makavelis passing, was an honor of his achievements and continuous appreciation of his turn tail and talents in music and being a social activists in human rights.SourcesKeep Ya Head Up Lyrics.Vibe Magazine November 1996 Issue.Baltake, Joe. Tupac Taps Into Cultural Marvel, Sacramento Bee, November 14, 2003 P.TK26.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Bhopal Ethics Essay Example for Free
Bhopal Ethics EssayThe Bhopal mishandle leak was a terrible catastrophe in which thousands of helpless civilians were kil direct and hundreds of thousands were injured as they slept. Determining who was at fault and, consequently, who should compensate the victims and clean up the site are questions that have plagued the affected parties, my Rotman classmates and the world at large for over 25 years. The analysis to follow, in attempting to present the roles and responsibilities of distributively major p personateer, exit set up the incredible difficulty involved in assigning conclusive responsibility for the tragedy. This will be followed by my personal reflections on the resultant in which I present an additional culprit to those discussed in class. married couple Carbide Corporation (US) In seeking to assign responsibility for the incident, there are two clear opportunities to mention the finger at coalescency Carbide Corporation. Firstly, pressure from the corporate office to stop losses backed Union Carbide India into a corner that led to the cost-cutting proposal that ultimately findd the disaster.If, as Milton Friedman said, the social responsibility of a business line is to increase profits, thusly Union Carbide Corporation is under a purely fiduciary, and not a object lesson or ethical, responsibility to the companys shareholders and their decision to approve the cost-cutting plan seems appropriate. Friedmans view, however, is far from universally accepted. Many believe that corporations responsibilities to their shareholders, employees, customers and communities extend past fiduciary and enter the realms of ethics and CSR.These people will lay blame for the incident at Union Carbide Corporation for putting profits in front people. A countenance criticism often leveled at Union Carbide Corporation is the fact that their inspectors had visited the Bhopal plant a year before the incident and noted sixty-one safety issues. A grand tota l of zero of these recommendations had been implemented by the time of the incident. plot of ground responsibility for implementation certainly rests with Union Carbide India, the parent company cannot escape blameless as they bear responsibility for following up and ensuring their plants are meeting their own safety guidance.This remissness led to disaster. Union Carbide India Limited The Indian subsidiary of Union Carbides level of responsibility for the Bhopal tragedy is likewise difficult to determine. It clearly bears responsibility for non-functioning safety and emergency equipment that greatly exacerbated the scope of the tragedy. It is simply unsatisfactory that the cooling unit had been disabled for over one year. Union Carbide India also failed its responsibilities by hiring under-qualified and illiterate employees, and then failing to train them appropriately.These employees did not understand the dangers and worked in a world where minor leaks were commonplace and d amage instruments could not be trusted. As well, the subsidiary surely deserves blame for not correcting any of the safety violations set before the incident. Defendants of the Indian subsidiary, however, will remind their critics that cutting these corners were required to keep their plant open and preserves their jobs and important pesticides. Without pressure from their US parent to eliminate losses, they argue, such(prenominal)(prenominal) drastic measures would not have been necessary. here(predicate) again we see how easily complications arise when attempting to assign responsibility for ethical lapses. Government of India The government of India was the strongest power in bringing a Union Carbide plant to Bhopal as the prospect of jobs and much needed pesticides led to an offer Union Carbide could not refuse cheap labour, tax breaks, few workplace safety restrictions and a guaranteed market for 100% of their output. The Government of India, in addition to economic growth, also bears responsibility for the safety and offbeat of its citizens here, they failed to live up to their full mandate.Firstly, the decision to favour economic growth over safety was so-called ethically and ended up costing them dearly. Secondly, the Government neglected the densely-populated shanty town that had grown up near the plant on land deeded from local officials. Its residents were the first and main victims of the poisonous gas. Still, many will argue that a cost-benefit analysis made creating jobs and accessible pesticide for a poor and hungry region the square-toed priority.darn many were ultimately harmed by the leak, how many more had benefitted from the poverty-alleviating jobs and hunger-alleviating crops? Here again we find validated points and counter-points, leaving us no closer to assigning conclusive blame and responsibility for the tragedy. Dow Chemical While Dow certainly protected itself in the purchase agreement from a legal standpoint, there are thos e that give notice the proper ethical action is for Dow to assume responsibility for any outstanding clean up and compensation.While this may innately feel like the right thing to do, the counterpoint that Dow had nothing to do with the incident and should not be punished after paying fair market value for Union Carbide is also valid. Personal Reflection Analyzing the conduct of the major parties has not produced any conclusive allocation of responsibility. It is clear that each party deserves significant blame but no party deserves total blame.There is, however, an overlooked culprit that I believe deserves the bulk of the blame the expectations market that has hijacked the decision making of US corporations(1). Ever-increasing emphasis on the expectations market (stock prices) instead of the real market (products/services, relationships with customers and communities) has left businesses making short-term, profit-chasing decisions at the expense of their reputation, ethics and want-run viability. Approving cost cuts that jeopardized safety in Bhopal is just one of all too many such instances. This juxtaposition of ethics vs. eeting pecuniary expectations, however, is fatally flawed there are many examples where ethical decisions produce long term financial success (Tylenol and Maple Leaf Foods recalls, for example). Queens University took the ethical route vis a vis the Radler grant and the class poll revealed that only a very small percentage of us had heard of that incident. I believe that if Queens had taken the easier, unethical decision and never offered to return the donation, this story would have been much more widely publicized and Queens would have suffered in the long run.Moreover, there is no shortfall of examples where short-term unethical decisions destroy companies and make them miss their projections forever (Enron, Bre-X, Nortel, etc sadly this is a very long list indeed). In short, I disagree with Friedman and lay the bulk of Bhopal blame at the financial musical arrangement in which Union Carbide operated. Fear of getting hammered by the expectations market led to corporates threat to close the Bhopal plant which set off the chain reaction that ultimately ended in tragedy.Fear of incurring further losses after the tragedy than focused Union Carbides efforts on avoiding liability, rather than taking the ethical high-ground and assuming fair responsibility for compensation and clean up. Corporate forwarding of hypernorms such as integrity, compassion and responsibility will ultimately benefit all stakeholders and provide corporations with the digest financial rewards that accrue to those that are respected and well-liked by the real market (ie. onsumers and communities, not analysts and speculators). We need to guide in a new era where businesses chase solid reputations and community longevity instead of quarterly earnings expectations. The default corporate reaction to adversity must shift towards upholdin g these hypernorms, rather than hiding backside lawyers and waiting until the blame has been transferred elsewhere. Realizing that employing the ethical strategy does not compromise, but actually enhances long term financial viability is a crucial first step.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
LVMH †Fashion & Leather Goods Essay Example for Free
LVMH Fashion Leather Goods EssayLVMH, known as Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton, is a French conglomerate and the largest producer of lavishness goods in the world. LVMH was formed in 1987 with the merger of Moet et Chandon a champagne manufacturer, Hennessy a cognac manufacturer, and Louis Vuitton a mien house. The LVMH group is comprised over fin sectors Fashion Leather Goods, vino Spirits, Perfumes Cosmetics, Watches Jewelry, and Selective retailing. This external abridgment go out focus on the fashion and lash goods sector, which accounts for 30% of the phoners total revenue. Analytical Tools To grasp a better understanding of the fashion and welt goods industry, this analysis go away use the PESTEL and Michael Porters five forces methods to assess the external opportunities and threats. PESTEL is an effective analytical incision to determine the social and economical trends at a macro-level. Comprehending these factors can aid a company with its traffic strate gies and vision. Porters five forces is a great tool when rivalry is so intense. It defines the competitive persuasiveness and overall industry profitability. Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Loewe, Marc Jacobs, Donna K atomic number 18n, Celine, Thomas Pink, and Givenchy are few popular brands that form the fashion and leather goods sector of LVMH. These brands have a total of 1,280 stores worldwide.The development of our fashion and leather goods brands is based on three innate principles leading edge expertise, constantly cultivated creativity, and a search for excellence in distribution. (www.lvmh.com). With LVMHs study strategic priorities to continue developing Louis Vuitton, strengthening brand image, and projecting profitable growth of the other fashion brands, it is critical to understand the external factors that may affect them. Louis Vuitton had another year of double-digit revenue growth. The Fashion and leather goods showed an increase of 7% revenue in 2012. Louis Vuittons bra nd value has steadily increased since 2004 and has erode its competitors. (Refer to two graphs below). Currently, LVMH has 9.5% of the market share in the fashion and leather goods industry.* Luxury Goods * Louis Vuitton PESTEL Political Factor authorities does not play a large role in the fashion and leather industry. However, issues of policies and country regulations, such as customs, import VAT and consumption taxes can impact an industry. For example, country regulations such as the Lanham set that protects the sale of counterfeit merchandise. This Act prohibits infringement activities such as false advertising and trademark copying. sexual relation has passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Wilson Tariff Act, The Clayton Antitrust Act and the Robinson-Patman Act, along with various other regulations regarding unfair competition (IBISWorld, 2013, p. 36). In the US, the level of regulation is light and trends are steady.Economic FactorEconomic issues of late 2008 have light -emitting diode to what economists refer to as a recession. Despite the recession in the past five years, the IBISWorld estimates that there will be in annual increase in revenue of 1.2% to $9.2 one thousand thousand. As the economy rebounds during the next five years, industry revenue is forecast to grow at an even faster annualized rate of 4.6% to reach $11.5 billion by the end of 2018 (IBISWorld, 2013, p. 5). According to IBISWorld, per capita disposable in let is expected to increase in 2013. An increase in income normally increases consumers purchasing power this will create multiple opportunities for this industry. In 2010, the purchasing power has easily begun to rebound and sustained industry profits, estimating margins to account for 10.7% of revenue in 2013.With an improvement in economy and unemployment rates, genesis Y (born between 1980-1995) is expected to increase their purchasing power. Sales of luxury goods rely heavily on Asian markets. According to IBISWorld, C hina is now the fastest growing foreign market. With the economic growth of China, the list of disposable income is increasing which is causing an increase pack for luxury items. Nearly 25% of Louis Vuitton sales come from Asia. Sociocultural FactorLVMH has a wide range of consumers from different backgrounds. It is imperative that they are aware of religion, race, culture, and purchasing habits in every country. For instance, worldwide people are more dependent on the Internet, signifying that the methods of how people leverage goods are changing. With high rates of travel within US and abroad, there is a greater demand for luggage and leather accessories. Technological FactorTechnological advances in machinery and management software can assist in forecasting demand, managing inventory, and speed up production. There are many tools that industry participants use * Management information systems (MIS) and electronic data processing (EDP) * Consist of full range of retail, financ ial, and merchandising systems * PC-based point-of-sale (POS)* Equipped with barcode readers * Electronic barcode scanning systems Ecological Factor With an increase awareness of animal rigourousness and environmental issues, the luxury goods industry should be familiar with the ecological concerns. Ecological trends could influence consumers purchase decisions as well as the perception of the brand. Legal FactorAll fashion and leather goods industry will have to comply with rules and regulations. LVMH should be aware of laws that protect consumers, competitors, and corporations. For instance, comprehending labor laws and intellectual property laws.Threat of gateway The Asian luxury goods market has shown strong rates of growth in recent years. Chinese and Indian retailers are making growing fast, which increases the industries attractiveness to new entrants. Nevertheless, old frauds in this industry have the vantage of sustaining brand loyalty. New operators may find it difficul t to enter the industry, as these large corporations already compass a substantial portion of the market (IBISWorld, 2013, p.24). Power of SuppliersThe key providers in the luxury goods market are clothing manufacturers and wholesalers. Many companies are outsourcing to foreign manufacturers and increasing supplier options. Due to low-wage regions like China and India, supplier power has decreased by means of its competition. Power of BuyersThis industry has a wide range of buyers and each guest should be seen as an individual consumer, which weakens the buyer power. In fashion and leather goods, LVMH can differentiate themselves through the unique styles and exclusive products. Threat of SubstitutesThere are many substitutes for luxury goods, including counterfeit and homemade goods. However, luxury goods are so highly differential, and consumers with disposable income will make the investment. Rivalry Among Existing CompetitorsThe fashion and leather goods market is divided, cre ating room for many smaller players. While the industry shows high margins, LVMH has outperformed its competitors. As an older player with a highly differentiated product line, LVMH has a competitive advantage, setting it apart from competition.
Choices Essay Example for Free
Choices EssayThe lives of people have always been change numerous dilemmas. The choices that we make some conviction in our lives could either make or break an separate. As a child, I have always dreamt of making it big in the world that I live in. In order to fulfill my dreams, I decided to pursue a Masters Degree in t separatelying from the Cambridge College. Being given such opportunity would allow me to hone my craft and sh be my noesis with others. From the some(prenominal) examines that I have encountered in my life, being given the chance to live my life for the second time around was the most important. Unknown to many, I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with the said infirmity at the age of eighteen. Regardless of such trials, my determination to succeed in life was never tarnished. I wanted to prove something to myself that I had what it takes to be someone in society regardless of all the impediments that came my way. breeding is an essential part of my gr owth, some(prenominal) as an individual and as a professional. In order to be successful, I have to personify the distinct techniques taught in school. Furthermore, I may also incorporate my individualized thoughts and experiences in assay to make things lean.Such actions would non only focus on the theoretical aspects of learning, alone also in the application process. Then I could definitely say that I am sufficient fully comprehend everything that have been inculcated in me by the school and my personal experiences. Aside from acquiring a Masters Degree, I still have numerous goals in mind. I want to experience imparting with young minority men, especially those who were in middle school. This was in support of my desire to work within the public school system. I wanted to be of assistance to students, especially those who were of low accessible and economic statuses.This drive may also be attributed to the fact that studies have been conducted showing that young down cast male students normally lose interest in going to school when they reach the sixth grade. Thus, the fate of children dropping out from school increases each year. Furthermore, I have made advanced researches stating that the students of Richmond County are giving the teachers difficulty in keeping them in school. Motivation amongst teachers to the students was relatively difficult, for barriers have already been by the students. The situation is alarming for both the state and the educational system that the schools offer.This then leads to the difficulty of students in trying to overcome the challenges that come their way. They are emotionally battered, and are in search of people whom they can wedge to, such as guidance counselors. Although difficult, I would give care to be part of the lives of these children. Equipped with the necessary knowledge and training, I may impart to these students pertinent information that may inspire them to become successful in their lives. I hope that my little words of wisdom would also serve as tools that would help them stand their lifetime.I believe that I have what it takes to be accepted in your institution. My experiences were focused on the family relationship of people with each other. The counseling experiences I had were very helpful, for I witnessed how it was to deal with pregnant teenagers. This stage of their lives was a very crucial one, for several ideas and emotions are heightened. Sometimes, they would pity themselves for what happened, or worse, attempt suicide. I may be able to utilize my social counseling experiences and adopt them to some of the techniques I can use in counseling students in the educational field.This may sound easy, but it would also entail hard work and determination from my end. My dreams do not end after acquiring my course from your institution. I would utilize my degree in working within the school system in order to facilitate an outreach program for both the students a nd the parents. The school districts within our area are also in the initial stage of discussing the requirements deemed by the students, as mentioned earlier. School counselors would be required by the Superintendent for each school, and this would come to my advantage for I may have my degree by that time.Furthermore, I also intend to teach college level courses. Learning is a continuous process that also helps people to improve their craft. Having a Masters Degree would not hinder me from moving forward. One of my goals is to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Counseling. The degree would be beneficial in my growth as a counselor, for my scope of knowledge would be enhanced further. In addition to this, the courses offered would allow me to learn new approaches that I may use towards students. Although my quest for knowledge is unstoppable, I believe that there are certain things that I should still care about.I am like any other applicant the only difference seen was the fact that I am more inclined in fulfilling my goals in life. Working and being exposed to different kinds of people help me to decipher the different approaches that should be used on people. The knowledge acquired from the institution would come as an advantage, for the personalities of people have been canvas and researched by people who specialize in the said field. I, too, am guilty of wanting to improve each action made, especially when it comes to counseling students.I know that being accepted in your institution requires a big deal of commitment from the students. The training would be demanding and challenging, yet ultimately rewarding. The little mistakes that are oft committed would be given much importance, and improvements would definitely be visible. I aim to learn and grow, both as an individual and as a professional. I know that this institution would bring me a tempo closer to my dreams and aspirations. The choice I made was evident your institution would help me be the best individual that I can be.
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